The fuck is this shit

This is fucking horrible. How was this considered Sup Forumscore?

Getcha ears checked my guy

>This is fucking horrible. How was this considered Sup Forumscore?
You literally answered your own question, cunt

One of my favourite albums
Anyone else find it incredibly depressive?

you don't listen to electronic music a lot, don't you?

>How was this considered Sup Forumscore?
It wasn't. Pitchfork tried to meme it as the Sound of the New Millennium before it really sunk in. It's not nearly as bad as those other two, to be fair.

It's good, and the special edition with the song at the end that sounds like it's saying "Nigger Jews" is even better



>posts modern classic
>'lel its shit!' and gives no actual criticism
you sure showed us

This is probably one of the best albums of the 2010's .


I listened to it the other day and it wasn't as consistent as I remembered. Still good and better than his other shit

this is actually one of my favorite albums. I actually plan to see him this December in LA

btw Overgrown is his best

>How was this considered Sup Forumscore?
I don't think you understand what Sup Forumscore is

It's simplicistic, unoriginal and boring, that's why

The use of simplicity does not make music bad. Also, music does not have to be original to be good. Lastly, the use of "boring" to criticize music is a cop out answer.



Rec some stuff that sounded like this before this record? I know some Justin Vernon stuff does

You've got any evidence on that? The absolute majority will disagree with you.

Joke, but I never said that it's a bad thing. It's just how it really is. If it's bad or not underlays objectivity or something like that. You know what I mean.

agreed OP I was not a fan of this album at all

You don't get the concept of Sup Forumscore do you

Idk, pianos aren't really original. Not even mentioning those chord progressions. Is that "whiteboi attempting watered down blues?" C'mon.

My brother and my sister don't speak to me
But I don't blame them
But I don't blame them

>>whiteboi attempting watered down blues

Yeah, that's never resulted in any good music before. What an awful idea.

I hope you don't compare Blake to Clapton.


Explains everything

Listen to it while looking out the window on a snowy afternoon and it’ll click

James Blake is hit or miss with every track

bunch of 0/10 or 10/10 tracks

As if I needed a reason to filter yet another namefag

Didn't say he's good. I still referred him as "whiteboi attempting watered down blues", he's still way better than Blake. Joke, just trolling, but Blake is really quite uninspired and his music evokes kind of negative emotions. Who needs that? Nobody. Reminds me somewhat of commercial rap music or western common modern rap music. I found some kenyan rap partially in english and swahili which was very dope, the instrumentals were relatively complex and the recitacion was original and quite 1A+ but the lyrics were sometimes weird but yo, James Blake is mu-core because it's boring and uninspired music.