Thank you pewdiepie

thank you pewdiepie

hope pewdiepie is next

Peep looked like pewdiepie’s white trash cousin

brand ne rolex

have the Game Grumps commented on the situation?
I saw that JonTron already tweeted "fuck you peep that's what he gets for letting the browns into the UK"

based anti-white poster

Anti-white fuck

It's okay to be white


It's okay to hate gamer weebs.

all Sup Forums crossboarders need to kill themselves

gamers are a cancer. be an adult.

>he says while listening to death grips

death grips are also a cancer. be an adult.
i'm sorry that you're an adult playing cartoon games and mad about it, that must be hard

>it's okay to be part of a genocidal, shiesting backstabbing race of slave moralists

the eternal Sw*De

grow up you fucking baby

How dare you? Video Games might be menial distractions to you, but in a grander sense, they're the closest thing humanity has to exploring the infinite realms, worlds, kingdoms in our universe, whether reality or fantasy.

And no, I can't grow facial hair, and I hate fedoras.


Is this a new copypasta

the triggered gamer has logged on
gamers are truly retarded children, holy shit

So are you going to debunk my argument?

My favorite part of Sup Forums becoming Sup Forums-lite is that gamers and weebs think of themselves as high-art saviors of the white race.
Keep on gaming, autistic manchildren

How dare you? Video Games might be menial distractions to you, but in a grander sense, they're the closest thing humanity has to exploring the infinite realms, worlds, kingdoms in our universe, whether reality or fantasy.

And no, I can't grow facial hair, and I hate fedoras.

here's my argument: it's playable cartoons targeted at tweens. it's no more the "closest thing humanity has to exploring the infinite realms" than any other form of art. your brain has been turned to mush because you sit inside playing video games all day.