Ywn see John take over the vocals with his twist and shout voice midway through helter skelter at a 1981 Beatles...

>ywn see John take over the vocals with his twist and shout voice midway through helter skelter at a 1981 Beatles reunion concert after paul’s voice gives out

>inb4 “time for tea and beat the wife”

time for tea and beat the wife

This is an SJW meme and it won't ever take John Lennon's place in history as a prolific songwriter. Pushing this stupid shit is a fruitless endeavor.

It also seems to be a largely unsubstantiated urban myth. Cynthia Lennon said he never laid a finger on her again after one incident when they were like 19.

Fuck. So sad.

>The Beatles probably would have reunited for Live Aid within five years if John hadn't been killed

>They walk on stage and Wembley fucking explodes
>Pick up their instruments and Paul plucks a few strings
>Crowd roars again

What song do they open with and what is the set list?

time for tea and beat the wife

All Those Years Ago then a set list of chronological beatles hits ending with Let It Be

sorry meant to say they were meant to cover george's song

>What song do they open with and what is the set list?

revolution 9
tomorrow never knows
julia but played backwards


What the fuck dude
I fucking need this now

Twist & Shout.

Does Sup Forums really still believe current Paul is the real Paul?

Nigga you retarded

>What is ageing

One might think so... but they'd be wrong

>3 years
>facial structure completely changed
>eye colors changed
>hair was clearly black before
Sometimes the simple explanation is the best one. However improbable.

definitely not

Faul >>>> Paul

The imitation can never surpass the original. But that's beside the point. The music industry has pulled the wool over our eyes time and again with stunts like these. Their deceptions are so egregious I'm almost sure they get a sick thrill out of them.

Open with Twist & Shout, go to I Saw Her Standing There, A Hard Day’s Night, Things We Said Today, Help!, Ticket to Ride..,,,

Well, that’s the first half. Not sure where to go from here.

Could John and George have transposed some of the orchestral stuff onto guitar?

Twist and Shout
I saw her standing there
Kansas City
A hard days night
This Boy
I feel fine
Day tripper
Paperback writer
And I love her
She said she said
Tomorrow never knows
Hello goodbye
I’m only sleeping
And your bird can sing
Got to get you into my life
Hey bulldog
Lady Madonna
You won’t see me
Getting better
Being for the benefit of mr kite
Sgt Pepper reprise
A Day in the life
Helter Skelter
Rocky raccoon
While my guitar gently weeps
Get back
Don’t let me down
Let it be
Hey Jude
Come together
Here comes the sun
Abbey Road medley to close the concert.
Yeah, they are a fuck load of songs but it’s not going to happen anyway.