Is Frasier, dare I say it, the ultimate 90's comfy kino?

Is Frasier, dare I say it, the ultimate 90's comfy kino?

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How long did "depressive Frasier" last?

also, any link where I can watch the episodes?

there is no better sitcom

Yes, definitely. Until the ultimate qt3.14 quirky waifu Daphne got married and turned into a snobby snarky bitch

>Mrs. Lawson, who as you know is ever the cunty shrew, was so baffled by the negro waiter engaging her in verbal communication that she took out her grandfathers plantation rifle and blew him away on the spot!
>My God Niles, was the man OK?
>Man? A Negro?
>*both brothers laugh*

The 90s were indeed a different time.

>What is Seinfeld

Frasier is still one of the best sitcoms of all time though and a perfect pleb filter

so is it like im such a big target that its just like a thing now?

Some episodes are on DailyMotion, the quality can be a bit questionable though.

Were Fraiser and Niles unfashionable or were suit jackets really that massive back then? I swear, half their suits go halfway down to their knees.

It was the style at the time

Power suits

Correct on both accounts

Daphne is best girl, and the show went downhill fast when they finally got together.


naw bruh, first couple seasons Roz is best girl

Thanks for the link user.

>ETA 1h 14m


I should have saved the smug daphne to reply to this post

Frasier loses his job at KACL in S05E24 "Sweet Dreams", hits rock bottom in S06E01 "Good Grief", and remains unemployed through S06E09 "Roz, a Loan" (KACL rehires everyone at the end of this episode).
If that's what you meant.

First couple of season are prime Daphne, she was absolutely stunning. Roz was a babe though, to be fair before she had her kid. Really though, I guess it's just a matter of taste. In saying that, Daphne will always be bestgirl to me.

He asked where to watch episodes, and I told him.

Ah, I thought that thinking that Daphne became a bitch after she got married was just me being stupid. It's remarkable how quickly she changed.

Still, I enjoyed Frasier until the end. What killed Frasier was when they separated Frasier and Niles. Niles with his married life and Frasier pursuing his own romantic interests. But then, every now and then they'd have a few chapters together and the show would become great again.

thats like if someone asked wheres a good place to go for elective surgery and you said ethiopia.

To me the weird thing is that in websites dedicated to tv shows they usually give Friends a lot more credit than Frasier. You'd think that people who get payed would at least know what the fuck they are talking about, but evidently those sites are written by plebs for plebs.

90s was terrible fuck off.

80's and 90's were golden age America, after 9/11 things took a nose dive and now it's 2016 and things fucking suck.

my sister watches the big bang theory. i personally would rather watch an elderly man be bathed. ...go figure.

>2016 and things fucking suck.

after watching frasier i want to wear sweet ass suits but i dont think i could pull it off

Exactly. The 80s and 90s were GOAT decades. Now everything sucks.

If Trump make make it so that we can have stand up comedies like RAW again without people screaming homophobia and calling for it to be banned, then I'll be happy.

Everything except the hope that this man gives.

Depends on your lifestyle

do psychiatrists really make a lot of money? is it worth doing it in the current year?

You have to know how to dress the occasion my man.

I agree, even after the show had the notable dip in quality, it was still pretty good. I think there's only one or two seasons near the end where it's actually knda bad, but then the last season was actually pretty good.

90s had plenty sitcoms that were quite good.
Seinfeld, Frasier, Married with Children, 3rd Rock from the Sun and NewsRadio were great comedies.
Everybody Loves Raymond, Mad About You and arguably The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air weren't as good but had their moments. I used to like The Drew Carey Show many years ago as well, but to be honest I haven't watched it in so long that I don't know how it was anymore.

id be more worried about radio personalities.

Yeah. I would understand it if they killed it in the ninth or tenth Season, it was starting to become a chore to watch (at least when you binge-watch it). But the last one was actually pretty good! Anyway, at least in ended on a high note, perhaps if they did 2 or 3 more Seasons it would've ended up at a moment when we all asked to put it out of its misery (like Scrubs).

OP here, I lived through the 90's but I actually like the current year the best so far. I do like 90's shows though fuckwit.

In medicine field it all depends on how good you are and how top-profile your customers are. If your customers are rich people you'll probably make a lot of money. If your circle is help groups in high schools then you'll barely make a life.

What exactly was it that made Frasier so much better than something like The Big Bang Theory? On the surface, they're extremely similar shows, but Frasier is so much more enjoyable to me.

>tfw literally watching Frasier right now

just watched the three Valentine's Day dates episode. The whole opening segment with Niles was perfect.

i want to do it but im afraid because i have a GED people wont take me seriously in the field

I unironically enjoy both shows.

heh.. they wont.

comfiest 90s show incoming

Season 10 is the worst. 11 isn't on par with the pre-Daphne/Niles era (mainly because of what said about the lack of brother storylines), but it does pick back up.
The worst episodes are "The Wizard And Roz" (S08E20), "Rooms With A Viw" (S10E08), "Trophy Girlfriend" (S10E15), and the absolute shit-tier skip-it-every-time embarassment "Roz And The Schnoz" (S05E21).

just tell them you spend everyday dealing with baneposters and pol.

I don't like the segment with Niles. It's like an Episode of Mr Bean or something.

reminder that this exists

also roz is slut, daphne is best girl

What about Freudian Sleep (S11E14)? That episode was just bizarre to me.

