Does anyone here still buy physical media? thinking of starting to collect criterion releases

does anyone here still buy physical media? thinking of starting to collect criterion releases...

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What? Why not just sign up for Filmstruck?

I've got about 80 or 90 Criterion Collection films on dvd or blu-ray. I do appreciate the thoroughness to their transfers and the commentaries/supplements provided.

After watching a movie(in theater or renting it) if i liked it enough i will usually buy a physical copy.

Wait for 8k to become the standard.

there's soooo much stuff missing from filmstruck right now

just download YIFY 1080 rips. save some money

Physical discs are a massive hassle to actually watch

If you are going to buy them to support whomever, to actually watch them you'll probably want to remux or transparent rip them down.

There is literally zero reason to use a bluray player over a well setup htpc full of digital media.

Just bought Game of Thrones season 6. For better or worse I might as well complete the collection at this point.

In about 10 years once physical copies of movies are a thing of the past and everything is done online or OnDemand, and Hollywood no longer lets you buy your own copy of the movie and instead only lets you rent them for a 24 hour period for $14.99, people are really going to regret being too lazy to keep physical media around

But I have eternal digital copies of everything so what difference does it make if that were an eventuality?

>Physical discs are a massive hassle to actually watch
>massive hassle to actually watch
>massive hassle

How? How fucking lazy are you?

>grab Yojimbo off shelf and open it
>put in PS3
>movie starts playing
>this takes less than 10 seconds
>hurr durr massive hassle

Just because you, and a few others like you do doesn't mean that the majority of people out there will be able to say the same. It's going to be a great pay day for Hollywood.

>don't know what to watch
>have to browse a bunch of splines spread out on shelves
>instead of an organized poster set on the htpc and synopsis screens containing all pertinent information right there

>pick something, have to go get it, have to take it over to the player, have to put it in, have to wait for menus, trailers ads and all sorts of shit
>instead of just pressing play

It's a pointless inconvenience that has zero upsides

Your logic is flawed. I collected a shitload of baseball cards when I was a kid thinking they'd be worth something some day. Turns out that the time period I was collecting cards there was such an overabundance of them manufactured that they're not worth anything. There's no rarity to any of them. This will be the case with most physical media, as there are thousands and thousands of copies of many things. If you're just keeping physical copies of movies to make money or to have them become more valuable is totally ridiculous

>This will be the case with most physical media, as there are thousands and thousands of copies of many things.
I wouldn't be so sure of this, user. The future is very unpredictable.

That's not what that guy was saying at all.

i only buy 4k now

I don't buy blu rays as often as I used to (my collection is pretty big now) but I still collect them if they're under $10 or a Criterion Sale is going on.

I just bought the criterion blu ray of McCabe and Mrs. Miller last week

I like owning my purchases and knowing they're mine. The other day I was in the mood for A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 (my favorite one) but was at work so I decided to see if Netflix had it. Sure enough, they didn't. Got home, grabbed the disc, and enjoyed the movie. I don't trust servers or corporations with my stuff.

>don't know what to watch
>have to browse a bunch of splines spread out on shelves

This is a "massive hassle"?

>pick something, have to go get it blah blah blah

"Massive hassle"

Looking at a shelf is a massive hassle, but torrenting and tagging hundreds of files isn't?

Best possible quality? Extras? There are upsides to owning physical media. Besides, if your hdd fails then you lose all of your data and have to redownload everything which is a major inconvenience.

Anyway, what are these unskipable ads everyone keeps talking about? When I put a bluray into my PS3 it goes straight into the menu, and when I play the movie, it just plays the movie. This may vary from disc to disc, but I haven't come across any ads.

It is a massive hassle when compared to the fact you have to do almost nothing in the other scenario

Plex auto tags everything and torrenting shit is just a click, plus you only have to do that once not every time you want to watch it

Remuxes are identical to discs and transparent rips are not noticeably different, plus you can get all the extra stuff in there as well. HDD fails are extremely uncommon and can be detected and dealt with before they lose all data mostly, and redownloading is no issue if required.

I never said "don't buy discs", I said if you do buy the disc make or get a rip of it as well because it's far easier to use and sort.

>thinking of starting to collect criterion releases...
Only plebs do this. Don't do this.


Holy crap just for a sealed VHS. At least they give free shipping...

>zero bids

You can price anything you want doesn't mean someone will buy it.

Criterion misses a jack load of important films, and has an unfathomably bad bias against American cinema.

I don't even think Birth of a Nation is under their label.

same here I'm thinking about starting a movie collection. I hope there isn't another format change making all my blu rays obsolete.

>buy a criterion release film
>now you can't buy any other companies releases

c'mon nigger, you really think people do this shit?

That Midnight Run BD is a must-own. An absolutely underrated and highly re-watchable crowd pleaser. Literally one of my favorite 'flicks' ever. The theme song is American road movie royalty.

BluRay is fantastic. I don't think it will be replaced for movies

I think it is kind of strange, and a little sad, that out of all the hobby boards (/lit/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc), Sup Forums is the only place where you find people constantly raging over owning physical media so much that it seems people who buy and collect are a small minority. Sup Forums has become such a fucking pathetic board I don't even know why I come here anymore.

Good thing you only download YIFY, right? :^)

No, that's not what I'm saying, buffoon. I dislike those who place Criterion above others. Yes, they have great transfers and extras most of the time, but their catalogue is certainly not "the greatest films ever". Maybe if you REALLY like bland pedantic foreign movies perhaps, but I'm American. I care about Hollywood and American cinema foremost

I agree. Especially so given the relatively recent prevalence of 'boutique' dvd/blu-ray labels. There are hardly any discussion of their releases or libraries.
>CC, Kino, Twilight Time, Olive, Synapse, Arrow US, Shout/Scream, Mondo Macabro, Blue Underground, MondoVision, Vestron, etc.

