Is there a more pretentious musician? her newest album is an utter failure

is there a more pretentious musician? her newest album is an utter failure.

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>y-you're gonna tip r-right, Mr. user?


I mean she's from New York, and she's a jew and she went to Berkely.... It's kinda a perfect pretention storm. Don't hate the player, hate the fucking jews

Also that Russ guy I think talks more out of his ass considering he is kinda of a plant

she's a really good guitarist tbf

what was yfw you found out you had jewish ancestry


berklee college of music not UCB, idk which is more prestigious

it probably would look like

there's literally only ONE 34 of Annie. why is this?

Sorry for the typo, but still she's very full of her self. Listen to her talk in that Kate Bush BBC doc from 2014.

oh wow. another hater thread. dont you losers have something better to do? like having a job or a girlfriend or both like a normal person?


>tfw there is an alternate universe where Annie does m/s videos

>utter failure
>Her most successful album to date
What are you on user?

I honestly like Masseduction a lot more than her self-titled album.

ooh I wanna see that link me bitch

Oh shut up.

is she wearing a hat or is there a blue plate behind her head?

go away woman

Yeah and his name is Russ

imma post an actual talented and humble musician

I don't really feel any which way about annie, but it's hard to deny that she's a talented pop songwriter as well as a pretty good guitarist. I don't really like much of her music but I can appreciate the work that goes into it because I'm not autistic

She's an airhead, I listen to her talk and she doesn't say anything stimulating. Just hot air.

peaked with marry me, everything else has been 100% filler

>spends time posting on Sup Forums
>insinuates that anyone who spends time posting on Sup Forums is a loser

literally living the rock star fantasy

y'all are just jelly

lol Annie seems like the type to come to Sup Forums and brag about her awesome rockstar life making lame ass music only hacks like

fuck cara

this is awful

are you ill?

I liked the new album. I still think she could do better though. Especially with the new album having cowriters and coproducers. That was kind of disappointing to me since in an interview before the album came out she said she was producing it herself. I think she could do better herself.

lol she's always been a lying hag

I think she's pretty cool and I don't see any real reason to just outright hate her.


Russ/Tyler the Creator