Hottest chick in a superhero movie?

Hottest chick in a superhero movie?

it looks like if she spreads her legs, her suit will get stuck between her cuntflaps

what a shitty design

The sex scene was her best performance
But she's just a bad actress.

she just screams im a bitch


literally, buckets.

Olivia Thirlby in Dredd 3D

She's a slut


You will love that chicken, user.

Thought her mom was hotter

I've never wanted a woman more than her in the jazz club dance scene.

The Thicc girl from Avengers II and Civil War.

Batman returns Cat Woman

no contest

Natalie Herschlag in Léon


hands down

mind you she went downhill from here

came hear to this. Thanks


Op said chic, not fridge.

Both of you may rest easy tonight, knowing that you have patrician taste.

Good taste
Famke Janssen in X-Men too

is leading

Step aside kids

>Sky High 2, no director attached

I hope MEW comes back

Can we all agree Melissa Benoist is the cutest chick in a superhero movie or show?

By far. With the best thighs too.

shes pretty ugly though

>best thighs

THIS. Not the cutest overall though.

Muh dick

Y'all have shit taste.

>Coal burner

Good taste.

>can almost see vulva



I think the show is 0/10 but yes.

Would marry instantly.


Is dat sum classic danno?



She will always be the hottest


good work



Not even the hottest chick in that superhero movie.

best girl
best show
best thighs
best pantyhose
best costume
best hair
best smile
want to protect

agree on almost all of those

costume could be improved tho. for example, it could be the one in your pic

>best show
nigga u dum

>best show

she's cute and stuff but i watched one episode of this shit and it looked like an episode of power rangers

There is only one way to solve this: Miss Jupiter, Pfeiffer Catwoman, and the various Supergirls must face-off in a winner-take-all battle of wits, fitness, and will.
In chocolate pudding.

lmao xD

Can't believe no one mentioned Elizabeth Olsen yet desu

>Neanderthal girl


She's weird looking.

shut up she's literally perfect

youre nigger looking

Happy international womens day...

If they're meant to be public figures why aren't they dressing conservatively? They're super heroes not porn stars.

More like worst actress in a superhero movie

Don't know about the hottest chick, but that's certainly the hottest costume. Unf

>Ellen Page will never rape you


Fuck that ending

I like almost every choice in this thread actually.

>That jewtube video of Malin kissing Carla Gugino

I even liked The One with Jet Li because it had Gugino and it was a dumb fun movie.

The main character is such a faggot for turning down this girl who was obviously just begging for his cock.

Step aside, plebs.

They went into the whole "sex sells" aspect of the Silk Spectre costumes pretty extensively in the comic.

What's going on Aunt Dia-mMay?

Is Sky High one of the most underrated superhero movies ever?


Wait MEW was in that shit?
Fuck now I gotta rewatch it.

that's when i fell in love with her desu

that exact scene

>Wait MEW was in that shit?
Not just in it, she's one of the main characters.



I can't read so I don't read comics

Literally any other answer than this is completely wrong.

I forgot she was Royal Pain, no wonder I thought she was hot back in the day.

Not just any main character, the sexy villain who wants to turn everyone into babies and be their mommy.

Carla Gugino is the ultimate milf. Hard not to get a huge boner when watching her just breath.
She was awesome in SIn City and those crap episodes of Californication.

>she's naked

I liked her more in Punisher and Austin Powers.

Has Bruce Campbell too

Get on my level, faggots.

comedian has good taste

>those thong scenes in Sin City
muh fucking dick

And they played the same character. That's right, MEW is a tranny.


I ate her out once


>Malin kissing Carla Gugino
>they played mother and daughter

That's capeshit? Shiet I should watch that one day.

Yes he does

I like Eva Green in Sin City Dame to Kill For even if it's a meh movie. Does 300 Rise of An Empire count too?

She let me piss on her once.


Somehow a better movie than any Superman movies too.

fucking nice. Even her voice gets me going.

kys my man otherwise good movie.

Prime Jennifer has no competition either.


that shopped hair color ruins it for me.

best part about that costume were the nipples, ala schumacher's batman

I've never understood why bushy eyebrows are so attractive to me

Fun Fact about Kick-Ass: On the first day of filming Nic Cage decided to do an Adam West impression and no one had the balls to tell him not to so he just kept it up.