Its amazing how awful japanese flicks have become

its amazing how awful japanese flicks have become
even the smaller ones based on shit like neethood/work/etc are awful now

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the show was awful

why is ed not white?


Looks like cosplay
Also Edward is Germanic


I guess Japaneese love rape, so it makes sense for them to rape their own creations

>the one fucking anime that is based on western people
>cast a chink wearing a blonde wig

Topest kek

someone explain to me why some people like the OC stuff over the true ending.

I saw some crap with cyborg King Bradley back in the day, what was that?

looks fucking amazing

don't you ever get tired of being such edgy faggots

Edward looks shit.
Also there's no way they'll have a compelling story.

Overall I ain't interested.

So which scenario would you prefer:
>Ed and the main cast are literally the only white people in a country of asians
>The studio spends more money on this than they did BvS, so so they have hundreds of foreign extras with plane tickets, hotel accommodations, likely translators and so on
Which options is better?

That tower, that train, that ugly cgi
I laughed when I saw that wig

Yellow-wash in 2016, makes me sick.
I will not be supporting this movie

Alphonse better sound like a girl

also, I can't wait to see how they ruin Armstrong

I don't think I've ever been disappointed in something so quickly.
>first scene
>first transmutation
WHELP, fuck this garbage.

And HOLY SHIT. Every single person who bitches about white washing anime characters should be tied to a chair and forced to look at that Edward Elric.

It doesn't look at bas as people make it out to be, but it's like the Beauty and the Beast thing.
1) We already saw it, from the looks of it scene by scene
2) It's mimicking the way we saw it to the point where it's trying to pull off shots in live action, that were designed around 2D animation (for example, when the road is breaking up in front of Ed, it looks silly with the live action visuals up close like that)

Not saying they shouldn't make it period but they're clearly just taking one of the shows and re-enacting them with the most minor of changes, where they should look at least as different as Bakshi's and Jackson's Lord of the Rings to make proper use of their mediums.

Not even saying either of those adaptations are great, but they're both clearly aware of how to shoot their scenes in a way that works for the medium they're in, for the most part.


Him and Wrath are all I'm ever interested in.
I'm a little curious to see Greed but I think he's going to look awful.

So they saw the SnK movie and are out to make one even more shit.

Well done Japan. And Manga > Brotherhood >>>>>>>>>>>> Dogshit Original Series destroyed by awful ending. "Here dad I brought your bones to you OH NO WHY ARE YOU DYING"

>ghost in the shell will be all white people
>FMA will be all japanese people
seems like they shoulda flipped that

its because people like you put value on the "true" ending over actual "quality"

I asked because I've never seen the original anime, I never said the true ending was better. I forgot where i was though, where everyone's a prickly bitch looking to fight

>shot for shot adaptations, retarded costumes and hairstyles included, only with chinks
Why are the japs so fucking stupid? Nobody wants to watch the same goddamn thing three times

>Beauty and the Beast

The first 12 or so episodes is what the original series had over Brotherhood, that's it.

looks good.

Why do they think 2D will ever translate well to 3D?

Although the Japs did a decent job with the Death Note thing...

I don't see how they expect to squeeze this kind of long story into a movie.

top kek

In much the same way they did Gantz or Terra Fomars.


The original also didn't have shitty, poorly timed "comedy", the unnecessary knock-off Chinese, blocky heads for the whole cast and fist fights with a god.

Also, FMA had better music.
Drama and adventure >>> Generic shounenshit

fuck that, if you are making a kino movie , u make a kino movie.
no matter the costs.

they are doing only the first arc in this movie.

That is fine.

Original made me cry. Brotherhood made me fall asleep.

It's pretty obvious which one is the best.

it's gonna be some short scrawny dude.

>people here all prefer fma over brotherhood
I feel.. so happy
I was afraid my opinion was unnecessarily contrarian (for the record, I've never watched brotherhood because I refuse because it sounds stupid and fma was pretty much perfect)

This really doesn't seem necessary. They two shows and the manga covered everything. What is the point of this....

