
trve edition

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second for Transzism.


never liked that band but their logo is very cool

Post what you're blasting



To celebrate multiculturalism, let me see your personal black metal country rankings. Here's what mine looks like.

Top tier:
High tier:
Mid tier:
Low tier:

Everything else is either irrelevant or I just don't know enough bands from those countries to form a proper opinion.


Pic related. Overrated but decent nonetheless.

>Actually listening to eagle vocals: the album
The madman

dope thread op


>he doesnt like fleurty

I like Min tid skal komme but the vocals on A Darker Shade of Evil are a bit too insane for my liking.

And Germany at top tier

I like the eagle vocals. Took me by surprise at first but its unique in a good way I think.

>Germany mid tier

it sucks

Yeah, it's a bit generous. I probably should have put Germany in low tier.


>inb4 triggered mgla fans

For my American blacks, Accurate or nah?

WTF is this supposed to be

shit taste

darkspace iii i

A moment ago, I blasted some Ruttokorppi, and now this. Maybe some oldschool Darkthrone or Graveland after this, and I'll probably go buy some tapes tomorrow. I found Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz on sale, so perhaps that, and maybe a tape from Niedergang to accompany Impaled Nazarene.


this is objective btw

> If you grew up in America and you can't relate to this show in any way you probably only listen to Deafhaven

Top tier
> Poland
> Ukraine
> Finland
> Germany

High Tier
> France
> Greece
> Quebec
> Australia

Mid Tier
> Sweden
> Russia
> Iceland
> US (non-meme)
> Norway

Low Tier:
> US (meme)
> UK

I like Game of thrones, breaking bad, narcos, sopranos, and walking dead
never heard of that show and I listen to NSBM

Name five (5) great german black metal bands

I always lumped Russia and Ukraine together honesty, France is high tier imo, but they have such a SMALL amount of bands to begin with, they just all happen to be 8/10 at the least. The US has a lot of good lofi bm bands, they just don't promote themselves in the same way Euro/Eurasian bands do, but they have more girth than Asian bm bands who you pretty much have to be in the blood line to find.

Would rec if you like Breaking bad, and Sopranos has shit for nsbm fans.

Forgotten Spell

Some great raw BM
I love this very raw organic type of sound.
Guitar sounds so good

so good

God tier:
Top tier:
High tier:
Mid tier:
Low tier:

Ahhh that's better

it's not a sound and it is not 'raw' it just has absolutely no production

> God-Tier
> Norway

Satanic Tyrant Werewolf would make another raw bm project that sounds like every other project he does about how wrong you are, and vampires.

Haha, okay, I'm not talking to a retard

you are not, you are talking to someone who is not a delusional fuck like yourself

>it is not 'raw' it just has absolutely no production
what the fuck are you on about, that is raw

>it's not a sound and it is not 'raw' it just has absolutely no production

It sounds like he at least was able to have a band and not a solo project like we all have, just needs more lofi reverb/playing the recording into a can and re-recording from there.

It's a one man recording


What's this leftist douche bag laughing supposed to imply?
Look it up, it's a one man recording


Well it's not the only demo to ever sound like that


that's what i'm talking about
it's a demo, absolutely no production it's just a most primitive recording for a label to present their material

Doesn't get more kvlt than this

The only female guitarist in metal (that I personally know of) who has my full respect



Salvation already has a label. Since all the musicians in that circle seem to have a similar sound, I'm pretty sure that organic raw sound is what they are going for

Only Suomi is real.

(By similar sound, I mean they all have a very raw organic sound not that they all sound exactly the same or anything like that)

I don't see hwy you're criticising it then, it's cold and raw which is what a lot of us like about black metal.

The fuck are you on about you poor-grammar zionist?


>like we all have

I wish. I can't play anything

It's this man's birthday. BM for this feel?

I have plenty of musician friends offering to help me with my music and asking me to leave my house for drinks all the time and shit
I'm a lone wolf by choice

Sooo good

I mean I've got my guys who listen to similar stuff, the problem is that when we've tried the band thing, we jam and write once or twice and then we each get busy again, but when we do solo stuff here and there we get a lot done on our own.

Get an old yamaha synth at a thrift store for $10 and just tap things until they sound good adn record it directly into a tape recorder, it gives it a dark crisp sound that's perfect for dungeon synth and synth-era burzum

qt cover


Yeah I get that. That's why I get stuff done faster alone, I only have one friend perhaps more obsessed with black metal than me but he has slightly different tastes

>I always lumped Russia and Ukraine together honesty
They are NOTHING alike, not stylistically, nor culturally. Two completely different and independent scenes with different development and niches too. That's just being ignorant.

I feel that, I got my friends into black metal, but one sticks really to dark ambient, djenty/angel vivauldi shit, and folk metal and the other is pretty much the same but with melodeath over the dark ambient. They are both excellent at making spacey doom/dark ambient on their own, but otherwise they are closer the djenty/folk metal side of things. They both enjoy black metal a lot, but not anywhere near as much as I do.

The styles are both wispy cold anthemy kinda of stuff usually when I listen, but I guess calling them the same is like calling mexicans and Puerto Ricans the same lol

>qt cover
umm are you sexually attracted to penguijns???????

Nothing funny about stupidity here. If you're not a fan of something, fine, but don't talk about something you have no clue about.

Working alone is underrated, though it can be good to have a friend lay down a track once in a while when their style fits

that's a crow wtf

It's a raven you dipshit

It's clearly a squirrel

I don't know how you guys are having trouble identifying a dog this bad

i take it you guys don't know a platypus when you see one?


If you're telling me their aren't similarities between Temnozor, M8L8TH, Heжeгoль, Kroda, Khors, and Drudkh then you're pretty much saying here aren't similarities between chicken thighs and chicken breasts

That's true, getting a friend who can do vocals differently or play a folk/classical instrument you don't have is always nice

>no fun allowed

platypuses are the worst designed thing after vaginas, it's not their fault

>People enjoying themselves? Get out.

Platypuses fill their ecological niche really well man, don't talk shit

>looking for fun in a black metal thread
I think you've got the wrong genre, tourist.

I was just memeing by quoting a stupid tweet
I'm actually really fascinated by platypuses, they're great
but the kvltest animal is the thylacine

No mosh, no core, no trends, no hetero, no fun

Yeah but they're all fucking dead, so we have to live with the platypus

Most cult animal is the Komodo dragon
>kills people
>is literally a dragon

> mfw there's never been a bm show I didn't mosh at

Their spit is also so rancid that when they hunt they just try to create as big of a wound on an animal as possible, and then follow it around for sometimes a whole week at a time until the animal succumbs to infection

People on Komodo island bury their dead extra deep so the dragons won't dig them up and eat them
Most fucking cult animal
It can kill anything with one bite

>Finland anywhere above mid tier
Shit taste lads

>Yeah but they're all fucking dead
let me believe that there's some left
sounds more like dm to me
but yeah it's really fucking cool

Who is this qt female? I want her to have my baby

Bailey Jay, knock yourself out. . .

>most cult animal
>not the wolverine

That wolverine looks fucking woke

that is a crow not raven

That's out of date as of quite recently. It's more so the venom that does it (people didn't know they were actually venomous until a few years ago)

Post BM covers of non-BM songs