Why was the ending of this show so safe and boring

Why was the ending of this show so safe and boring

Why didn't they do something more bold like killing off Skyler or Jesse or Walter Jr

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Plot twists for the sake of plot twists is terrible. None of those people have a reason to die.

The last season was so fucking retarded it didn't even matter anymore.

Why go the safe and predictable route? Why not write an ending that has some bite to it?

>Why didn't they do something more bold like killing off Skyler
>A character that most people hated

>or Jesse
>A character that was supposed to die at the end of the first season anyway

>or Walter Jr
>The only purely good character on the show

I'd also argue that what actually ended up happening to these characters is more "bold" than a simple death scene. Skyler and Walt Jr.'s lives are ruined and their family is shattered. Sky is having to work a shit job and live in a shit apartment just to make ends meet. Her husband is a well known drug kingpin who is now dead, and she's left raising a baby on her own. Walt Jr. is going to have to go through life without a father, knowing his father lied to him, and with one of his last memories of his father being when he and Sky almost killed each other.

Jesse got the worst fate. He's almost certainly traumitized from his experience with Todd and his family. They killed the woman he loved and Brock right in front of him, then kept him prisoner in an outside hole in the ground.

How would killing any of these characters been more "bold" than what actually happened?

They only killed off the "bad guys" or the ones who deserved it. The ending is toothless and weak.

The only exception is Hank, but everybody saw that coming. He wasn't a civilian.

Face it. Your favorite show has a garbage tier happy Disney ending.

What if they killed Marie

what do you think todd was going to say at the end?

>hey mr white there's a_______

what did he mean by that?

Vince pussed out. He wanted to make Walt the villain from the beginning but then he just decided fuck it Walt is the hero. It didn't help that Hank died because that shit dome show.

Why was the last season of this show such absolute fucking garbage?

It was always dumb but at least the other seasons were kind of fun and entertaining.

Because the show actually ends with season 4. The writers strike was going on and they weren't sure if they would get to make a 5th season so they ended 4 the way they did with the death of gus and showing that Walt poisoned Brock.

Season 5A and the final season are cash grabs and because of the reasons I stated earlier is responsible for the half baked story to end the show. The definition of writing themselves into a corner, they shot him with a beard picking up the LMG before they had any idea who he would use it on, thats why the nazis feel forced.

There were a few setbacks that happened behind the scenes that happened that really set the show off course. Like the fact that one chick didn't know German when she said she did.

Probably because you have shit taste? Not even (You)-baiting, just letting you know because I get the feeling you think your opinion is at all justified. You're entitled to it, that's all you can claim


Best scene in the show, I was in tears

Imagine if the show ended with "I won".

>Hey Mr White, somebody put a gun in your trunk

>The writers strike was going on and they weren't sure if they would get to make a 5th

Writer's strike happened like 3 years earlier

There was some reason that they went on break after 4 I thought it was the writers strike.

>ending the show without having Hank find out about Walt

What the fuck? I wasn't too big on 5A myself but come on.

>this was an actual scene for an episode of an actual show on TV

Jesus christ

He just pointed out how everyone around Walter got fucked for life and you talk about happy ending?

Breaking Bad struggled to find any meaning throughout its first 3 seasons and then it devolved into a high octane thriller. It was fun, nothing more.

wtf did they really kill brock in the show? i thought they only shot the girl not brock its been a while

No I like that he found out but thats why season 4 ended with I won, not only did he kill gus but hank never found out. I love how they let hank find him in the first episode of 5A.

Were they aware of how retarded the show had gotten at that point and just hamming it up

They weren't actually being serious, were they? They were just fucking right?

*fucking around

It was the 50th episode of the show and Walt was at the height of fellating himself, I think they earned the right to do something ridiculous. We've had ridiculous music moments in seasons 2 (the mariachi ballad), 3 (Windy montage) and 4 (Gale singing Major Tom) anyways.

>>or Walter Jr
>>The only purely good character on the show
He saw his mum take out the knife but he acted like his dad started it.

That's why it had 3 possible endings. The last few episodes involved Walter making decisions he could have easily not made, mostly to show that he had different choices and the show could have ended in different ways. It was 3 endings in one.

That little side to side camera work at the end makes me so mad for some reason.

>Gale singing Major Tom

This was the only good one.

I agree with this, but at the same time would've liked to see those tragedies played out

>car shooting at us

Shit. You're right... they didn't kill Brock. I just looked it up. It has been a while, and for some reason I thought they took him out as well. It was just the girlfriend, though.

Marie was probably the least involved in what was going on and, again, I think what actually happened to her is more meaningful than a simple death scene would have been.

Not only is she a widow, but her husband was killed by her brother-in-law. Her relationship with Sky was already strained, as shown throughout the show, but there's no way it would recover from something like this. Her family is just as shattered as Sky's.

There was an interview where Gilligan said that he considered doing an ending where everyone but Walter is dead at the end. Apparently he felt this was too depressing, so he went with what he did instead.

I would've preferred his first idea.

>waaah it's too depressing
>let's write a Disney channel ending instead

what a fucking pussy

If they had gone with that ending, it could have been like a more brutal version of the ending to Godfather 2: Walt would have "won", but it would have cost him everything else. Seems fitting to me.

But why would they end up dead to begin with? What would a good reason have been?

With how volatile things had gotten, it wouldn't be hard to imagine a scenario where his family gets caught in the middle of a big shoot out, and he watches everyone he knows get killed.

I still don't understand why so many people liked this show. Boring shit.

I enjoyed it at the time but it really hasn't aged well desu. It already feels dated and it's only a few years old.

Or maybe my tastes have just matured. I don't know.

Its probably one of those things where a lot of the excitement comes from not knowing what's going to happen next. So rewatches aren't as good.

>Or maybe my tastes have just matured. I don't know.

>Start to feel interested in "quality TV"
>Catch up with Breaking Bad seasons 1- 3. Love it.
>Move on to The Wire and The Sopranos. Love them.
Then I kept watching Breaking Bad as it aired and while it had its moments I was always fainted underwhelmed by the show and thought it was outright bad by the last season, even though I really wanted to enjoy the show like I did in the early days.

I can't tell if the show got worse or if my standards were just raised by better shows and the show was always mediocre.

Breaking Bad seems like trash after watching Mad Men desu

Guess it depends on what you're used to. If you're used to watching (for example) CW shows then Breaking Bad will seem brilliant by comparison.

What does this mean?

It was breddy good if you forget about Walt's retarded LMG robot and that his plan somehow worked.

Trash is too strong. To me Breaking Bad was like the Nolan movie of televison. Well produced "entertainment" that flirts with superficially "deep" themes and uses a few more artsy techniques than your basic shit. It seems transcendental to viewers who are underexposed to better works, but there's nothing here that hasn't been done better elsewhere.

Breaking Bad is mediocre in terms of it being an artful character piece like Mad Men or The Sopranos, because the bottom line was always delivering "entertainment", to function as a thrilling rollercoaster ride. But if you judge it against other "entertainment" shows then it has a lot more going for it than its competition. I think Breaking Bad is a nicely made fun ride for the most part, it's just not "great" television.

Season 5 aired in two batches. Lots of people refer to them as 5A and 5B since they may as well be two different seasons because of the year between them each premiering

Okay that makes sense, I didn't know because I didn't watch the show till after it ended. I had the "why would I want to watch a show about Meth?" mentality