Let's hear some good Breaking Bad fan theories

Let's hear some good Breaking Bad fan theories

Walt and Jesse were the same person

all fan theories are generated by marketing departments to force internet discussion

Tuco was actually Threeco. The real tuco died in the jungles of Columbia on a special operations mission to combat the cartels. He was working for Ritter.

It was all a meme.

Someone just fucking post the Bravo Vince image already

It's possible. Walt was an insecure literal cuck. Jesse was a snitch cuck.

Pinkman crashes the car at the end.

Walt and hiesenburg are the same dude

Walt jr was a 60 year old man using make up, he killed the real walt jr years ago

Walter White was actually Bryan Cranston disguised as Hal from Everybody Hates Malcolm

Meth Obama placed the phone call to Hank to warn him about the assassination attempt.

I always thought it would be sweet if he ended up moving to Alaska like he mentioned before

Walter isn't really kill

1 ding actually equals no and not yes

Walt died in the car and everything after that is his fever dream before dying.

Shut your filthy mouth

>breaking bad

What a garbage thread

Walt boned Lydia.

It was all a daydream of a man dying in hospital from cancer.

Mike tipped off Hank about Walt being the kingpin because he knew he wanted his guys dead, and to get back for the death of Gus.

malcom knew about the crystal ship all along

there are countless parallels/similarities between BrBa and Malcom in the Middle

If Walt's imagination was so vast he could conjure up in his head a 5 season intricate drama with many characters with different motivations then he wouldn't have been so poor in real life

Jesse and Walt Jr. were the same person.

that is also STEM

Patrick Kuby left the henchman business to start a podcast.

>tfw realized my major was worthless so I moved into comp sci
hope i didnt fuck up

but in the first couple episodes, skyler meets jessie at his house

I think this was confirmed in Saul Cuckman.


Jesse was a hallucination caused by the cancer and chemo drugs. That's why Skylar thought it was so weird.


see also: Walter White was Santa Claus

Todd was Dylan Roof

took me awhile to make the connections

Wasn't that an alternate ending?

this guy from Curb looks like Mike + jesse.

Skyler was sleeping with Bogdon

>Gus was homosex with his old companion and Gale
>his Chilean background was completely fabricated and he wasn't even Chilean at all

when walt bought the car wash, he wasn't trying to get out of the drug business, I think he was just trying to launder money

Do all DEA agents have fake names like Hank?

he never revealed himself he got executed by Jack

grasp more, pleb

Someone didn't pay attention. There was another flash foward clip in the final episode showing Jesse being a woodworker and building the box he talked about building back in high school. Which is good because everything else in the finale was fucking bleak.

walter white was heisenborg the whole time

>delusional thoughts are the same as a flash forward

wew lad looks like you've been dreaming of some wood boxes

Walt Jr actually hated breakfast, but he ate it just so he could spend time with his dad

Are you stupid?

Can someone link some convincing skyler porn? I cant stop jacking off when i watch this show

Pls halp

He hated his dad. He just wanted to be fat like Uncle Hank.

Was it implied Jesse was just imagining that? I don't remember the exact context

Jesse was able to get the original RV uncompacted, restored, and he went on to live and cook subsistence meth happily ever after


He was just grumpy cause his legs sucked

Walt made a mushroom cloud with his food to warn the world his next project was an atomic bomb. He was killed by a stupid song by Badfinger before he could finish the bomb.

not implied, essentially stated

Who is that in the back?


"The only reason you are alive and he is not...is because I know who you are."
―Don Eladio to Gus Fring.

Before leaving Chile in 1986 Gus Fring was somehow connected to the Pinochet regime in Chile, either by familial relationship or involvement in the state-sponsored terrorism activities of Pinochet's government. He may have worked for the secret police agency DINA, or used his science background to develop explosive or poisonous compounds for use by the regime.

His obvious comfort with the 'hands-on' aspects of killing (cutting the throat of his meth lab assistant in front of Walter and Jesse, or poisoning the cartel members at Don Eladio's home in Mexico) suggest he may have taken part in the Pinochet government's extensive campaign of torturing and 'disappearing' its political opponents.

I wrote an entire episode of BB that takes place right when Jesse begins dating Jane. It's cringy and from 2012.

Walt wasn't hit by a bullet. All the bullets were 7.62 NATO, and all were flying far above his body and all are very capable of penetrating whatever that thin wall was made of. What Walt was hit by was shrapnel from the wall. Given that, Walt merely passed out from blood loss after several minutes of bleeding but was resuscitated by medics. He then died in prison awaiting trial due to his cancer.
It doesn't fucking matter if he died at the compound or in jail. Like he told Hank, he was dead within 6 months anyway.



Walt died in the car at the bar in S6 after calling the police. The next episode is his dying dream.

I should have read thread

yea that's a good one. id like to see tarintino work with bryan


>>Gus was homosex with his old companion and Gale
Why? Gale wasn't gay.

Breaking Bad and Watchmen happen in the same universe.

Walt Jr. was messed up because Skyler thought vaccines caused autism and refused to allow him to be vaccinated against polio.

He gave Walter a copy of Leaves and Grass. It's not conclusive, but it seems pretty gay.

omg its all connected

>Leaves and Grass
Millennial detected

what happened to these guys?

