W/ Westworld General

"Post in this thread, or I'll kill you." edition

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for having level 20 int she didnt really seem that much smarter than she was before

shouldnt she be like einstein now?

Would love for Delores to shit in my mouth.

Handcuffed to the bed.
Starved for days.
Vision blacking out
Mouth painfully dry.

Delores finally comes back to me. She pours water on my face. I look hideous with my hair flattened.
She squats over me. She still wears her sweet summer dress. Feminine. No panties. I see her pussy hovering above my belly button. What's about to happen? Hopeful. Eye contact. She isn't smiling. Her anal muscles start twitching. Her pussy is reddish, a little beat up. Her anal muscles are more important just now. She gasps. Her anus opens about the size of a 50p coin. A brown chunky sits in it. More pulsing of the anal muscles. The chunky starts to slide out. The smell is vile and it sends my penis flying.
An inch ouch, 2 inches, it cracks and falls. 2 inches of chud on my abs. More pushing. The other one is coming out. 1 inch, 2 inch. It's pearly brown. Bright golden brown like you'd see on a vivid TV screen. Explosion. It all shoots out at once. The second hard chud hits me on the belly button, longer than the first. This one is covered in slime.
Aisling exhales powerfully.
She moves from her squatting position on her feet to a straddle position on her knees. Her pussy against my shining cock.
Picking up the chud. "You have to eat this. And maybe I'll take you on for a ride, cowboy."

Looking back at episode 3 and the photograph Ford shows Bernard. Something looked off when I saw it the first time and now I know why.


>durrr look he's reading Alice in Wonderland and wooooow isn't this line so relevant to what's happening in this series oh yeah i love jerking myself off hnnnghhh

Do you guys think the big twist is really gonna be different timelines?

I mean the internet figures everything out instantly but I feel like thats still too obvious.


superintelligent characters are hard to write

see Larry Nivens 'Protector' or Ted Chiangs 'Understand' to see good attempts

This doesn't look like anything to me

Every fucking time
Is it just me?

No. Her intelligence is still programmed, programmed by people with certain intelligence. Sure she may have an access to combined knowledge of multiple people, theorems etc but that intelligence is still fake. No matter how much she knows she can't think "outside the box", like Einstein.

I'm asking again
Can someone post the shot of the big black cock from episode 5?
I need it for reasons

Abernathy's tiny cuck dick is proof of a shrink ray

You Shrink fags are retards.

So the park is shrunken on that table. That table is in a base that has 90 subfloors, and is overlooking a canyon.

So the administrators are all normal life size, but anything happening in the park is shunk.

SO WHY THE FUCK did they build that HUGE fucking facility on location on a fucking cliff?

Why isnt that whole base shrunken down with the park sitting on some fucking table in Disney World?

So what's up with Dolores envisioning every bad guy in her life as MiB?

bow to your masters worm

The park and the facility are shrunk down on a table at the center of the maze.

Maeve kills Ford and all humans in westworld and uploads all data on code into her brain. Makes deal with Board to make Host that will be able to replace people in the real world, Board doesn't know Maeve is a host, she either takes a new form or Operates through Host proxy Ford or some other shit. Delores and MIB find maze, delores becomes human. Season 2 is them trying to stop Maeve from killing humans and attaining absolute control of the world. They can't go to the board or the real world because WW will be destroyed and all the host will never become real like delores did.

Solves the money problem with Harris and Hopkins as well.
Also hopkins really isn't the type to let himself be tied down to a series for years, he is old he wouldn't waste time like that so he decided to opt in and be the God of WW for one season.

>no ass
>fridge body
Why do people find Delores attractive?


no, you cuck

She is qt

I want to say that Arnold isn't actually in that picture, because I like this Bernard = Arnold theory. You'd think that if the head director of the site had a picture of Bernardold next to him from like 30+ years ago they'd start asking questions about how he retained his youth.

I think the space is just where the board of directors had the thing photoshopped. Screw that shit with the door that was just the producers being fuckers. Otherwise you have to question literally everything.

So uhh.. She's getting something out of or putting something on her own grave?

she could at the very least be like watson though
and this shows tech is way ahead of ours so im not fully understanding what the hold up is


Reminder Teddy is not getting cucked by William since Willores scenes take place 30 years ago.

No he's not

I would be happy with this. It's a good twist. When you're the kind of person who goes around looking for theories or at least likes trying to figure them out himself, you should be okay with some twists being spoiled ahead of time.

At least it's not "It's all a simulation maaaaan".

>Screw that shit with the door that was just the producers being fuckers.

But it was foreshadowed in the previous episode when Ford appears out of thin air, it's not hard to believe Bernard can't see himself/Arnold in the photo

I'm posting so I don't die

Last episode was the best since the pilot by far

why do we have to see this pancake tittied old bitch butt naked in every fucking episode?

the maeve plotline is really started to turn me off this show. Like everything she says is just so forced to seem "badass" and I cant take any of it seriously because she is just a fucking robot.

I can't give a shit about her character if I know she isn't human and everything she says is uninteresting

She is

Is that the piss river?

>dat manchin

What a gunt

>not getting cucked by William
>First episode shows Teddy getting cucked by William
Teddy pls

Everybody dislikes her arc user. It was kinda cool at first when she thought she had met the Gods, but now it's just horrible written.

