Why didn't the Rebels take over the galaxy and restore the Republic like Leia wanted to in Episode 7?

Why didn't the Rebels take over the galaxy and restore the Republic like Leia wanted to in Episode 7?

Why were they still a resistance movement 30 years later?

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Because Abrams is a hack and can't write an original story so he has to tell the same one again.

Because it's a shit movie

because all they did was blow up a battle ship twice and kill some military dudes. That wouldn't break any empire.

The resistance are essentially Syrian Rebels

>hyped up like crazy
>ends up doing nothing and gets put in the garbage
This movie feels like wasted potential after wasted potential

So terrorists?

So who's Space Trump?

They did all of that though. The Resistance is a private military created by Leia because the New Republic didn't believe about The First Order.

It's like poetry, it - it sort of rhymes

Where do they say that in the movie?
Also why wouldn't they care about the First Order after having to fight the Galactic Empire for 20 years?

JJ is a fucking retard. He literally threw out the OT and prequels. Literally everything Luke and the rebels worked for was irrelevant.

Because after the prequels, everyone was afraid of taking chances and pissing off the fans, so they played it safe and just remade ANH.

You mean pottery?

Because you can't have the good guys be overpowered and destroy the underdogs without looking like bullies, so the script positions the resistance as both the powers that be and underdogs paradoxically.

The Republic killed most of them and the remained of the Empire retreated to a remote area of the galaxy. The Republic council or whatever ordered to stopped pursuing the Empire because they were deemed to no longer be a threat for some reason. So the fighting and intelligence gathering Leia is doing isn't authorized or funded by the Republic legally at least.

It's more annoying given that the main character goes through no real hardships and just has natural jedi abilities that make her overpowered as fuck.

They've been terrorist since ANH senpai

That's why they made her a woman, so any criticism can be written off as sexist.

because she beat a sissy la la darth vader worshiping baby?

It's not. It's cut out but still in the novelization and is the Canon reason.

They didn't believe the first order actually existed.

>the rulers of the galaxy were defeated by a handful of fanboys led by a Sith Lord cosplayer with a broken lightsaber

>Because you can't have the good guys be overpowered and destroy the underdogs without looking like bullies

Nothing wrong with that. A republic is bound to have a few bad politicians. It'd be interesting to have the bad guys be something like terrorists for once.

...that had been studying jedi arts for most of his life

>It's not. It's cut out but still in the novelization and is the Canon reason.

Novelization does not and should never count.

Abrams should not get a way out of shitty writing because an author has an extra brain laying around to finish his half-baked concepts.

...that had just been shot and was visibly exhausted and bleeding all over the place before the fight started

>Why didn't the Rebels take over the galaxy and restore the Republic like Leia wanted to in Episode 7?
They did. Only thing is, they didn't have a military mandate anymore and their forces were cut back.

>Why were they still a resistance movement 30 years later?
The resistance are the dregs of those forces that refused to stand down against the dregs of the Empire. It's basically remnants vs remnants, which is why a whole fucking planet-sized superweapon is that much more ridiculous.

I'm assuming the novelization was finished before it was cut out of the movie, but who knows.

It still stands though that it's the full canon of the force awakens.

they proved rey could actually defend herself
what the fuck is reading about darth vader deflecting blaster shots from scared shitless rebels going to do compared to someone who has to tough it out on a desert shithole filled with scumbags?

i mean, really? this little wanker watched holos of obi wan twirling his light saber around while being the son of war heroes, yep he's the master of all fighting and combat ever, ok.

Yeah but he was at least a trained swordsman who actually took down some jedi, whereas Rey never held a lightsaber before (hell even Luke with some jedi training couldn't come close to winning his first duel).

Oh god this series is just going to be like the prequels isn't it? With every plot hole covered up in a novel or visual dictionary instead of the movie?

Yeah I still find it insane that they were somehow able to build a battle station even larger and more powerful than the Death Stars despite having a fraction of the funding and the military strength.

