This sounds so fucking good

This sounds so fucking good

Cute just KNOW billy corgan..

Based Billy

get the fuck off my board you sick freak

Hummer is one of those songs that just makes you smile every time you hear it.

Yes, one of the greatest albums of all time, and my favorite alt. rock album with BSSM, OK Computer and In Utero.

I made a dream with Mayonaise. Want to hear it?

its pretty okay

Shame Corgan is such a shit singer, or it'd probably be 10/10. Still a solid 8/10 for me as is though.

Mellon Collie is better

corgan+chamberlain+butch vig=best
Gish was awesome and then Siamese Dream blew me away.

the switch to flood on production was a bad choice. corgan getting even whinier/less rocking out and more trying to sound like gothy depeche mode-like (hence flood) and then making a double album of it was triple bad news and I quit following them.

>signs a 23 year contract at the age of 19

Mellon collies good but it aint better

>listens to loveless once

Memes aside, such a good album

Love this album and the remaster is even better seriously give it a listen


If you like SD, listen to Catherine Wheel's Chrome. Nearly as good, came out same year too.

I don't know anything about the "Smashing Pumpkins". But is the lead singer a white man?

First album I loved

Is this actually true? In the age of pointless remasters that do little but overly compress the original recording because loudness wars I'm skeptical. Also the original is already incredibly well produced so I'm wondering what could be improved

Those fucking guitar riffs,

is this the album that has the song, "the world is a vampire"?


are you talking about the whale wars theme song?

It's close, but Melon Collie is indeed better. More diverse, and it has higher highs. There are a couple of weakish tracks on Siamese Dream (Sweet Sweet, Spaceboy)

No. The song is Bullet with Butterfly Wings, and it's on Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.

They went back, took the original tapes and files, and touched them up a bit
Sounds clear as day

>Also the original is already incredibly well produced so I'm wondering what could be improved
Stick with the original. The box is worth getting for the other discs.