>because it sounds stupid
How so?
(Not saying you're wrong to like the original over it, since I never saw that, but how is it different to a point where Brotherhood sounds stupid?)

Like I said I never saw it, but these are the things I think I remember hearing:
>Pride being a little kid (I think that's right?)
>the power for the transmutations coming from the earth's core
>unnecessary interactions with "god"
>no scar
>the homunculus aren't shadows of the people they were made from
>multiple philosopher's stones

I loved the original so much that I just didn't want to subject myself to it
It's one of the reasons I got into philosophy, and the first tv show I ever watched that me drop my jaw (back when was like 14)

Have some nostalgia

What's the point of any adaptation? What's the point of anything?

Well, I'm not saying you should watch it, but on those points specifically:

1) Pride is a little kid, but not in the Anakin Skywalker way. More like in an Omen way.
2) From what I remember, this isn't strictly true. It's more specific to one of the types of transmutations (and I don't think it gets any more than one, maybe 2 mentions, and that too only as the show's equivalent of techno-babble).
3) If by "god" you mean the guy who represents everything and meets people in the void: He makes an appearence a grand total of maybe 10 times in the entire show, and outside of 3 (Ed's first meeting, Ed's last meeting, and 1 more at the very end with Homunculus) of these, it's like a maximum of 10-20 seconds, to showcase how other characters beyond Ed have encountered him.
4) Unless Scar is a main as much of a main character in FMA as Ed, I've no idea what this means. Granted, for the first half of the story he's not constantly in focus, but for the second half I'd say he's around at least as much as Roy Mustang, maybe more.
5)I guess this could be true to a point, as I haven't seen FMA, but the two of them from which we learn their past before becoming that, we do get that effect (namely Pride and the second Greed. As well as arguably Envy.
6) I'm not sure how this was handled in FMA, but in Brotherhood, Philosopher's Stones are used to make the Homonculi possible. It's not like dozens of characters are running around wielding the power of gods. It's just that the Homonculi each have one which is destroyed when they are.

All in all, I think Brotherhood is pretty good. Can't say if it's better than FMA, but just from the sounds of things I think at least in part you might have picked up some misinformation.

The original show really strays from the manga pretty wildly towards the end. And I think that's because they started tit before the Manga was finished and went off in their own direction. Brotherhood is the more accurate finished story.

>(for the record, I've never watched brotherhood because I refuse because it sounds stupid and fma was pretty much perfect)
Fuck off. You don't get to be on the right side without knowing without a doubt that FMAB is worse. Go fucking watch it.

I firmly believe they will make a US/Euro version where the cast will be white.

>Ed and the main cast are literally the only white people in a country of asians
What? It was a fantasy european setting, the only asians were the people of Xing which were just 4 characters.

>for the record, I've never watched brotherhood because I refuse because it sounds stupid and fma was pretty much perfect
You should at least consider it, Brotherhood follows the Manga closely and introduces good characters that weren't able to make into '03. And it has a more complete feeling to it. In my opinion. '03 had the Atmosphere and Tone, but Brotherhood had the Story and Pace. I like both though, and Brotherhoods ending feels more impact full when you watch it with previous knowledge of '03. But 03 did have better Music, and that's' a fucking FACT.

I usually hate animu adaptations, but I would love for Hollywood to get the rights to FSN and make an original Holy Grail War. Don't even need a good story, just make a historical hero battle royale with a good budget and it will be a hit.

I think you missed my point.

If they make the movie in a way that Ed is white, either he will be the only white person in the movie, or they'll also need to import white extras for background roles for millions.

eh, could work but probably wouldnt.

just make a new holy grail war, using other servants and new characters.

but knowing hollywood, they would fuck up as usual.

