Why are chinks so evil?

Why are chinks so evil?

Seriously what the fuck

>still wagging their tails
are those all strays or do they breed them for food like cows?

This is why Chinese culture survives.

I'm not a chink but you gotta admit they are pretty ruthless and not pussies like Europeans. They are also pretty racist and realists.

dogs wag their tails when they aren't sure what to do.

I'm sure that's why European culture dominates the Earth today and Chinese "culture" is quickly being replaced by American/European culture in it's own country.

European "culture" is being replaced by sandniggers in a fast pace if you havent noticed, while Chinese simply adopt the good things, steal our technology and leave the trash parts like political correctness or "feminism" out.

I'm not going to watch all of this because violence against animals is degenerate. Also for some reason i don't feel compassion when i see asians or niggers suffer



well now that makes it worse. I thought they were just blithely entering a room of corpses assured nothing bad would happen to them

white folks and their dogs.

I ain't clickin that, M. Night Famalam

They have a serious lack of empathy, I can recognize they have a higher average IQ than most white nations but the Chinese lack some serious human qualities.

asian people are closer to insect than human

Yep... What aren't you getting?


Happy to help.

what show is this? or this now Sup Forums?

just kidding this is entertaining. i mean its fucked up but it aint our country so fuck it.

>indulging in collectivist notions of tribalism is "realist"
Fool, a real man appraises every individual for his worth, not based on his heritage.

This is less triggering than kitten slaughter or mice torture, which accomplish nothing beyond titillation and the degradation of a person's ethics. But it's still deplorable.

>Doggo just wants to go home but he's too hurt and too tired
>Just wags his tail hoping for the best

he's running through heaven now
godspeed puppers, you were good boys and good girls
we were the bad boys, puppers. we were so bad.

They won the war, Cletus

yea, Sup Forums becomes "Sup Forums for people too retarded for Sup Forums" after midnight EST.

Like, you know any better than 50000 years of human history.

It's pretty much all Asian Nations, lets be honest.

What show/movie?

ITT: We post Kino that low-IQ races will never understand

boohooohoo we murder 99.8% of animals on the globe and we are civilizied


fukkin pussies

All the jobless Americans start moving in from other boards.

you can breathe
you can blink
you can cry
hell, you're ALL gonna be doing that

Philosophical enlightenment trumps the savage behavior of the species before recorded history.

This process is not automatic, but is arrived at by rigorous examinations of first principles.

The law is designed to keep in check the bulk of humanity incapable of engaging in this process.

i was being a smart ass when i said it but i honestly dont mind. its a two-fer as far as im concerned.

..as long as they dont over do it.

White people always draw the line at dogs.

we murder them humanely

It takes a real lowlife to hurt a dog.

i don't get how racism is compatible with realism when it's a comfortable delusion -- safely thinking you're superior to someone based on nothing substantial. more unforgivable than being anti intellectual, it's a coward's mindset. racists are just as bad as religious people. don't confuse your easy cynicism with realism

The fact you can't tell the difference between killing wild/farm animals and domesticated pets/strays shows you have a massive lack of empathy and therefore are most likely a chink.

Ping pong ding dong

Any kind of society is built on tribalism in the first place. At least the societies we know. Nation states, religions all built on tribalism and belonging to a tribe. Sure you can have some form of society without them but they never existed, maybe some hippies did something similar, then again a hippy is already being tribal by rejecting the majority ("the bigger tribe")

I'm just kinda bored by it at this point.

Farm animals are domesticated. shit-for-brains.
Is this the kind of nonsense American public schools fill your children's heads with? wew lad

Their living conditions and extremely close proximity to each other has made them soulless automatons.