It's Leaves of Grass. Gale gave it to him as a gift because Gale thought it might smooth things over after Walt was clearly irritated by Gale's mannerisms.

Huell runs the meth business in Albequerque now with his sidekick Badger.

also her smoking didn't help


I always wondered why he was spared.


i hope bill burr and Patrice Oneil come back as Saul's henchmen in Better Call Saul

They became Jehovas witnesses


Related: the two rich people that Walt threatened never payed up the full amount and hired a PI the moment after Walt left to make sure nobody was actually going to sit outside their house and kill them. What a retarded plot closer.

>Should air around season 2 when Jesse had his friends slinging for him. Should be when they start to "expand".

>Someone has stolen a substantial amount of money. They were supposed to show up for a money drop off but never appeared. Jesse is in a rage, before he tells Walt he investigates the dealers house. The house is a mess, things are missing, someone took a lot of stuff in a hurry. There is a ticket stub for the nearest airport. Jesse takes one look at the stub and leaves. Jesse calls Walt and appraises him of the situation, he also sends him a picture of the man. Walt is fucking furious. "No one steals from us! I'm going to take care of it". He races to the airport, the same one we saw when he "went to his mothers". He searches the area before check out. He cannot find the man. He decides to buy a ticket under a false name. Searching around the next area for a while, he's clearly angry and about to give up. This is when he spots the man sitting down with a duffel bag and a suitcase. Commercial break. 1/2

Jr. was really dead.

>Walt seats himself behind the man. "Terminal 8 is now boarding" a lady on the intercom bellows. The man glances at his ticket and begins moving towards Terminal 8. Walt follows him. Walt clearly has no clue what to do. How does he get this money? You can see it on his face, confusion and rage at being so close but not being able to close. You can see Walt glance up at something quickly and relief flash on his face. The man is closing in on a bathroom, but not entering it. Walt speeds up and is directly behind the man. Just as they both pass the bathroom, Walt grabs the man and pushes him into the men's washroom. The man turns around "What the fuck are y-" he doesn't finish the sentence as Walt shoves the man into an empty stall, and closes/locks the door behind him. We come up on a ascending shot of a man reading a magazine sitting on the toilet. He's heard the commotion and is looking up puzzled. We hear the following all while his expression changes from puzzled to scared to horrified. "Hey, I'll give you your money, man. Just do-". A splash of water and muffled grunts. Some thrashing and struggling that slowly loses vigor and eventually stops altogether. The sound of the door to the stall opening and a lone pair of footsteps walking away. The man sitting in the toilet bleakly pulls up his pants and exits the stall. Slowly creeping forward he sees a lone open stall. He walks over to it. In the stall is the man with his head face down in the toilet and his body lifeless. Cut to Walt walking briskly away from the bathroom, duffelbag in hand, the bathroom in view behind him. We see the man who had been sitting on the toilet run out of the bathroom yelling "HELP SOMEONE IS DEAD THERE'S BEEN A MURDER!". 2/3

>Walt does not look back but begins walking faster. Cut to security room at airport "We have a CODE 551, inform staff to lock down the airport". Walt is in sight of the main doors by now. As he is walking a woman receptionist calls to him "Sir, you cannot leave the airport is on lockdown". She begins running after him. He is a decent amount of space a head of her and again, he does not look back. He exits the doors, hails the first taxi he sees, as he gets into the back of the taxi the woman is exiting the airport and telling the taxi to not go. The taxi looks at the girl and then at Walt. Walt opens the duffelbag, which is filled with cash, and says "Go" in his deep grumbly serious voice. The driver does so, leaving the girl in his dust. Last scene is back at the airport, police are investigating the airport. One airport worker says to a cop "We have security footage of the guy, but it's not great". Cop says "Get our sketch artist on it, I want this guy found". Cut to a mother fucking sketch of Heisenberg complete with hat and sunglasses.

I wrote this when I was 17. Should I send in an application to Vince?

Many racist messages are worked into 'background' conversations, Vince had been beaten up by a BasketBall American as a child and still harbored a deep-seated resentment.

>Commercial break.
Stopped reading but I also stopped reading when I saw
>Someone has stolen a substantial amount of money.

kill yourself


>Walt killing someone in Season 2 out of any reason but defense

>mr.white invades POC safe places like criminal underbellies and does their job better than them
>literally murders POC businessmen and takes over their businesses

show was racist #notmypresident

Mike was actually an agent for CIA

What theories are you talking about, the character was based on a real guy and his name is literally WALTER WHITE, he is still alive look it up

Here's a big one, but it's plausible when you think about it:

Better Call Saul is set in the Breaking Bad universe

remember saul from breaking bad?

that's jimmy mcgill in the future

Walt isn't actually the one who knocks. In fact if there's a way he can possibly not make his presence known to future victims he'd most likely take that route. He's not a fucking Mormon.

>Mike was actually an agent for CIA

Was that part of Walt's plan?

And those jets that collided above his home, did they have flight plans?

>CIA involved
>Jets colliding
>no survivors
oh fuck

Walt WHITE ended up with a WHITE power gang.

Walter White using his chemistry powers creates a way for jet fuel to melt through steel beams.
