Oh shit

oh shit


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>dude its my body my life lmao

literally /ourgirl/

tbf, I think they're claiming here that she sold him fake xanax, and that he overdosed because it wasn't what he thought it was, not just because she gave him drugs


sounds like pure speculation by a bunch of druggies in denial that think you can't od on xanax

>taking pills random roastie stalkers give you



Ah yes I remember when drug dealers get charged with murder

I don't disagree


doing gods work

>100% pure fentanyl

really makes you think

What does this have to do with musical discussion?

This is pretty dumb. The same people who are going to pile on this girl are the people who are all going to say "what's wrong with drugs tho?" and "he was just having fun".

I mean, they all just as easily might have hooked him up with those drugs themselves. It's not like she knew they were bad.

Fucking this.

This always happens because drug addicts are some of the most selfish and self-absorbed people in existence. No accountability until they want it.

>habitual drug user
>trusts randoms selling him pills
>doesnt have a drug testing kit

this is natural selection at work

You literally can't on xanex alone retard. Hate Lil Peep btw. Just mad at people who don't know shit.

Lil peep is ded now

I've seen a guy go into cardiac arrest from taking too much xanax. He would put 5-7 in a mug, crush then all, then snort it up and down some more.

They just attention-seeking, immature little insecure narcissists. Any of his fans or friends - all trainwreck pillpoppers - could have accidentally supplied the drugs themselves, but they are going to go into obligatory condemnation mode because, being petty people, they crave drama and a chance to whine and act self-righteous.

>ex-boyfriend sells her out to save himself

Yes you can, and
>implying there aren't plenty of images of him downing liquor and probably other drugs as well

This whole "you can't OD on xanax" is fucking dumb, said by kids who have never seen or used them before

yes but what does this tmz drama have to do with musical discussion?

If she sold him fake Xanax that was fentanyl then she is criminally responsible for his death even if he’s an idiot drug addict

>buy xanax
>it's laced with fent from her dealer
>she goes to jail and not the guy who sold her it

I thought exgirlfriends and exboyfriends were supposed to love eachother forever?

It doesn't. I honestly had no clue who this faggot was prior to today.
From what ive gathered he was mumble rapper, or associated with them, and fucked around with pills.
Kids idolized him and the fact that he was constantly depressed and said he helped them with his music.
Either way its a hot bed of discussion on whether anyone should care.


The story goes that she actually knew they were laced and that's why her brother, Nick Bons, is in jail. Peep tweeted to free him as his last tweet.

Obviously they’d give her a chance to flip on the Guy who sold it to her but if she doesn’t squeal then she’s the one who goes to jail.
As far as I know cops actually do want to find out who is selling this shit and stop it even if they don’t really give a fuck about lil peep

I don't understand.
The xans were laced. She was probably a fan who wanted to hang out with him, and she probably didn't know they were laced.
It's a shitty situation but unless she knew what she was doing then she shouldn't be doxxed and criminalised for this. If it wasn't her he would've got xanax off someone else.

It's very rare to OD on Benzodiazepines by itself.

FentanyL was laced with Xanax which was his cause of death.

>The xans were laced.
citation needed
he was an alcoholic too

>admits he popped xanax with her
>"b-but she's, like, a villainous, BAD druggie - u-unlike me!"
>butthurt exboyfriend
>"get her, everyone! b-but keep me out of it!"

Look at this petty little weasel trying to get back at his ex, lol. What a pussy.

>mumble rap

I know it's sad

fake press of fentanyl that looked like xanax is what i heard

>Peep tweeted to free him as his last tweet
What a lad.

haha holy fuck. thats such a fucked final tweet

Holy fuck, I hate junkies.

Know any in your family?

Could you say whole speech again in spanish?

All my old friends turned into people like this. I hate them so much. You have no idea how scummy these types of people are.

Wow I've never even heard of this guy and I listen to hiphop daily.

The absolute state of these young people on twitter

Everyone likes to talk shit about millennials but honestly. Generation Z are trash. Can't believe these are real people

I know my post made it sound like I do, but fortunately not.

Gen Z voted for Trump to end this degeneracy. Gen X and the baby boomers are the ones that raised fucked up children like this shitbag

We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little

Is this true? I'm partially autistic not even memeing


lil peep tribute

>listens to nas daily

>end degeneracy

Wtf is esssskieeetit?

>unless she knew what she was doing then she shouldn't be doxxed and criminalised for this
Poisoning people with controlled substances is a crime even if you're a dumb whore, user.

no you retard, that's the joke

a corruption of "lets get it"

trump is objectively a degenerate himself

i'm sorry, but this is awful. don't stop making music if you enjoy it, but maybe get better before sharing pls

The streets raised you cunts after you stopped listening to us. We told you!

