How will history remember him?

How will history remember him?


stop making threads you fucking mongoloids

it won't

Yes. He had a big fan base and a lot of hype surrounding his music. Him dying young will cement his status in musical history as a James Dean figure who could have done so much more but went way before his time.

Probably wont be remembered like Kurt Cobain or something. Kurt was actually really fucking famous. All these meme rappers are tweeting about him though, so he might get more exposure..

>but went way before his time.
the guy rapped about taking copious amounts of drugs. did you really expect him to live that long?

Another white boi btfo

XXXTentacion is next, nigger.

He'll be a significant cultural figure for 2010s hip-hop, no matter what his critical reception post-death is.

dubs confirm

its funny because hes the complete opposite of all of those things.

Personally? No, but I didn't expect him to go so early. I'd thought his worst case scenario was going at 24 and his best case scenario was joining the 27 club. 21 is super young, he was only 5 days younger than me. He was a fucking kid, dude.

>XXXTentacles is next

Nah Lil Pump and SmokePurrp is next if anything nigga.

people forgot capital steez already so he'll probably be forgotten

>thinks black people listens to XXXTentacion and not white people
lmaoing at your life

You all need to quit smelling your own farts.

I'm actually really wondering this to. With how quickly the soundcloud hip hop scene goes through artists, it's hard to stay relevant if you aren't consistently dropping music. I don't think Lil Peep released enough music and was generally well known enough to leave a significant legacy behind, which is really unfortunate. Although all of Sup Forums hated him, I felt like he had potential to do something incredible if he took his time. It's really a shame.

capital steez was so irrelevant. peep literally has millions more fans than steez did, across the entire world too. peep is huge in eastern europe/russia

They will make him overrated.


Agreed. Theres like 4 shitposting degenerate sympathizers on here right now trying to make this passing nobody relevant for the night