So you don't like humor. Got it.

Yes. That's it. I love the show Frasier and have seen every episode like 100 times, but I don't like humor.
Fucking retard.

are those the episodes where niles is in the hospital? because those are objectively the worst

Just because it was bizarre it means it was bad? Dreams are bizarre like they showed. I think it was a nice way of portraying their insecurities about where life was heading through their dreams.

Oh yeah. Forgot about that one. It is indeed bizarre and also not very good. My wife fucking hates it. Makes me skip it every time.

A glass of beer niles?

Yeah. Rooms With A View is the one with Niles' heart surgery. Awful saccharine dreck.

Not necessarily, but that episode was to me so un-'Frasieresque', it just felt like an obvious empty filler episode IMO.

It is a clock set in the stomach of what appears to be a bear.

Nothing is worse than "Roz And The Schnoz".
Absolute shit bottom-of-the-barrel lazy as fuck writing and humor. The writing staff should be ashamed of themselves for that one.

Yep. It feels like the writers were out sick or on strike and they brought in a couple of scabs to write it. You can always feel it when the writers are disconnected from established characters.

That's pretty much what I expected.

and it was in a good season too, so stupid



damn synchronicity or the logos is fucking real

its enough to make a nigga believe in something supernatural

Yep. Season 5. Also has one of the best episodes, "The Ski Lodge".


>Wait, wait, wait. Let me see if I've got this straight. All the lust coursing through this lodge tonight, all the hormones virtually ricocheting off the walls, and no one... was chasing me?

>Niles! Pleeease, acknowledge your true nature, stop chasing these lesbians!

This is, in all likelihood, *the* GOAT sitcom episode. I cannot imagine how it could be topped.

this episode is a lot more hilarious once you realize niles is actually gay irl

Frasier employed a wide range of humor and didn't need to dumb itself down for some of its less worldly audience members. TBBT employs largely pleb tier jokes and, on the few occasions it makes an even remotely clever joke or witticism it's immediately ruined by a subsequent "LOL NERDS AMIRITE GUIZ"

TL;DR: Frasier is for smart people and dumb people. TBBT is for dumb people who want to seem smart.

>this dude wrote 7 Frasier spin offs, each with more than 10 seasons

what the fuck, this is all more than a decades worth of TV he's written.

was it autism?

So who is best guy? Martin?

Martin's up there... but my favorite guy...
is Kenny

Without a doubt, Niles.


I'm dying....
Never again to revisit the scene of my boyhood in Surrey...
Romping with my school chums in the fens and spinneys...


>It's a 'Bulldog has feelings too' episode

Did anyone like it better when Niles and Daphne WEREN'T together? Felt like a better plot device or something, and then Niles wouldn't shut up about her even more.

Yup, it felt like an integral part of the show in its humour and the relation between the characters.

Niles was funny when he was pretending to be a straight man hitting on a lady

It was not so funny watching a gay man pretending to be in love with a woman

Instead of watching him goofily flirt like a spastic cliche stereotype of what gay people think straight people are like.. you just had this weird lame marriage

I don't think there was much chemistry between Leeves and Hyde-Pierce either as a couple tbph. He always held her like a wet plastic bag, and without taking into account that he's gay IRL, I didn't find the relationship all that convincing.

Yeah that stuck out. I feel for the guy because he's funny but it was like he was repulsed by her. Maybe he was.

Anyway it all went to shit once she met that jew lawyer and her family became characters. But everything prior to that is kino.


Just don't work in a field then, get an office like other psychiatrists

Yeah, I agree. Though there may be points of the show to pick apart (like any show, really), it was pure TV-Kino.

Frasier is talking about a car park everyone thinks he's talking about him and Roz having sex
>Frasier: Well, it wasn't my finest hour. Let's just say that I got in there, realized I made a mistake, and then tried like hell to get out! >Roz: [waving urgently] Frasier!
>Frasier: There was a lot of shouting, and then a line started to form behind me. Fortunately, my brother was with me for moral support, and, well, let's face it, somebody to talk to. You know, you'd be amazed how long twenty minutes can be when you're watching the clock. At least, in the end, I got out of there without paying the four dollars!

The bit with Frasier with the woman in the hotel is top tier comedy, and that's coming from a brit

Ham radio had me in stitches the first time I watched it

>The exact same joke
>done over and over 30 or 40 times in a ten minute span
>top tier comedy
>"this is coming from a brit"

This post is probably the funniest thing in thise whole thread

please let this become a meme

>"Please remain in the relaxation grotto??!!?"....Have crueler words ever been spoken?

Yes, luckily that is still most of the show. I think they realized they were running out of ideas when they finally did get together and let the show die gracefully.

>Now do you smell that Frasier?
>My what is that delightful odour? My senses are tingling. Is that a hint of shaved woodchips and lavender?
>My Frasier, I'll never forgive our parents for giving me our fathers sense of time and you our mothers sense of smell
>Oh don't worry Niles, I'm sure you have other skills
>Why as a matter of fact I do, for there is one scent you did not pick up!
>Really? What is that? Let me have another try. Rose petals? Coriander? Orange peels?
>No, no, no, no!
>What is it Niles?

That first one was perfect, but this one I didn't even automatically read in their voices.

>50year old lawyers
>90s comfiest