Beast and the beauty
what the fuck happened?

Looks alright. Apart from Watson, I mean.

I don't even wanna hate on her, but she is a horrible cast for bell. Way too small and too pedo baiting.

Are these Disney remakes proving financially successful?
CGI looks shit.
Set design is pretty cool.
Looks like an exact retelling of the story but live action.

Nothing to see here unless you're being dragged along by a date.

Pretty shitty trailer. No tension at all.

Probably will be a shitty movie too considering Emma Watson really can't act.

>Now the next step of degeneracy is promoting bestiality
Be on the lookout for humanxbeast media pushing.

Wait, Beast isn't gonna turn out to be a Nigger is he?

Try actually looking up the cast.

Looked it up. It's not a Nigger. It's Dan Stevens. Only saw him in The Guest but he was pretty good.

I had such a crush on Beast when I was little that I cried when he turned into a regular guy at the end, I didn't get why that was supposed to be a good thing

>not having Patton Oswald as Lefou

Patton Oswalt please go

I want the beast to fuck me

But he just looks just like that short fuck

lol wtf is wrong with white women

did you ever your dog?

beast will be a black man when he transforms back into a human

cap this post

ignoring the fact that you're a nigger

You misunderstand. It's better that he's a monster than a white or a black man. Legions of white gays go exclusively to furry porn because of this effect.

> why are there all these Jews and Blacks in my porn
> ah, lizardmen, that's better

Kinda weird that Belle looks like a kid.

speak for yourself stop being a jealous prick

Beast was always cuter as a monster.

Also more handsome.


in this version is emma watson supposed to be beast?

Are you, by any chance, canadian?

I think the idea was they wanted Beast's face to still resemble how he looked before, and to better convey the actor's mocap. Doesn't really work as intended imo. They should have gone all out and made him look monstrous, with exaggerated details.

men are so fucked in the head.

they would be accused of promoting beastiality and the furry agenda if they did.

Author was a woman.

>implying the original was any good

One of my least favorite Disney movies. Not excited for this one at all.

>Way too small and too pedo baiting.
That's the new aesthetic, duh. The big boned European look is out.

furries are 98% male tho, this stuff tends to be for the men like those dino erotica novels

>One of my least favorite Disney movies. Not excited for this one at all.

Well yeah it should be, unless you're a girl.

Hon hon hon
Why are half of them doing french accents and the other half not bothering

I am :^)

They also made him one of the ugliest Disney males after tansformation.

There's a reason The Lion King, Mulan and The Little Mermaid are already greenlit

>tfw you will never get any hot beastly action

why live ;_;

Beauty isn't enough of a beauty. Beast isn't enough of a beast.

Movie should be called Not Much Beauty or Beast.

so hes a vampire now?

You don't really understand, we're talking about a canadian bestseller.

Not erotica furry fanfic


it works if you think of the potter girl as the beast OP

its always the canadians and their big beary love.

This is Disney's insurance against the capeshit bubble bursting

they are making a real life lion king next. they need to stop this madness.

>don't be afraid
>i'm not afraid

And Aladdin by Guy Ritchie.

No joking.

>Aladdin by Guy Ritchie

will no one END THIS MADNESS?!

is aladdin gonna be some cheeky cunt cockney now?!

Oh god, they will rape the little mermaid so badly, I hope I will be dead until the movie is released.

They had already hired Chloe Moretz to play Ariel but then thankfully she accidentally her whole career


Will it be like Snatch in Agrabah?


dunno i dont watch that cheeky cunts films, i saw revolver and wanted to bleach my brain.

>Jafar: Do you know what a nemesis is?

>emma watson

No, that would be Star Wars

I bet they are going for harambe now and you would wish that Chloe thing back.

The Star Wars meme is already dying

Rogue One: A Star Wars Flop will be the first nail in the coffin

Nice full house

the special effects in the cartoon looked more realistic.

Beast always looked stronger, more robust, a more passionate lover, a better protector, etc. when he was a humanoid monster instead of a human. All of those things just made him more appealing as a monster to me; idk if that's right or wrong or anything, but there you go.


the CGI is so fucking bad just look at that teapot its giving me an aneurysm