We come up with episodes for the Gilmore Girls reboot

We come up with episodes for the Gilmore Girls reboot

after covering Obama's presidency for the past few years, Rory uncovers a pedophile network in the Clinton foundation, forcing her to fight against everything she believed in
On the run, she returns to Stars Hallow to lay low and meets and old friend and security consultant of Richard's past

a parody of "udder Insanity"

lesbian Paris pls

on the midst of a quarter life crisis, rory decides to "live it up" as she never has before, drives drunk and runs over a homeless man. Hilarity ensues as her and loreli try to dispose of the body on the night of a big dinner at the dragon fly in

B plot, Kirk tries to build a puzzle

this thread is off to a good start

an influx of refugees come to stars hallow, bringing with them the first crime wave in the towns history. Emily accidentally shoots one that she thinks was going to rob her, resulting in a divide amongst the townsfolk
this story will be contained to one episode, after its over the town and story will go back to normal and its never spoken off again

90% of being total shit
10% of redeeming the series since the last two seasons were total shit.

Paris and Doyle going through the miracle of childbirth

Bunheads crossover.


Rory rubs her nipples against Paris'

Richard comes back as a vampire

Gilmore Girls meets black comedy

I like it

Mother, daughter! Double Badge-in-all!

Lorelai and Rory finally realize they are in love with each other, dump the men in their life and begin a torrid incestuous affair

Later on Paris joins in for a threesome

>B plot, Kirk tries to build a puzzle


>richard is still dead
>im still here

rory decides to become a combat journalist and covers the fighting with ISIS (and later Russia), capturing the boots on the ground fighting, while still talking really fast and quirky to the grizzled PTSD riddled soldiers

>Lorelai discovers Tinder and introduces the town to it. The rest of the town then proceeds to make fake profiles to mock Taylor. Rory matches with a newfound chad at the train station, and spends the rest of the episode rationalizing him with a pro-con list and some mental gymnastics. Guest starring Marty as someone Rory swipes left on.

B Plot: Emily accidentally runs over a black guy at a trump rally because she's a senior citizen and lost. lulz to be had when she starts riots in Bridgeport

I could see this happening
yes plox

Rory, Lorelei, emily and Paris kidnap Jess, Dean and logan and tie them up in the gilmore house to help rory find a suitable husband. they take turns sexually abusing and tormenting the boys to see who can take it and will be worthy of Rory's love

Can Madelyn and Louise please be involved, and can Luke have to sodomize the men Rory rejects ?

also have them use the boys' mouths as toilets


Lorelei get ipad

Ep 1. Rory sits on my face while Lorelai's plump ass bounces on my disk. They're making out. Paris is off to the side fingering herself with one hand and using the other to hold her massive tit up as she sucks on it.

don't remind me of this perfect show pls

best ITT

Lorelei and Rory hide their gardener in their basement so he doesn't get taken to a Trump concentration camp but he dies of disentery and they find out two days later and now they have to dispose the body, clean the basement and avoid telling the truth to his family.

Emily refuses to hire someone to help her with theThanksgiving dinner and she gets more tired than ever.

and she posts something on twitter that gets Stars Hollow into an uproar