is this recent


Why isn't pablos head on the dog or in the photo somewhere?

I'm surprised his dog is healthy. Fat people usually overfeed their dogs too.

how long till he pulls a christopher on that dog

first thing I thought


the dog actually looks kinda fat, see pic related.


This man is like 90% stomach.

Nah, look at his snout all grey hairs
The dog is pretty old

Why does that fat cunt think this is funny?

What is this barbarism?

1 stone = 14 lbs

i don't think dogs actuely get grey hairs lol

>be greedy fat fuck
>own SAUSAGE dog

The memes write themselves don't they?

>sausage dog is a german breed
>germany has a culture of sausages

it's so dense

For what reason?

DAAAAMN chloe look like that?!

is this matt smith? confused. and drunk.

>too fat to fly

Fat "people" associate obesity with jolliness, sassiness, and culinary prowess.
Normal people associate obesity with greed, health problems, and a lack of self-respect.

now this makes me mad right here
poor dog could have gone to a skinny person