Coworkers start talking about music

>coworkers start talking about music

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw I hear someone mention one of my favorite artists/bands

>coworkers start talking about video game music

>coworkers are all

video game music is fucking terrible when will this meme end?

>coworkers talking about Taylor Swift

>coworkers are all
what a terrifying thought

>coworkers say i have a weird music taste

>coworkers start talking

the only soundtrack I enjoy is Persona 5

>video game music is fucking terrible

>friends get aux chord for my car
>blast Pokemon theme over and over

>I love 21 pilots
>if it's a dude he's got glasses, quiff and wears flannel shirts, the human equivalent of a flat white
>if it's a girl they're fat, have red hair and wear a choker, and drink monster energy

without fail

>coworkers are talking about Bowie
>only know the singles
>someone mentions how they really like the song """ground control to major tom""" and that they are learning it on guitar but it's too hard

>so what kind of music are you into
yeah im into a lot of varied stuff, just tell me some of your favorites and i'll say if i know them

>oh yeah im really into arctic monkeys/stormzy/any EDM at all

immediate signal to steer the conversation and disengage

>talking to girl who says she's obsessed with bowie
>say i haven't checked much out but liked heroes and was gonna check out the rest of the berlin trilogy
>"omg no user you're doing it all wrong!! go listen to let's dance first and work your way through the classics"

honestly Let's Dance is one of my favorite Bowie albums (since you're dying to know, my favorites are Let's Dance, Station to Station, and TMWSTW). Let's Dance has no bad songs

If you're getting into Bowie, then I don't think Berlin trilogy is the place to start (although the three albums are really good). Furhtermore, if people say Low is their favorite album then I assume they are just saying that because that is usually what hipsters will claim as their favorite. Saying Ziggy Stardust is their favorite is probably the safest claim someone can make. The fact that she says Let's Dance leads me to believe that she really does like Bowie and is not just borrowing an opinion from the internet.

>assumes people are posturing every time they have a 'contrarian' preference

Low isn't the contrarian choice, it's just the choice that hipsters make

If they said Never Let Me Down or Tonight was their favorite album, then I would think they were a contrarian

I hate my coworkers so god damn much. The only one there I get along with is my friend.

Either way, is it not possible that somebody can authentically appreciate certain works more than others?

>coworker is a cutie who you can talk about music for hours with

I think Hunky Dory is easily Bowie's high point

It’s a good song and the solo in the full version is ebin

>girl i'm talking to asks me what kind of music i like
>she asks me if i like hoobastank

i'm not even that crazy about her desu

counterpoint: Ace Combat 5's ost

According to my co-workers, The Eagles are the best band in the world and Hotel California is the best song in the world.

>coworker sings the first verse of Smooth Criminal
>thinks the literal name of the song is Alien Ant Farm
>is black

possible but unlikely

most people cannot think for themselves

When you save us from it, user.

>lil peep dies
(theres no pic because on the inside i am reduced to nothing.)

Oh my god, fuck up

I work at a record store and I actually enjoy talking to my coworkers about music. They all probably lurk this board though

Everyone who is alive and has ever lived was your coworker if you think about it

>"so what kind of music do you listen?"
>this is the hardest question you've ever had to answer and by default you say "everything" just to push people away and have them not get close to you


>So what kind of music do you like?
>Just about everything... Except techno stuff

>coworker sugests you should check out his favorite band

coworker suggests you listen to some mUSic

>write music recommendation list on note and leave it in break room for a specific person who asked for recs
>hear the artists play on multiple worker's phones the next few weeks

>in car
>"hey do you listen t-"

>tell them you will
> a week later they ask you what you think of them

fuck meant to reply to


since when is ignorance trendy??


Absolutely true.
I met one girl, and she's fat, not a whale however, she does have red hair and drink a lot of energy drinks.
Choker doesn't apply.

just say what you've been listening to at the moment, are you autistic?

>qt coworker tells me about a song and insists I listen to it
>it's math rock

But low is genuinely my favourite. Station to station and Blackstar come joint second.
Hipsters ruin everything.