Why is black male / white female relationships being pushed so much harder than white male / black female relationships...

Why is black male / white female relationships being pushed so much harder than white male / black female relationships in movies?

I'm not racist, just genuinely curious

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Females are easily brainwashed.

Name 21.5 (twenty one and a half) films that do this


It's seen as kinkier by white guys, as a white man going after a black female is subconciously viewed as taming.

Because nobody wants to date a black woman

Pushed isn't the right word. Acknowledged would be more appropriate.

Mostly this

Black men are considered desirable in western society because of the "larger dick" meme. Meanwhile absolutely no one wants to date black. You look at the charts for dating sites and they want to get with anyone, but nobody wants them.

Honestly I pity them. I can sympathize because as an out-of-work man my own chances of getting a reply on a dating site are effectively zero. The strongest correlation for female responses, even above race, is income.

Because the former is more common

Mere ((((((coincidence))))))


Th fact you have to say you're "not racist" on a board known for its racism tells me you are in fact racist.

not just dicks but physical fitness

Nobody's racist here, bro.

what am I looking at

White men have self respect, something lacking in white women.

The coincidence

Most of these feature a black woman.

Speak for yourself faggot


there is literally nothing wrong with racemixing

If you date a black woman, as a white man, chances are her brothers/uncles/father will come to your house and fuck you up.

Why isn't Neo Ned Sup Forums favorite movie?

She was Italian. Doesn't count

Oh fugg I'm colorblind :DDDDDD

I saw trailers for two movies recently that had a WM/BF pairing - Loving and Live by Night

>gets to my house
>needs to avoid traps
>indoor traps
>finally needs to get past my gun

Who exactly is getting fucked up here?

Don't your traps get cold outside? How do you keep them from running away?

They can't survive out in the real world so they stay

How many traps have you got? Do you keep the ones with feminine penis indoor?

Because one makes white males look powerful and the other doesn't.

Oy vey, I wonder why.

and their smaller brain size. white women can easily control dimiwitted men.

Because you're a little dick white boi

Supply and demand.
Men on average like feminine women.
Women on average like masculine women.

Black women aren't feminine.
Black men are masculine.

Doesn't look like anything to me

good goys

thanks for the (You)

>Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs.

Until they get their jaw broken.

Because the only white person that wants to fuck a nigger is a spoiled brat getting back at daddy

Because normalization.
It's normal for a white man to fuck any hole he desires.
It's taboo for a black man to fuck a white woman.
Much like it's normal, and usually expected, for a man to fuck a woman while he is married to another.
It is taboo for a woman to fuck a man not her husband, hence why cuckoldry is a term while there is nothing for the previous.
Taboos are sensational, sensationalism sells tickets.

Why not just lie and say you're an investment banker for easy lays? Like shit nigga all you gotta do is take a shower for once and not dress like a 12 year old.

>Much like it's normal, and usually expected, for a man to fuck a woman while he is married to another.
>It is taboo for a woman to fuck a man not her husband, hence why cuckoldry is a term while there is nothing for the previous.
Infidelity. The term you're looking for is infidelity.

bm/wm is happy mixing
wm/bw is colonialism/white supremacy
The black man needs to be uplifted.

It's called cuckquean.

You see a whole lot of it on TV and in movies but not really much in real life, speaking for all interracial couples.
I think you're just noticing it more because you are a white dude when I'm sure there's black, Hispanic or Asian dudes saying the same things about white dudes.
