ITT: childhood favorites that REALLY don't hold up

ITT: childhood favorites that REALLY don't hold up

I mostly just watch Goosebumps for the qts. It really, really doesn't hold up.



Never change, Sup Forums

The devils trips

Do pedos actually do this? Apparently so. I thought autism was restricted to normies.

You have no idea what "pedo" means, nor what autism is.

ur a pedophile


>forgetting about our guy

In my memory this was like The Gladiator in the middle ages.
It's actually closer to Wild Wild West.


I bad recently rewarded this series. I think the effects really kill what could otherwise be good episodes and the show tends to cut out of scenes at the worst times.

That being said, a few episodes were genuinely good. Welcome to dead house is a good start to the whole thing and the one later episode about a delinquent going to a prep school was good too (forgot the name of it)


Holy fuck all those typos. I hate phones now.

I have literally paused things and come off my vpn and scrapped blood off my keyboard for this.

Son, are you talking shit about A Knight's Tale.?


>tfw girls nowadays look like sluts
where did young females go wrong

Somewhere in the 2000s something seriously screwed up. I sit here watching old movies from the 50s or 60s where young girls dress modest and then I step outside and see 12-13 years wearing shorts so far up it leaves nothing to the imagination.

Women didn't change, what we allowed them to do did

It's time to kill yourself.

re.ddit: goosebumps
Sup Forums: AYAOTD