Is this the trinity of the best female artists?

is this the trinity of the best female artists?

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Change Grimes with Joni Mitchell and you have the trinity

Kate Bush is overrated. Replace with Beth Gibbons.

i wish grimes was dead

This. Grimes is alright but not even close to Kate or Björk.

Replace Grimes with Alice

Hildegard Von Bingen
Delia Derbyshire

Is the real big three. Bingen the master of art music. Derbyshire for experimental. Madonna for pop.


>replace complete artists with mere singer-songwriters
wtf are u talking about? grimes is even better than them. did joni or beth even produce her own music?

does grimes shitposted on here?

leave grimes alone. alice's latest release is weak.
>Hildegard Von Bingen
do you even listen to her music? or are you mentioning her for cool points?
>Delia Derbyshire
she was important, but most of her actual music is simplistic and just not good enough. name other piece than that dr. who theme.
lol. she was good at picking producers, songwriters, etc. since 2005, not even that: her past 3 albums are trash. she's just an entertainer.

Kate is basic and beige. If she weren't hot she wouldn't be as popular as she is.

kate is the opposite of basic and beige

replace grimes with wata

replace all of them with choa

>cool points
Really? Come on.
I chose Derbyshire for the purpose of experimentation, not songwriting. Her innovations and ideas have been very important to the development of music. Not how my choices are versatile for this reason.
>just an entertainer
And we call Kanye a genius for doing the same thing. But as a pop musician, it doesn't get epitomized more than Madonna. Best selling female artist of all time, and she set trends in music/fashion/culture in general. She's also had a crazy level of longetivity.


Go back to your containment thread

choa can't be contained and you know it's true
choa is the best female musician ever

every day

he's right

i agree

grimes please


>current year
>white face

that actually makes sense

she's naturally white
everything about choa is natural


nah more like latitia sadier, grouper and kim gordon


page 10?!