How did Highlander get to be a classic?

I've just seen it. It's awful.

Okay, Scotland looks nice, and Sean Connery comes close to rescuing the film in his brief appearance as the Exposition Fairy; but seriously, I haven't seen anything so scrappily directed in months.

They must have been starved of fantasy back in the mid-eighties; they'd have accepted anything in focus and threaded correctly in the projector.

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a few points:

1. Queen soundtrack

2. the plot has an excellent premise

3. pretty gud special effects and fight scenes for the time

4. flappy trenchcoat man with katana for the first time in movie history
I actually think the TV series was the best part of the franchise, though it suffered from the 1990's "no one watches serialized drama so it has to be episodic" syndrome.
I think the basic premise is strong enough to warrant a remake. If done today with longer plot arcs and a bigger budget it could make for some great fucking TV.

pretty much this. queen soundtrack was on point. who wants to live forever is a beautiful song.

I can't persuade you to like it... But I have something to say: it's better to BURN OUT, than to fade away!!

If there's one franchise that needs a reboot, it's Highlander

>I actually think the TV series was the best part of the franchise
Methos was a god tier character.

The entire series is available on Youtube last I checked

If you didn't like the first Highlander then I don't blame you. Most people genuinely don't. You have it confused I believe. It's the sequels everyone loves. Give those a shot then report back.

>Oldest immortal
>Hired by the Watchers to do research on himself

Always cracked me up

Kill yourself you 90's born piece of shit.

The director was a director of music videos, and it shows... in that a lot of the movie plays out like a fantasy-themed Queen music video.

Which is great.

I like it as a fun, campy cult movie. Also agree with the user: the sequels might be more up your alley. Check 'em out!

There's just something quaint about the campiness of films from the 80s that make them so comfy to watch.

>Highlander II
>It's the sequels everyone loves
What the fuck am I reading right now?

by having a great soundtrack and an excellent villain

I don't get how it's badly directed; the crane shot in the opening panning from the arena to the ring to Connor is great imo.

I respect your opinion but for me this movie hits all the sweet spots and it's a personal favorite.



Highlander is meant to be off-the-wall insanity fun with its hokey plot. Who the fuck doesn't love Mr. Crabby Patties as the Kurgan?

Too bad the sequels ruined it. I do concede the TV series is great and loved Connor guest-starring.

Highlander is one of my fav films but I've never seen anything else from the franchise. Having read all about how they're crap and ruin the franchise I've tried to stay away from them in order to preserve my positive impression.

What does the TV show do better than the other movies, and can I watch it without messing with my experience of the first one?

>What does the TV show do better than the other movies, and can I watch it without messing with my experience of the first one?
They really flesh-out the greater world of the Immortals and The Game. And the series enhances your enjoyment of the original film since Christopher Lambert guest-stars here and there. The show is about Duncan McLeod a distant relative of Connor whose also an Immortal. Connor trained Duncan in the ways of an Immortal and traveled the world together for decades until they parted separate ways. It's a great show despite being dated by its 90's writing.

TV is just more of the same.
Does your dick get hard watching guys whip out swords in the middle of the city? Watch it.
Want to enjoy comfy grey skies in Canada and Paris? Watch it.
Want to watch an MacLeod fight Satan? ...fucking television dramas.

So it takes place before the first film? I don't think I'll mind 90s writing, I like Xena and stuff.

>not having taste

sorry it wasn't 'artsy' in the sterilized, grey/blue tinted, cgi'd form you recognize as well produced

The soundtrack, Clancy Brown, Chris Lambert, the undeniable 80s of it all. Katanas and trenchcoats when they were cool.

It has unique little wtf moments like backflips guy.

There's also some pretty cool deleted scenes, like Connor in World War II.

I enjoy the Rifftrax though, it's certainly a product of the 80s.

It takes place after in the early to mid-90's. But there's a lot of flashbacks to the previous centuries of Duncan's and Conner's lives.

I was fucking floored that they actually filmed it in Paris. Only Young Indiana Jones seemed to film on location as well.

Seen this movie so many times I can quote the entire church scene from memory

It's a movie which begins with a monologue in Sean Connery's voice, moves on to a theme by Queen while a pro wrestling match takes place, with our hero having flashbacks of medieval Scotland.

I can't fathom how people would dislike such a perfect storm.

I feel bad because I never watched the whole thing

>went to at the time gfs house after work and stuff
>she says we should watch Highlander
>sure never did see it
>super tired
>laying on her lap
>There Can be Only One!
>pass right out
>wake up
>There Can be Only One!
>I slept through a whole goddamn movie for the first time in my life

>macleod fight satan

From the dawn of time we came...

who wants to live forever? WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER?

Highlander TV series reboot would be fucking awesome.


it's not a great movie, but it has an interesting central premise and the kurgan steals every scene he's in. it makes you want to know more, unfortunately everything that came after ranges from pretty ok to gorillashit terrible. makes the original look better by comparison

Dude had to fight the embodiment of all evil for the last two seasons, because why not?

>medieval scottish highlander fighting other historic immortals in single combat with a fucking katana on a parking lot in 1980s new york
>they can only die when their head is chopped off and when it happens fucking lighting strikes everywhere

today you take it for granted, but back when it was released it was something unheard of, and it's still cool today

you fucking millennial faggot