
Is Ezra Miller "our guy" ?

wtf i love ezra miller now

lets twist this into warner bros being evil


How? He offered to sign something else for the guy, just nothing marvel related. Don't be mad that marvel cucks just got rekt. Erza Miller is now /ourguy/

He certainly is


How long is Superman's arm supposed to be?

marvelcucks on suicide watch

A lot of western comic artists are horrible hacks.

like 20 photoshops long


Wow just holy fucking wow, that was rough. I could barely get through the video, I had to stop multiple times throughout the video to take brief moments to mentally collect my self. I was literally shaking. Absolutely pathetic ... beyond cringe. Ezra/ourguy/Miller is a total fucking savage.

ezra who?

>calling jim lee a hack
>posts the worst offender of art in modern times
>can't spot a photoshop
please consider suicide you dumb nigger


How will marvelfags ever recover from this?


He should have said "Pull out your dick. I'll sign that before I sign a Marvel comic"

He should have said "Get lost faggot, before i curb-stomp you"

Just sign it, Ezra. Come on man. Please. These guys won't let me go unless you sign it. Please.

he wish he can sign it but he will get fired

It' funny because it's true. Both Marvel and Warner have non-competition clauses in their contracts, and Warner seems way more strict about it than Marvel.