Never wanna even look at this shit again

Never wanna even look at this shit again.
Music for this feel?

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He was lil peep, now hes lil sleep.

Goodnight sweet prince

I quit that shit years ago.

weed is p much just better xanax recreationally, xannnies are only rly worth using if you're having legit panic attacks. i have em prescribed but i just smoke weed mostly, i was eating them when my bf broke up with me and then went back to weed.

i have a friend who was addicted to painkillers but has moved on to a xanax. he needs to get his shit together.

You should take more so you can be like Lil Peen

When Xanax starts getting poisoned by drug gangs you know shit is getting bad, it used to be just heroin with that shit in it.

Me too but then one day he got in a fight with his mom and took too many drugs and died.
Help your buddy quit.

I literally got a xanax prescription from my doctor today

what can I expect?

Xanax is impossible to cold turkey if you get seriously addicted to it. It utterly fucks up your nervous system and the withdrawal can kill you.

Chief Keef

I expect you to be careful and that you were prescribed it for legitimate reasons that it'll help you

>I literally got a xanax prescription from my doctor today
Did it come with a soundcloud account?

It will help you ctfo when you are having a bout of anxiety, but takes longer to kick in than you’d like. This might tempt you to take one *before* you think anxiety might set in. This can spiral out of control and that’s how a lot of people end up lettin the Xanax use them instead of using the Xanax.
If you’re at the point where you get anxiety attacks that are making you up holes in the wall or something, these pills might help you avoid some of those incidents, but they’re also really tricky to use right. You’re better off if you can find another way to deal with these anxiety attacks.

Hopefully this is a wakeup call to all the high school kids that think taking xanax makes them cool.

As someone that actually has a script for xanax, I don't get even get this whole fad. At least something like oxy or heroin makes you feel fuzzy, warm and incredible. Xanax doesn't do any of that. You're better off drinking alcohol.

Nothing if you take them as prescribed.

Literally not being able to remember anything while on them and eventual memory loss as well as mumbling if you abuse them

it was fentaynl laced supposedly

Take it only when you have severe anxiety and are having a panic attack. Don’t take it more than once a week, and certainly not every day.

Really though you should just drink alcohol, benzos are trash and eat holes in your brain.

Future - Feed Me Dope

To be fair most highschoolers suffer from trying to be cool or impress your friends, taking bars gets rid of those feelings AND makes you look cool.


I will for the most part, but I would like to use it recreationally once or twice
in my country you can only get 12,5mg per year, so I'll hardly turn into an addict

no, but I do have this crippling depression

I'm starting therapy at the end of the month, but I do have huge issues with anxiety to the point where it's fucking my life up

so is taking 1-2mg not enjoyable at all?

>so is taking 1-2mg not enjoyable at all
No, and 2mg is a fucking lot of xanax. Take .5mg at most. Don't be a retard.

Son have you tried acid?
I used Xanax to fight my anxiety attacks for a while. After one good acid trip i realized i have the power not to get that way in the first place. Completely changed my mental health. Note: This will only work for you if you are already certain it will work for you.
Inb4 “dude”

is there a better drug in existence?

I did acid once and had crippling anxiety for over 6 months. It only very recently went away after a mushroom trip.

Ketamine is the best that I've ever taken but I guess it's not for everyone.

>>Really though you should just drink alcohol
fuck off.
I agree that pills and shit should be the last way to go if you're really suffering, but pointing someone in the direction of alcohol instead? disgusting.

it's about what's helpful, isn't it? that's a fucking lot anyway, and you clearly need to research more on this serious drug you've been prescribed. I wouldn't even think of doing it 'recreationally', not even after all the research I expect and hope you to do.
I hope it, combined with therapy and other things help you though, seriously.

>Son have you tried acid?
no, and my psyche seems very fragile and I'm on ssris right now anyway. so w/e. I'm just gonna go to therapy

Wow you fucked up

As someone who has taken xanax recreationally a couple of times, how the fuck does this work for anxiety? How severe would it have to be?
I suffered anxiety and was on like 200mg of sertraline for a couple years and when I took that you didn't physically feel anything, your head just kind of changed.
Taking xanax legit fucks you up for a few hours where you can barely do anything except sit around.

You took too much.

Alcohol works and has worked for hundreds of years. Social gatherings are pretty much built around alcohol consumption.

you're only supposed to take 0.25mg, a whole xanax bar is 2mg


Less than that also works, Xanax is potent but not enjoyable.

ever hear of this thing called alcohol abuse and the prevalence of it? alcohol is just as much a poison, only slightly more normalized than the garbage drugs mentioned ITT

The first time I took it I took half a bar and I still felt that for a while before taking another half

can you feel the effects of 0.25 or is it only if you've got anxiety and it cancels it out?

Alchohol causes fights and arguments, misery and destroy families and friendships.