Worst part of the show atm.

thats a dude right?

the Rio Relentless


its basically already confirmed. we know MIB and Will are both business men and have attachments to dolorez. We see a scene with Will holding a large knife thats exclusive to MIB. And in the last ep Will basically quotes MIBs motivating line when he says he wants to understand what it all means.

she looks best just waking up in bed

Next episode definitely makes or breaks this theory

verticality is not her good friend


Mfw he literally took a piss on shrinkfags

>ive never seen a human waering high waisted pants
go outside spurdo


Any confirmation of if Hopkins or Harris are in for Season 2?

Is will the Man in Black in current day and Will scenes take place when the park first opened?

He's point out the gut

No, see my post from the previous thread:

Was thinking of getting into this show until I saw this trannybot.

no. they aren't even the same kind of player. MiB is a metagaming exploiter, while Will is a casual.

She's the exception. Most of the chicks are pic related or hotter.

so if the park is actually shrunken on the table, why didn't the writer's piss drown everyone

>will the Man in Black

He's been going there for half of his life, c'mon.


What if the company William and Logan work for who's thinking about buying Westworld is actually Delos?

They keep saying they work for a company, but they never say the name.
Delos is the corporation that bought out Westworld some time ago.

What if timelinefags are right???

It wasn't Int. It was Level 20 Apperception, which is self-awareness

Isn't this normal?

This is difficult to explain.

Maybe bernard looks younger in the picture than he does in real life.

Maybe bernard has only been working there for 15 years so it hasn't been an issue.

Maybe ford cycles out anyone who stays too long.

And I guess the massive roiling cloud of piss stench across the park didn't set anyone off?

Or that nobody saw a giant great waterfall of urine fall from the heavens on the horizon?

for fat or pregnant grils, sure

It gets miniaturized when it's about to touch down. You can see it shrinking in the scene.

Now that the dust has settled, can all agree this is the best scene?


>Or that nobody saw a giant great waterfall of urine fall from the heavens on the horizon?

He pissed on the very edge of the park and that place is fucking huge (to the shrunk people). Do you notice every time a thunder cloud rolls into the other side of your state/country?

Shrink this, negro.


Gold Star for you kiddo, you figured out what everyone got 2 weeks ago

But MiB says something along the line of "When I first started coming hear the hosts were all gears and mechanics"

Whereas with William the hosts are lifelike i'm pretty sure

Why do you think that looks hot?
Because it doesn't look like anything to me

>5d shrink rays

you're only operating on 2 or 3 memes right now

>Will: I want to find out the meaning to this all
>Ford: You can just ask
>Will: Hah, I would need a shovel for that
>[Ford visibly shaken]


They are. In the newest episode when they blow up the body of that Confederado you can see the gore.

What knife?

One of the best scenes I've seen in any show. To see someone steal a scene like that with Anthony Hopkins. Just amazing acting.

He was programmed to remember reading that as his son died in front of him. It is just Ford being a troll.

That foot long trail knife that the MiB has. Because no one else in the world could possibly have a similar knife.

Also, it's worth noting that there are still 1st generation hosts still around so MiB could have opened up ones like Ford's "family" at some point

>What if timelinefags are right???
We are right

I thank them silently every week. I think she is hot as fuck, especially after having 2 or 3 kids.


That's bullshit. They stated she has a more "powerfull" brain than us. What make you think her intelligence is "fake"? The intelligence of her creator have nothing to do with that. She thinks for herself, make her own correlation.

>Whereas with William the hosts are lifelike i'm pretty sure

Don't forget that Mini-Ford and his family are all gen 1 hosts, and they don't look any different on the outside than the new-gen hosts.

I imagine they still have blood and a layer of meat to provide gore even in Gen 1.

It will be confirmed for sure if we see William dismantle a host, but there's no hard evidence that William isn't among Gen 1 hosts.

Young Ford looks pretty lifelike though and he is a gearbot on the inside.

I wasn't on board with Will=Mib until Will said the same ''I must find the meaning behind all this'' that MiB has been going on about.

>Will works for Delos

holy shit guys! They shrunk starkiller base AND they brought the second deathstar back to life!

pls respond guiz ;_;
pls respond guiz ;_;
pls respond guiz ;_;

Jesus christ user, and I got banned just for mentioning horses

The Man in Black is definitely William. He intervened to stop Delores/Arnold as William 30 years ago. That's part of why Delores hates William/MiB now, because he betrayed her. Teddy is the surrogate good guy version of William to keep Delores on her loop.

The underlying theme of the William/MiB character is that he's a piece of shit. He goes for the black hat at first, then reconsiders and takes the white hat. He's a pussy fuck who constantly pretends to be the good guy instead of being outspoken about the fact that he's an asshole. Betraying Logan and Delores reveals his true nature to himself, but leaves him feeling empty and yearning for a greater purpose, given he's ultimately as unhappy as the bad guy as he was as the good guy.

It happens like fucking once, dude.

Or every single company in the fucking world could be trying to buy out the IP of a place that makes fake people, AI, and an artificial version of the old west.

No, actually it happens a couple of times.

he held his own in Glengarry Glen Ross
Ed is based

Are you fucking stupid?
You posted Chloe Moretz naked and you didn't want to get banned?