Is this the worst album cover of the year?

Is this the worst album cover of the year?

Not too bad, the tabloid-y text in the bottom right looks really good I think. But all the broadsheet looking stuff looks boring

my only complaint is that her face looks fat. not a very flattering photo


Would have been cool if they had done a mock Enquirer cover. Or just the text. It's really boring

pretty true ay

Not even close

This wins by a landslide

I take it back, this has to be it

oh god that's... bad...

are they resisting drumpf in this album?

>there's a nigger in the band
you're right

gblrumphft is fucking finished

the cover is actually very good and by far the best thing about the album

No, this is


Fuck off, Jesse Kanda is great

her "posture" is the worst thing about the pic imo. absolutely awful posture

I think its one of the best

Normally I love cartoony album covers but this one is kind of cancer.

>red pill blues

they found out (((who))) controls them didn't they lads

I would receive this album cover better if it was somebody i felt deserved it more, like kanye perhaps could pull this off because the media actually shits on him out of context sometimes

that's a mean slouch she's got going

No. I like her for her.

Oh my god I hate this shit so bad

It would be the best if she was really fat on it.

Imagine getting lost in her rolls...

I love you too, Taylor. Have another great week.

Wtf i had to google this to see if it was real, the quotation marks and the fact that they included the year are the worst part of it

Her face doesn't look fat enough. She needs to be bigger.
mmmmmmmmmm... the smell.

her album cover letters is literally nazi fraktur lettering lol. lugenpresse

>maroon 5
>theres 7 of them

would be fine without “volume six” in the corner

maroon 5? more like moron 5

I think its hilarious

It's definitely amateurish. It draws from the TLOP cover (maybe intentionally with the whole Swift-Kanye beef), and adds an unfashionable twist a la graphic tee-shirts from Kohls in the mid- to late-2000s.

Jarring, but nonetheless artistic. I hated it at first, but I have to give Bjork for realizing her creative vision so perfectly.

Definitely lazy, but not distinguishably awful.

Absolutely the worst that I've seen this year. It's capitalizing on an obnoxious trend that everyone will hate in 6 months. You know how some describe certain album covers as timeless? This is the complete opposite.

too self aware unlike taylor swift and bjork
