When did the Alien franchise go off the rails?

When did the Alien franchise go off the rails?


Alien: Resurrection






This is not a homosexual forum

Great movie
Decent, but totally an 80s action flick
>Aliens 3
Incoherent shit
>Alien: Resurrection
Total 90s garbage that has aged like milk

Aliens was OK, but its where the franchise started to go down and it should have been the last one.

Aliens 3


when they realised what the bonus situation was

A sequel to Alien should never have been made in the first place.
If Alien had just been a standalone movie, it would've been remembered as a far more scary, eerie and mysterious film.

Alien>Alien 3=Prometheus>Aliens>Alien 4


Best post.

Perfect ranking if you take alien 3 as the extended version and not the theatrical one

How was this not a Joss Whedon two minutes hate from the first post?

My problem with Alien 3 is once you find out the xeno refuses to attack Ripley (the only character aside from the doctor we care about) all the tension evaporates.

Oh and the cgi is awful

>I don't like your opinion, therefore gay.

>aged like milk

No, it was shit then, too, and largely seen as franchise-killing.

Please tell me this isn't a real wake

>No, it was shit then, too, and largely seen as franchise-killing.
There was never a time that Alien Resurrection was good. It killed the franchise.

To my knowledge, yes.

The moment principal photography for Aliens started.

That's when the 'mystery' starts.

Aliens died when some fucking videogames and comic book people got their greasy hands on the franchise.
The mythology surrounding it went to shit.

>thinking you're this aware

might as well be you in that casket, user. you've already ascended.


yee Aliens was great but it kind of fucked it up for future installations since the xenomorphs were no longer very threatening. They tried bringing back the horror of 1 xenomorph with Alien 3 but it kind of fell flat

Alien 10/10
Aliens 9/10
Alien 3 6/10

The minute Aliens ended.

Alien 3

Aliens is great because it's a good action movie. It would be universally loved if it wasn't associated with the franchise. The rest of the sequels can't stand on their own two feet.