Jesus christ.

so was hitler, what's your point?
you told us to follow our dreams like schmucks and never gave us guidance you old privileged fuck

this aint me gangster

>mfw his name gets released anyway

Anyone else wanna fugg?

how the fuck

gen z can't even vote for the most part wtf

a degenerate cant end degeneracy moron

lets get it -> es get it -> esgettit -> eskettit etc

Cultural Marxism at play.

>nothing matters bro... everything is just so fleeting and arbitrary. like what even is life, ya know? live fast die young haha :P

what are "pods"

How is Trump a degenerate?

sure it isn't

18-22 can
yes they can, you're committing a basic logical fallacy

Nice; he deserved it.

chili peppers. you rub under your eyelids with the peppers and you feel a euphoric high for around 10-20 minutes. it's all the rage.

>citation needed
That's just what everyone's saying.
He apparently OD'd on xanax laced with fetanyl.

>That's just what everyone's saying.

NO, we told you to work hard and study and believe in yourself, not kill yourselves. We couldn't guide you, you had headphones on and played video games and spent all your time on the internet. I work for everything I own and don't skive off on the dole and be weak.

all true, coming from someone who was regretfully involved with some druggy scenes at a point in my life. this describes everyone i knew then including myself.

It all just comes down to atheism, or more specifically being opposed to God, in whatever way.

If you are existentially pitted against the source of and essence of life itself, then you are trading in death.

Marxism, Capitalistic consumerism, edgy subcultural nihilism (left or right), smug atheistic academicism, whatever... any of these are just expressions of the state of not knowing God, and they all bear rotten fruit.

A music artist died young, like him or not.

Lil sleep?

Is that his mom?

It was mostly boomers and male gen z virgins fed up with never getting laid

Average gen z

> Grew up online, weak social skills
> Has more conversations online than off
> Struggles to get laid, Sticks to porn
> No technical skills, everything just works
> constantly sharing feelings online
> Confuse notifications with gratification
> easily manipulated with click bait
> most likely has twitch bookmarked

It's just what literally everyone's saying and it makes plenty of sense.
Xanax is disgusting and everyone should stay away from that shit but you'd have to take a lot at one time to OD on them.

jenkem overdose im calling it

>You literally can't on xanex alone retard.

but thats wrong, you fucking retard. you mean to tell me if I pop 500 xans i wont OD? kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot

Marriage is for life in the eyes of God, non-degenerates don't divorce. They don't let themselves in with beauty pageant shit either.

>any of these are just expressions of the state of not knowing God


at the risk of sounding like a degenerate, i actually had some serious ego death the first time i took about 600mgs of DXM and spiritually it changed my life. prior to this experience i was a negative nihilist atheist archetype practically my whole life, and since then i've started incorporating more conservative values and virtues in my life. i've cut contact with all my old degenerate friends who did nothing but collectively kill themselves, stopped drinking and started exercising, eating well and reading spiritual literature. didn't know it was possible to feel this good about being alive.


Yeah blame the dealer and not the druggie who actually bought the shit. He knew what he was doing

Yeah, I know it all too well too. The behavior of everyone gets very predictable. It's all based in insecurity and hunger for approval and status, exacerbated by the inherent insecurity, paranoia and depression that the drugs instill in everyone and their relationships.

I mean, I'd probably done LSD nearly a hundred times, smoked enough weed for a lifetime, did enough Ecstasy to nosedive into morbid depression for a couple years, transitioned to all types of antidepressants, opiates, barbituates, as well as cocaine, occasionally speed if it was around, and finally just settled into heroin for a few years.

I absolutely acknowledge how stupid it all was but I definitely could see that I was not happy and was slowly crawling out of it and its scene. And believe me the people in that world are not your friend, and they certainly showed that when I stopped doing drugs with them and decided to get my life together and go back to school.

I don't wish death on kids like this, a lot of this shit unfolds very subtly and perniciously, and I understand the motivation and how some of it is also the product sometimes of wanting to live life to its fullest, being a romantic. I did all that and like pretty much everyone who went that way, was deprived of the real happiness and awesomeness I thought it would bring. It's an incredibly depressive world. Profoundly so.


lmao stop being such a whiny faggot

he was an alcoholic too you dumb fuck

is this unironically how it works? i want to enjoy being alive but it sounds impossible

>trying to police the discussion on a board that's already an abomination of shitposts and retardation
how new are you?


well said.
>And believe me the people in that world are not your friend,
i firmly believe that most of these people simply do not understand true friendship. sure they'll write their facebook eulogies for their "bros" and update their fucking profile pictures, but at the end of the day they were drug buddies, not friends. the primary concern is always the impending but fleeting high, never any of the human beings surrounding them. i'm glad to have escaped that and glad you have as well.