Shouldn't he have learned a little about America before putting on the suit?

Shouldn't he have learned a little about America before putting on the suit?

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This is post Winter Soldier Cap, he had been blindly following the system only to find out he was just following the system not his people nor land.


Hiding in my basement trying to process the shock/shame/pain/disgust/horror/anger/sadness. Today I grieve. Tomorrow I organize. #notmypresident because I refuse to be represented by hate, ignorance, and fear. No matter what, #lovetrumpshate.

>Captain America
>Shits on America

friendly reminder that red skull did nothing wrong.


You fucking faggots didn't bitch when Obama lost the popular vote to Hillary in 2008

man, what happened

i used to think chris pratt was reddit and evans was Sup Forums but it's actually the opposite

Yeah it's time to kill Cap off.

>man, what happened
It's always been that way. Pratt's pretty fucking redpilled for a celebrity tbqh.

>wanting California to be the only state that votes
Celebrities are so stupid.

Any example of his redpillness?

Pratt is a practicing Christian, taught his kid to salute the flag, and has a gun collection.

>not even 1/6th of the population
>the only one that matters


Is this because he has a gay brother?

Trump's not even anti gay lmao

I remember hearing this before, in 2000, when Bush won. The electoral college is still there. When I saw people posting 'Trump's so dumb lol' comments, I thought Trump might win - when 'you're stoopid' is all you have, you have nothing - but now they're even repeating the nonsense they tried then. Once your candidate has conceded, the show is over unless you enjoy walking the streets late at night ranting to yourself. It turns out plenty of them do.

As a rule of thumb, any celebrity who does not speak up about politics is right-leaning.
If any of them actually voted for Trump, the entire industry and their connections would disown them instantly.

Evans probably feels that he can score some easy publicity points by "standing up for the people" when he represents Captain America.


But Mike "Adam and Eve or soon you won't breathe" Pence is.

good thing america literally isn't and never was a democracy

And then he used it to BTFO everyone

Didn't he also send out a mock apology in advance for saying anything offensive.



The dumpass is alienating the white audience and the families with kids.

Disney must really be glad about all the money he will lose them.


Let's pause to consider that fifty years ago that information would have confirmed nothing one way or the other, whereas now it's practically a bumper sticker. That's how fucked and cucked white America had become.

It'll take a big guy to clean out our Augean stables, but fortunately Trump is a big guy. For us.

>let's remove the electoral college so Hillary and other dems can bus illegals to their lax voter ID laws in dem controlled states

sounds good

>mfw most of 90s SNL is more woke than Chris Evans

Why can't celebrities just shut the fuck up when it comes to politics?

mind explaining to the class how them illegals get past the voting officials and commit voter fraud?

it will backfire anyways because whites will just become a huge voting block

Trump's willingness to say anything to win is identical to that of any other politician. I have no idea why his doing it is regarded as such a dreadful thing. It's like people expect their enemies to impede themselves in order to be nice to them? It's like they expect some kind of... affirmative... action?

who fucking cares. Vice Presidents do fuckol.

why do info wars dolts have a problem with people getting bused in to protests or votes and shit? its been common practice for decades. polling stations can be miles away and people without transport could find it difficult to get there.

so why are they so scared about people casting their vote?


Uh, when they say "bused in" they mean across states. Those people voting aren't registered there.

you mean libtard celebrities.


It'd be great if he said that. But he just supported conversion therapy, which never works. So big deal, he supports something that makes no difference, and that always results in great headlines for progressives when the founders of the companies eventually come out and say 'this shit is a meme, and I'm off to Castro Street'.

so they're just making it up then

fucking info wars


I'm surprised disney isn't clamping down on all these vocal liberals over at marvel out of fear that it'll fuck up it's box office revenue. Then again Trump called out disney for forcing their workers to train the h1-b people they bought over to replace them for 1/2 their salary so maybe they're still butthurt over that.

He still maintains this opinion and he stated in post victory interview that he would prefer a popular vote. Doesn't mean he's not gonna use the system to his own benefit, just like with taxes.

Because a lot of the protesters aren't even real fucking protesters, they're paid shills. They're also the ones who get violent and ruin local property

>be celebrity actor
>know that most young people (the target audience) lean left
>Trump is controversial, and generally considered ok to take shots at
>use your fame to make fun of him/support the opposing side on a social media account with millions of followers
>gain free publicity and become well-liked amongst the countless liberal movie-goers, increasing your overall popularity
Seems pretty logical to me.

Yep. A good guy, subtly.

>Vote is RIGGED
>electoral process works how it's supposed to

Relly makes u thnk

paid by the jews right

>fucking info wars

Democrat officials were on video bragging about it. And it wasn't from Info Wars.

With gerrymandering, who really cares where anyone votes? Representative democracy = shit is predetermined.
All you faggots waving your "MUH POLITICS" flag are literally just an even gayer iteration of console wars/Marvelfags vs DCucks.

Democrats gerrymander too.

Stop crying, bitch.

No, I mean all of them. Unless they're a talking head like Bill O'Reilly or Jon Stewart they need to keep their fucking mouths shut and not use their celebrity status as a podium because the fact is that they're not better informed than anyone else and pretending to be an authority based on your celeb status alone is irresponsible and so is egging on the protestors like that stupid fucking cunt Katy Perry. She has blood on her hands for saying shit like "START THE REVOLUTION!" while people in Portland were getting fucking shot. I hope she gets tit cancer and fucking dies.

He has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

>man, what happened
>i used to think chris pratt was reddit and evans was Sup Forums but it's actually the opposite
you found out being a racist is reddit-tier and being multicultural is the true redpill

how can a person be a website you fucking retard?

Way to prove the point, fucking dumbass Sup Forumsrefugee.
I'm reform party, like any true, proper American.

>posts bible verses on facebook and twitter
>bought his wife a gun and taught her how to shoot
>does a shitton of charity work, both monetary donations and dressing up and going to hospitals
>posted a massive pre-apology for saying """offensive""" stuff prior to JW press tour

Sorry but "le tinfoil hat" meme doesn't work anymore because we have wikileaks now. The msm colluded with clinton in the primaries and the general election, the protestors are paid agitators and the DNC screwed Bernie over. These are all facts.