> No superior German cast
> Effects looks like REALLY crappy. There are probably fan made films with cosplayers that look better

Just... why?

>If they make the movie in a way that Ed is white
Such as letting it be made in English with a white cast and a white crew? Wouldn't be much of a stretch since it's produced by Warner.

look at this dude


>just make a new holy grail war, using other servants and new characters.
That's exactly what I meant.


look at his lips


They scenario in which they make the movie in Europe/the US
For whatever reason modern Nip movies usually turn out terrible

I dont think it would work still, there are lots of conceptual shit that hollywood cant handle and they would simplify to a shitty holy grail war, taking out the meaning, the motivations and the character interactions that make fate good.

even the battle royalle movie couldnt do justice to the original story, leaving just a shitty adolescents killing game.

That's fair, but do you genuinely think there is any amount of chance a European studio will want to make a FMA movie, or that a non-European studio will want to spend extra just to make it in Europe?

We live in the era of cultural entropy.
Profit margins must ever increase to the maximum.

>did not watch I am a Hero live action

do yourself a favor.

>Asking for even more meaningless CGI shitfests
You're part of the problem
We get enough hollow action as it is, we don't need any extra
Besides, if there's one thing that doesn't translate into live action, it's fucking anime fight scenes

how about not giving the rights to some shitty fucking chinks to make a shitty fuckin movie?

pretty simple

You have to be more specific, just saying the films are awful with no specifics is empty. You're comment can be applied to any country.

Please be more specific in the future.

But then it wouldn't be a Japanese film anymore, don't you guys get that?

But their Japanese, not Chinese.

Consider offing yourself.

They are only going to show his metal arm like two times in this movie.

why do all japanese movies look like they were made for TV

Quick, post anime adapations that would be easy to fail:
>Showing the amount of blood and violence needed would push it to a rating they would not want
>Failing to create the detail that the anime puts into each frame is very possible
>Going too edgy on Alucard is a mistake that would most likely happen.

>A woman mangaka wrote the best love story in all anime
What did the japs mean by this?

pic unrelated

here the true.

This had a live action adaption as well.

They won't pay for the good stuff like Weta or ILM

An adaptation of literally any big shounen like Dragonball, Naruto or One Piece is basically asking for failure
For one thing, they're silly as fuck and feature an inordinate amount of fight scenes to appeal to 8-12 year old boys, all of which would be basically impossible to translate into film without looking like a bad video game commercial. For another, they are all stories that were designed to go on for as long for as long as possible while never suffering any pesky changes to the cast like character development that could potentially disrupt readership, so as a general rule they lack any sort of longform emotional resonance beyond "I'm a main character and I'll never give up!/I finally learned that the real power was the friends I made along the way", and as a result the entire thing basically rests on introducing increasingly powerful antagonists for the main characters to have fights with and for the kids at home to buy toys of

I think an attempt will eventually be made, if only because any amount of market research would probably tell you that if you wanted to make a movie out of an anime, DBZ and Naruto have the most name brand appeal, but it's doomed to be abject trash

Whole thing is a young male power fantasy with some bro kino, who gives a fuck

CGI stands

Has Japan become the Bollywood of East Asia?

Part 4 is a getting a LA adaptation.


>Adapting one of the most cartoony pieces of Japanese media to live-action

Not easy to find a white guy who can act and speak fluent Japanese

I remember watching this before my VHS tapes got stolen.

Is it any good?

why not just fund a spinoff anim or something?
choose another country and start a new story

FMA is one oft he few manga/animes that would work in a Live-action Hollywood adaptation.

>Fullmetal Alchemist live action movie

Fuck off

So since anime live action is a thing now

How is that Rurouni Kenshin live action?
Does it shit all over the manga, the first two seasons and Samurai X?

Asking for a friend

This is only tangentially related but I feel like the time is ripe for a Police Academy sequel/reboot

what ps2 game is this

Trinity Blood


Why does the site have "wwws" as link?