You cant PIT any other female artist against lavren, cause they will lose

you cant PIT any other female artist against lavren, cause they will lose

Hold up a moment, Devilman.


I hope lavren is staying away from the xanax and codeine

Is it normal that I want to lick her face whenever I see her?

why does lavren always look so smug?

she's scottish

lavren is scottish mane, shes all about getting wasted

stay safe lavren

>implying there's something this woman can't do

Lavren can chugg more than all of us combined

bb wont die friend

that's hot

Are unshaved fucking armpits trendy now? Holy shit, that looks worse than Grimes.

umm excuse me sweetie??

wheres the axilae i cant judge yet


Wtf ewww



Is arm-pit fetishism actually a thing? While we are on the topic does anyone remember that SJW music video where the ending had the all showing their hairy arm-pits under the pretense that it defeated traditional gender roles or something like that? I feel this thread would have a field trip.


wtf is that thinngggggg

>not liking hairy armpits
jesus christ what a fucking pleb
lmaoing at your life

can't look away

degenerate pls go and stay go

haha her armpits and feet must be so sweaty and stinky after playing a show. she must be so embarrassed haha

hahaha silly lavren lmao

i'd sniff lavren and grimes' sweaty feet tbqh


where the p i t s b r u h
