Wtf is this

wtf is this

Bump i want to know too
Are those teeth?

wat move

channel 0 candle cove

that was my first thought but idk


Yup, he's made of teeth.

is he the tooth fairy?

a dentist's wet dream

What show? Is it good?

channel 0 but i haven't watched yet so¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's mediocre.

Its watchable but don't expect any horror past the first episode. The first ep is fairly creepy but its just a soap opera right now.
The finale is coming up. Here's hoping it actually ends on a creepy note.

>it's a screaming episode


Ive only watched first two eps. It's alright. The atmosphere is very mild, a slow-build up in contrast to the usual horror experience

some fakey shit that makes my skin itch

here, have some real shit that makes your skin itch

it's shit, that's what it is.

best creepypasta and they fuck it up.


ive watched the first 3 eps of channel zero and its so fucking boring. i never thought it was possible to edit a tv series like a fucking hipster yet here we are.

What the fuck is this? Explain


this is what annoyes me hense hipster editing, whenever anything interesting happens we quickly cut to a boring scene of a load of characters talking and not much else.


this guy has stuff that toenails are made from growing out of his body everywhere

Oldfags will remember this

Dude's keratin grows out of control. He eventually had surgery to remove all that excessive growth.

Basically he has to trim toenails everywhere you see that shit.

shut up faggot.

looks surprisingly real

It's exactly what you could expect when a television executive decides to adapt shit for television.
Monsters where once there were no monsters, because the television audience needs there to be a monster in order to know when they should be scared/creeped out.
Children dead/murdering people where once there were no body count, because the television audience needs a body count to process something is evil.

Granted, the series isn't as bad as what the internet churned up for further entries of the creepy pasta "It was Nazis all along!", because for the internet nerd things need Nazi experimentation in order for it to be spoopy, but it's very much mediocre and safe.

There are probably right ways to bring creepypasta to the small screen, but SyFy and the doctrine it follows is not that right way. SyFy was more interested in the "internet cred" and "Omgawd this am spooky" than it was the culture that spawns creepypasta in general.

This would be the tree man.

iirc, he's got a genetic condition that causes his body to be vulnerable to a virus in the HPV family which usually doesn't produce disease in humans. The virus causes his skin to produce keratinous lesions, and these lesions deposit keratin uncontrollably, leading to those growths. Keratin is the same stuff that your hair and fingernails are made out of, so in effect he's covered with mutated fingernails.

Because of the growths' erratic surface, they cannot be cleaned, and the tree man has also been infected with an opportunistic fungus which normally infects human toenails. You may have seen this fungus in action in people who have yellow opaque toenails. This fungus produces an odor like rotten cheese, so the tree man also smells terrible in addition to his physical deformities.

He's from Bangladesh or some shit, and he was too poor to get surgery for his condition. Until some doctor heard of his case and operated free of charge. Except then the growths started to reappear after a few months, so now the tree man requires 'pruning' every few years or else he grows out of control.

The only episode I remember from the show was this one immortal, who was basically an asshole. He was too lazy to learn to swordfight and shit, so he kept trying to explode Duncan with fucking booby traps. I guess if you walk up to rekt immortal and cut off their head it still works.

Anyway his plans fail and eventually he has to fight Duncan for real, and he's rather nonplussed about fighting a real swordsman when his only training was fucking movies.

The moral of the story is, if you're an immortal you better learn to fucking sword fight.

As real as all of the other tooth creatures in the world?


apparently the indonesian dude died this year :(

Will season 2 be Dead Bart?
