What was he thinking.

op here, i think his music is shit but isnt he supposed to have a new album tommorrow
unironically i think he's probably going to die soon from oding


where are you even getting that from
guy is going to clean up

I thought he was clean.

trips if he will die

hopefully, liberal puppet

He has been clean for 8 years

the albums dropping in like 5 hours or so, anyone else pumped to hear sick Trump burns

no cus hes not a retard who would OD on drugs

No. I'll hear it with 0 hope, hear it again and then go back the SSEP, SSEP, MMLP and Relapse.

I’ve been an Eminem fan for years but after his newest song I wouldn’t even care.

he is a retard. and he probably did OD when he was younger. now he's a washed up mom-rapper who fights el cheeto presidento and makes songs for call of duty commercials.

are we even sure there's a new album tommorrow

>anyone else pumped to hear sick Trump burns

I sure hope so. At least it would prevent him from ruining both his career and his legacy EVEN FURTHER.

He already released ton of shit, who still cares

I was pretty hyped before WoW, now I am still hyped but also scared that there will be more trash like that on the album. Then again, WoW is probably the worst track he ever made, I doubt it's possible to go lower from that.

Eminem made fun of other crappy presidents since 99, it's not his fault cheetoman begs to be joked about. Also it's not like CoD just bought the license to the track or anything.


>cucks still mad over Em dissing daddy
Jesus, you'd guys have a heart attack if you were old enough during Bush times.


>new album tommorrow

He shit on Trump. Basically signed his death wish.

Bush deserved it. Trump has literally done nothing, good or bad since becoming President.

Bush was the ultimate kikeservative and deserved all the shit he got lmao. At least trump is still partially based when it comes to immigration/demographics


But Eminem became the biggest cuck right now.

The only reason Trump did nothing is his own incompetence but shouldn't the attempts to do shit give him some credit? Besides, Eminem called him out on the rhetoric like the absolutely braindead tickle down shit, even most neo-liberals don't take serious. Just like he did with Bush and Clinton before.

Also let's not forget we're dealing with a school dropout whose job is to rap and entertain, not offer insightful political commentary. Every single thing he said about Clinton/Bush/Trump was true, but mostly because he picked the easy pickings, it's just Clinton and Bush supporters weren't as butthurt as the god emperor kiddies.

Obama was much harder on immigration and due being subtle about it, managed to accomplish it without public backslash. Trump got more arrests (mostly on everyone while Obama focused on violent criminals) simply leading to the court system being overloaded, fewer cheap workers doing the jobs no one else wants to do and you paying for the months/YEARS the arrested immigrants will be in detention.

>Trump has literally done nothing

You don't have to even consider anything political to criticize that mess of a "song"
It doesn't even have fucking music, it's literally slam poetry

After all the comments left on Walk on Water. I might not be surprised.

There was such a conflicting message, the struggle to meet expectations, the way critics killed his confidence, and all mentions about not giving a fuck and only caring about what Proof says.

you must really like the Slim Shady EP

kek, I meant the LP. Anyway the EP has the best version of If I Had and Murder Murder wich is an underrated Em song. SSLP have the best 97 Bonnie & Clyde version though.