Reminder that this will ALWAYS make your television/movie watching experience better...

Reminder that this will ALWAYS make your television/movie watching experience better, and if you aren't stoned before you sit down to watch, your doing it wrong.

It can make some movies more enjoyable, especially flicks. But it certainly doesn't enhance my appreciation for them.


It makes dumb, ridiculous or over-the-top films even more fun. That's about it

Not at home. But in the theater? Oh god, yes.
>watching a trailer for Everest in a movie theater while high
>has a lot of BOOM and BWAAA and sudden edits
>it was the funniest fucking thing I ever saw and I almost shat myself

I saw Speed Racer last night high as fuck. The guy from Lost being in it bugged me out the most.

It's highly illegal here :( I hate dealing with dealers. Can we hurry up and uncuck our shit nationwide?

You sound like a fag who's never left sobriety. Weed makes dramatic films much more impactful (as does booze).

Booze certainly does, weed not so much for me. Stop pretending it affects everyone the same way faggot

I was pretty stoned when I saw this kino last week.

I don't think i've ever watched a movie stoned without falling asleep at some point

I disagree. Whenever I watch movies/ TV stoned, I get sent into an existential crisis when a character dies. Also when someone gets shot, I feel the bullets going into me. It's weird.

why are stoners such assholes all the time?

weed induced autism

sometimes weed ruins a movie or tv show for me, it makes it feel too obvious that everyone is an actor and I start imagining the set and crew just outside the frame. this is mostly with bad tv shows and bad actors though

You started it with your retarded "dude weed just makes cheech n chong funnier brah"

Why are cocksuckers like you so stupid all the time?

>making yourself dumb makes things better

... uh, yes.

They're the same as any mouthy cunt who can't shut up about what they like. see

I can't watch anything scary or anxiety-inducing while high. Or anything I want to remember/pay attention to.

But comedies? I've never laughed so hard in my life as I did watching Talladega Nights while stoned out of my gourd.

Literally the same for me. I'm much better at noticing bad acting/sets when I'm stoned

> making yourself dumb

You don't understand how any of this works, do you?

When I first started smoking I re-watched all of South Park, it gave me a new appreciation of the show.

The half dozen-or-so movies I've watched high I was blown away by, and then when I rewatched them sober I realized how much my high brain was overreacting. There's no point watching movies, or living life, in that state of manufactured bliss.

There's really no point to watching movies at all.


>There's no point watching movies, or living life, in that state of manufactured bliss.

Thanks for the (you) senpai.

what is this, 2008? fuck off with quentin you cuck

I haven't smoked in years but watching the sopranos back around 2007 when I smoked all the time was fucking amazing. So damn comfy

How was it?


>getting torched and getting comfy on the couch with blankets, pillows and snacks
>or smoking a L and catching a 11am showing at the theater and being the only one there

squares will never know this feel
although i don't know if i can trust if i really liked a movie when I'm high, I saw Valhalla rising high and loved it but watched it again sober and hated it.

Holy fuck came here to post this.

Every time I smoke this shit happens to me. My suspense of disbelief goes flying out the window.

Tried watching Lord of the Rings and got pissed the whole time about how the CGI didn't quite look good enough and I could tell the scenes of the hobbits when in shot with the regular men weren't rights. Pissed me off.

I don't smoke weed much anymore. I'm already very critical bit it makes me way more critical and fucks with my sleep.

It's funny since Quentin is the most pathetic being in existence.

I feel like I waste my weed when I do that, time just passes and before I realize it I'm not high anymore

I'd rather just pace back and forth living out elaborate daydreams

Also my state's legal now! :)

Ah a fellow maladaptive daydreamer!

>le weed is great meme

Just accept that you're a pathetic stoner and stop trying to circle jerk with other stoners about how 'great' your decision to get high was.

I can't get stoned before watching TV. I always fall asleep half way through the show.

>ime just passes and before I realize it I'm not high anymore
I hate that. It's really expensive and kinda a big bitch to get in my state so when I do toke I can't help think "god damn it in an hour or so I'll be sober again fuck fuck fuck eventually I'll be all out too". Best to just use it as a hangover cure for now.

I have a good job now so I can't risk it, but it used to be fun while it lasted.

wrong. it works best on the best films



You really showed me man

Anyways I can't smoke anymore or else I would, alcohol does the trick enough

Not really when it comes to genre's or dramas that you know that puts you on edge.

If anything its the opposite sometimes.

I've smoked for 9 years now. I can safely say there are upsides and definitely downsides, whether it be related to media or simply health.

One time I got pretty high and watched that one Robing Williams movie where he's a gay club owner or something like that, and all I could think of was how crazy it was that this is just two grown men playing pretend infront of a camera

"I need drugs to enjoy things properly"
pleb confirmed
t. ex-stoner.