Stop meming you dumbass
4k is the ceiling for home entertainment resolution, and it's gods gift to man were getting it the same time as HDR

35mm films will not look better with 8k transfers, and higher than 4k video will be imperceptible on a screen smaller than a movie theater

>and higher than 4k video will be imperceptible on a screen smaller than a movie theater
You're on Sup Forums. Most of us have home theaters here.

Go back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

You're retarded

Your home theater has a hundred foot screen?

You that dumb?

Honestly 20-30+ dollars for a movie is just too much. I buy 10 or even 15 dollar movies, and occasionally even 20 dollars movies when it's something good that I know I'll re-watch a bunch, but fuck me are some of them expensive.
Like 30 bucks for a B movie on blu ray that you can get on DVD with 49 other B movies. Usually it's limited edition too, so you can't wait for it to go into the bargain bin.
Guess I'm going to have to wait 10 years for this shit to get affordable.

If you're talking about my wish list, the 30 dollar ones are only because of limited issue Most classics are 15-20

Yeah a lot of movies fall in between 15 and 20 dollars, which makes it painful to buy.
Still, I probably spend that much going to go see a movie in theaters, not counting the gas spent.
Usually the less movies I see in theaters, the more blu-rays I'll buy.

There are a lot of more obscure movies that cost 25+ dollars though.


> I dislike those who place Criterion above others.

>there is a criterion release of a film
>pick that
>there isn't, then get whatever is

Do you seriously think there are people out there buying films they don't want or not buying films they do want just because criterion has or has not got a release of it?

I buy blu rays of films and TV I really like because I have a 44" TV about 5 feet in front of me and it would take days to download rips that look good on it, if you can even find them on public trackers.

yeah, I collect VHS, should I post collection?


I would actually like to see.

Are you sure?

I have a bunch of pics like this, no full shots though because my collection is in mostly in storage right now.

literally no point in collecting blurays. They wont have the same novelty as VHS later on.


should have scrubbed geo-data, now im going to come rape you.


BluRays (especially Digibooks and Steelbooks) look so much nicer though. And of course their transfers are top-tier.


If you mean look physically nicer then I have to disagree, if you're talking about the transfer, then okay.

Only if I want the supplements, usually commentaries. Pretty much all I buy these days is Criterion, Arrow and Scream Factory.

>scream factory
For what reason? Their transfers and covers are awful.

Selena Gomez wasn't even alive in the 80s

>thinking of starting to collect criterion
just get filmstruck[/shilling]

most of the criterions im interested in getting aren't available on filmstruck.

off the top of my head

last temptation of christ
wes anderson movies (lol)

>mfw I have 6 black diamond VHS tapes
>mfw I could sell them to a gullible retard and get away with it



Who /Ultra HD Blu-ray/ here?

I've slowed down in the last few months because I'm completely out of space. Used to buy loads.

I have another full bookcase the side of the middle one, and a bunch in my other flat too.

Send help.

Blu Ray is overhyped trash. DVD is still going strong.

I do.

Damn. I jelly.


I recently added McCabe and Mrs. Miller and Fantastic Planet Criterion BDs.

>Most of us have home theaters here.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Most of "us" are manchildren that only watch capeshit.
I'd love to have a home theater, but unfortunately, I can't afford it yet.

Mulholland Dr > True Detective > Dr Strangelove > Drive > Andrei Rublev > Seven Samurai > Thin Red Line

I have Star Wars ("4"/5/6) and SW Rebels S1 in the mail

This. While I buy a shitload of blurays, and work full-time, I have bills to pay and shit to do. I can't go out and just buy a big-ass tv and a surround sound system willy-nilly. So far I just have a 32".

Name dropping in real life, I see. Pretentious faggot.

that's a myth, nobody actually buys them.

Literally next is Dragon Ball/Z/etc. (But the whole series isnt in print in proper 4:3) and the Twin Peaks box to prepare for peaks '17

Also LOTR theatricals and a disc drive for making non Special Edition Star Wars Blu rays


nah, it would be convinient if i regularly left the house and if i were to order them online i might aswell torrent that shit

>collect physical media
>in 7 years another format emerges and have to buy it again
why do you waste your money?

Im still fine with my dvds, speak for yourself

Even if you download, don't you still have to save all the files somewhere? You'll still have to have some kind of physical media

you can use the (((cloud)))

What if it rains?

well how else do you get your content out?

At least I have a 42", but the sound quality is abysmal. Great picture quality though.

those rips are the worst. some worse than dvd.

I own about 300 blurays, and over the years I have come to realize that it's a waste of money, and it takes up a lot of space. I keep paying $25 for a movie that I'll probably only watch twice.

user was making a joke, user.

I had a small collection of dvds, but made a decision to invest in a lot of Blu-rays as my main driver to watch movies. I'm not some cuck who won't support movies, so it's either I go full digital and just store my movies on a hdd, or have the physical Blu-ray where I can see them, access all the features, and appreciate them and talk about them with people who see my collection.

I made the decision that this would be the last physical medium I buy. I know eventually a 4k movie will be the "norm" but I made the prediction that although I'm sure the physical discs may be on the rise, it won't catch on like dvds and Blu-rays have, and that everything will be streamed from here on out.

Go to Wal-Mart, dollar General and those kind of places. I find decent blurays for under $10.

only buy my kino