Young Pope

Where's my Young Pope people at? Just got done with 7 and 8. Needed to see if Sup Forums was still following the best show on television.

Where's the season going? What's 9 and 10 going to end with? Are we not going to see the clash with the Rome mayor play out? Is Lenny really a Saint?

Mind that hubris, Spencer.

also on the topic of Lenny being a Saint I like that there have been things like pic related which could easily be seen as divine punishment/intervention but it's just enough that it could also just be a coincidence.

Did Lenny killed sister coldwater ?

Her sins (and bad breath) killed her.

he merked her with prayer

Why didn't Dussolier just fuck that hot MILF in Rome if he was already breaking his vows? He got what he deserved for passing that up imo

Dussolier was a fucking heretic he got what he deserved

For ep9 and 10 I think Lenny will find his parents somehow but I don't know since there is a season 2

another season next year maybe?

He was already out of sorts and guilt ridden about the kid, him getting discovered by the Narco probably gave him a sense of relief honestly, especially when the guy was like "if you had just stuck with your vows and convictions I wouldn't be capping your ass right now".

I'm on fourth episode and I feel like this show is trying too hard with all the edge.

That's the power of Jude Law, he is a stage actor. The small bits like normal dialogue and stuff come off edgy, but the big performances by him, like the homily are just god tier desu.

As a edgy non-practicant degenerate tranny lover PUA sedevecantist I love this show. Would a real Pope as Pius XIII appear, and I would stop being a sinful fag and become a fellow edgelord.


Yeah he was probably at peace to go.

Best thing about this show is that touching such a divisive subject as religion and catholicism is, I don't feel like the guy is pushing any agenda. He's just doing a good, entertaining, beautiful show.

if you didn't think lustful thoughts when her shirt hikes up showing those glistening marble white legs you are either gay or a true man of God.

I had lustful thoughts, BUT I went to confession afterwards.
>TFW I'm a degenerate and I'm just roleplyaing rn

>Tfw you have had sex with a narco's wife, a hot young guy, and a rich boy tries to rape you in a car in front of Vatican entrance.

Looks like I found a new fetish.

That last episode was fucking terrible though. I thought this was supposed to be about bringing the conservative wrath of the Old Testament God down upon the modern era...What the fuck was that speech then? Why the fuck did they do that with the score? It was incredibly cringe. I fucking turned it off.

i still don't know if the excessive pope shilling is a joke or if it's genuinely good

>I thought this was supposed to be about bringing the conservative wrath of the Old Testament God down upon the modern era.

Are you one of those guys that keeps posting DEUS VULT in these threads?

p-pls post porn that resembles this..

Holy fuck the music selection is trash.
>God is peace
>And peace is God
>give me peace
>And I'll give you God

>shitty acoustic cover of Beyonce's "Halo" swells as everyone smiles and angelic nostalgic imagery
>Pope then reveals his face to the press for the first time, none of them take photos but instead just smile

This show builds up this premise that he has divine insight and all of his cunning is deliberate, but then has him on his hands and knees in front of his old teacher, taking cues from his snide press manager. I don't even fucking know if this show knows what it's doing at this point.
I feel as if they lured us in with this megalomaniac pretense, just to cure it with some feel-good Catholic propaganda about loving thy neighbor aimed at middle America. I hope to fucking God I'm wrong and he's not a fucking daddy issues having idiot like they're making him out to be.

Might be the last time I take a rec from Sup Forums.

are you ?

I agree partially but I think it's one of those stories where you won't know where it's going until later. It seems equally possible that 1) Lenny is a naive idiot and 2) he is a scheming master. Which is what's interesting. Isn't that what God himself is?

yes he is