>they didn't have a military mandate anymore and their forces were cut back.
Did Sheev teach these people NOTHING?

wow, the lighting doesn't make a whole lot of sense in that bottom shot

Again, scenes actually explaining the galaxy's current political status quo were shot, but they were deleted because of the "NO PREQUELS-STYLE POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS IN MUH STAR WARS REEEEE" attitude of Simon Pegg, who helped out on the writing in addition to playing the junk dealer.

They didn't explain anything so they could rewrite or insert anything they wanted to later

>my shitty fan fic would have had the rebels leave the other systems to govern themselves as opposed to the empire which even patrolled backwaterbuttfucknithing planet like tatooween
>would have had an empire deep cover agent in with drug cartels and even as a drug lord after taking advantage of Jaba being bumped off
>would have had the bad guy be a Napoleon figure a young guy that wanted to conquer and fuck shit up but was also not a believer in the force
>would have had three titted hookers and drug wars and the bad guy using mercs instead of storm troopers

Plz no bully I wanna deliver my screen play to Abrams so he can redoo his mistakes

You might say it's the Shadows of the Empire

Except she had no training with a lightsaber whatsoever, Luke at least trained with his during the year or so between ANH and ESB.

Also her sudden mastery of the force is rather idiotic.


see Rey is a powerful Sith Lord with amnesia, of course she has muscle memory

The funniest thing I find about all of his rants are the fact that he himself has railed against the very nerd culture and obsession with fictional worlds that have gotten him to where he is now.

tbqh senpai

Snoke. Squint the next time you see a picture of trump

If they actually go with this route instead of the Mary Sue bullshit then I think this series could be saved, it would be interesting to see her turn out to be the true villain of the series.

I can sort of understand why he'd want that but at the same time there are a lot of unnecessary scenes in TFA that could have been trimmed to explain a bit more of what the fuck was actually happening.

I'm sorry, did you grow up alone in a fucking desert?


Do you really not know where the "Sith Lord with amnesia" story originates

Snoke would be pic related


Palpatine starting out as a senator in the sequels then becoming a sithlord? Or Darth Vader becoming a Jedi in the prequels? Either way is retarded.

Because the contractors that build weapons of mass destruction for the Empire are also the ones that sell equipment to the rebels, they don't want the war to end they want it to go on forever so they can keep making money and no one can go against them because the jobs they generate and money they move on the galactic economy makes them too big to fail.

>there are plebs so disgustingly lazy they can't even do a simple Google search before shitposting

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Also this is from 2003, and doesn't dear old Darth Revan on the right look kinda familiar

>she finds the politics of the Senate too slow and too mired in self-interest to be of any help

Well fuck

There was somebody else who had that same problem, wasn't there?

I heard that she used the lightsaber like a quarter staff, with which she was proficient.

Also Ren would have rekt her if he hadn't just been shot and weakened by kicking the shit out of Finn.

It didn't stop him throwing her 20 feet in the air and destroying finn who should have had extensive combat training. She only won because of current year and pop feminism. If rey was a guy she would have lost and chewie would have shown up blasting in the falcon so ren would have had to retreat. fuck JJ and fuck nustarwars.

Remember this when Putin simultaneously nukes Washington, NY and Philly.

So basically MUH REPARATIONS under the Galactic Treaty of Versailles made the Empire wish for a brash young dictator to make it great again?

>killing off Harrison Ford (one of the few good actors in the movie) while leaving in cokehead Carrie Fisher who hasn't been in any movies in years

> Kylo looks like Revan
> Rey looks like Bastilla
> Star Destroyer gets all of its energy from the sun
> The Star forge

> Revan is missing
> Luke is missing
> Lukes whereabouts is hidden on his old droid
> Revan's whereabouts are also hidden on his old droid.

I wonder what else they'll lift from KOTOR

Ford only acted in the movie under the condition that they bring him the sweet release of death

>they proved rey could actually defend
yeah 50kg girl beats up a pack of guys, so progressive. the only people who use that argument are people who've never been in a physical confrontation.

Ford probably made it a condition of his involvement.

And that he gets to make another Indy.

