No ass meme aside, I would Ripley so hard

No ass meme aside, I would Ripley so hard

as a kid, i though se was a boy at the beginning of aliens. luckly they made clear it was a female later on

Same. I would just ignore her backside. She's pretty hot from the front. Not so much from the back.


moot has nice boobies

Alien is the best slasher movie

>she had an alergic reaction the fake sweat
>so she was really that sweaty
>some prop guy got to inhale the sweet, sweet stink between takes

Ripley is cool but i would stay the fuck away from her. She attracts xenomophs like a shit attracts flies. Even 200 years after her death and exintion of xenomorphs she still attracts them.

Is she /ourgal/?

Yes :3


>hates normies
>shows off her footgame
>got MELED in the 80's
I don't know a better candidate




>boner killer

Jesus Christ, user. Spoiler that shit.

I was about to go to bed, now I'm going to have night terrors.

>I want you inside me...
What did she mean by this?

please mommy

Fun fact: Tully got that pussy before Venkman.

I would rather a xenomorph.

Based Moranis.

Tomboy fetish

I bet she gave great helmet.

Jonah Hill is looking good!

Gwen DeMarco is better

He wishes.

its not a meme though

>posting this pic

You're right, Rockwell is our guy.

What's the problem? That's a cute little ass. Are you a fag or something?

Yeah. She actually looks pretty hot from the front in this, those hard nips and all that sweat were hhhhnnngggg worthy desu

>so assless her panties are slipping off

Isnt that a good thing? The panties need to be off to enter

in the scheme of things the only reason guys like ass is when you get to see flesh ripples from impacting against it, and holding it while they're bouncing on you.

so it comes down to taste but I've never had good experiences with boney women and her ass looks thin.

smaller breasts are easier to incorporate during sex and they sag less as they get older.

Dem arches

Sometime I wish galaxy quest was a real show if just for the fap potential

Jesus why didnt they make a sequel

Because we don't deserve good things.

>Scince you've been such a good boy lately...