>Oh god this series is just going to be like the prequels isn't it? With every plot hole covered up in a novel or visual dictionary instead of the movie?
Why can't you accept that there's more to Star Wars than just the movies?

Because they did. Which is why there was no official war with the Space Nazis and why Leia had to do her shit on the DL with a small underfunded force.

Its like you people intentionally refuse to pay attention to drum up sentiment out of ignorance or something.

Say hello to Rogue One's K-2SO, a powerful and sarcastic battle droid who joins the heroes mostly because they offer him the opportunity to hurt people.

is iRebel gonna get CLANKED?

I don't mind having a few things on the side but it's annoying when the movie can't just explain the situation especially when it regards something so big as explaining why there's a war still going on in the first place.
It feels lazy.


He'll probably call everyone Meat bags too.

I much as i'd been wanting to see Jedi Master Luke on screen for 20 years, tfa killed my continuing interest in star wars. At least we'll always have KOTOR user.

How cucked will you feel when Luke dies before you ever see a non-prequel Jedi Order?

>Its like you people intentionally refuse to pay attention to drum up sentiment out of ignorance or something.
except they never explain it in the movie and left it in the book dipshit

Rey - Revan.

They aren't even trying to hide it.

So an IG-88 rip off? At least he's getting more screen time I guess.

Because terrorists are never satisfied with the state of the world, and they always need some new "oppressor" to fight.

How many people in this thread are actually going to pay to see this piece of shit?

>so big as explaining why there's a war still going on in the first place.
There wasn't a war going on. The New Republic was in peace, the First Order was busy militarizing in "peace." The first act of war to happen after the GCW is the FO blowing up the NR capital.

I was interested in it until the screenwriter said that the empire would be changed to being white supremacists

>Say hello to Rogue One's K-2SO, a powerful and sarcastic battle droid who joins the heroes mostly because they offer him the opportunity to hurt people.
But that's wrong. He's an Imperial droid (we see more of them in the movie) that was stolen and reprogrammed by the Latino guy on the Rebels side. He joins the heroes' side because his 'master' reprogrammed him to do so.


Because then Disney couldn't squeeze those nostalgia bucks after the stupid masses.

>So an IG-88 rip off
kill your'eselv

does reddit still defend this blatant insult of a movie? it's a shame they had to rip off a new hope while pissing all over the OT. now I can't see Rogue One in IMAX. I'll have to wait for the bluray rip.

>Jyn Erso
>Jan Ors

Kale Catarnk introduced when?

Next thing we know REVAN himself will be in a fucking movie.

As a meatbag would say: 'I have a bad feeling about this.'


>tfw even my favorite franchises aren't safe from these babies

You're doing the night thing not going to see it user. The only way we can show them is with our wallets.

I am going with my gf so I can shit over her excitement

>calling people babies
>favorite franchise is star wars
oh child

twitter ruined this world desu

star wars only has 6 movies user, this new disney filth doesn't count.

Obviously soon.

I'm surprised they haven't stolen anything from Zahn and Thrawn yet.

It's just depressing though, the movie looked really promising from the first couple trailers and I was really excited to see some new battles between the rebellion and the empire.
Fuck Disney man.

Don't taunt me you semen demon

Yes they fucking easily could! They still could've had the Falcon and Luke and Han and even Stormtroopers and Not-Vader if they really wanted while still making it a coherent sequel that's part of a beloved franchise. NOBODY asked for a reboot! Not us prequel bashers or anyone else! FUCK DISNEY!

Thrawn's canon under Zahn's supervision.

>takes one white ex-Stormtrooper male to steal the Death Star plans
>takes a white female ex-criminal protagonist, Hispanic military officer, a Pakistani pilot, an African-American war veteran, an Asian spiritual monk, and an Asian assassin to steal the Death Star plans

What did they mean by this?

convince her it's not worth seeing, download it later if you must but don't give them any money. Just wondering how old you and your gf are?

>star wars only has 3 movies user

I'm 26 she's 12

I'm 22 and she's 26, she's obsessed with the clone wars series

I'm 16 and she's 50.

>lmao 2 reb

because "muh underdog"