Are there any good straight edge rappers to be a positive influence on the youth?

Are there any good straight edge rappers to be a positive influence on the youth?

This drug stuff has to stop.

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only using weed is the new straight edge

What is conscious hip hop?

De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, the list goes on...

i think we really need another straight edge trend

>This drug stuff has to stop.
Deaths from drugs abuse is just natural selection at work.

I mean if you believe in the turning theory, we’re heading for a very conservative age. That being said the rise of right wing political and ideological thought is increasing and GEN Z is the most conservative generation since the 30s. So yea, we may be going into an age of straight edge music that doesn’t explicitly reference drugs.

it should be facilitated by small government

Pretty much this

vince staples.

I saw Kevin Seconds of straight edge legends 7 Seconds the other day. Me and my friend were pretty much the only people drinking beers. The fast majority of the crowd were middle aged guys who had presumably been part of the 80s hardcore scene.

To be honest, they all looked like losers. A number of them had straight edge-themed clothing, but they were clearly working poor, and they looked like they didn't take very good care of themselves.

It's almost like to be successful in this world, you have to do more than just not drink and not do drugs. It's almost like it's more about what you do with your time, rather than what you don't do. It's like it's okay to have the occasional drink or party drug, as long as you work hard, stay in shape, and study.

wrong nigger

Tyler the Creator is the only 100% no drug musician I know about. Vince Staples too and I think J Cole only smokes weed (which is the equivalent of having a beer in this day and age)

>What is conscious hip hop?

he's straight edge now

take the WOKEpill
Talib Kweli
Mos Def

>GEN Z is the most conservative generation since the 30s

this is the biggest meme i've ever heard. that generation is like 15 years old at most
socially, they're more liberal than any before it - they're fucking kids who wanna do whatever and think they're so unique

economically, maybe they'll turn out more conservative since they've only lived through recession, a bit of a recovery, and a time when their prospects for mobility and home ownership are not great

correct trips but he's made lil peep sounding songs


zero hoots gang for life

>In “Jump Off The Roof,” you have this mantra of “I pray to God cause I need him,” repeated by someone who’s about to commit suicide, right? Can you tell me a bit about that track?

>Well, in the hook it’s “On 3,” like in the sense of “1... 2...“ But “I pray to God cause I need him,” is like the only reason that anyone does. That song is about my dad doing drugs. Gives you seizures, makes you crazy. How drugs can fuck you up. When I say, “Life’s way too hard. Am I dreaming? Only way to tell if I’m breathing, on 3 let’s jump off the roof,” that kind of symbolizes throwing yourself into a situation. That song’s all about a leap of faith.

What does being conservative have to do with being straight edge? Minor Threat was not conservative.

nice numbers that isn't exactly straight edge though

making a song about his druggie dad doesn't mean he is not straight edge himself.

I mean there are outliers, I wouldn’t necessarily know, I’m no sociologist. But compared to the 20s, the 30s and 40s had much lower rates of drug use, and addiction. Drugs use just wasn’t apart of the culture.

pretty sure i read somewhere that chuck d's never smoked or drank

probably because all the ww1 vets had OD'd by then

more like cuck d

or maybe instead of some stupid inclusive trend like straight edge they can just promote the ideology of not having to do the same thing as your favorite rapper or all your colleagues in order to be "cool".

I don't smoke weed cuz I'm not a dope
The only thing I boot is hope
Mom knows best so listen to that bitch
Or you might end up buried in a ditch
Drugs are bad kids, make no mistake
On your 21st birthday, settle for a cake
Stay straight girls and you'll see the light
Plus get too high you might end up a dyke
I snort fresh air while you fools do lines
A deep breath of life's always better than a high

With legalised marijuana becoming a thing and considering that this generation are still teenagers who are only reaching party age I think you're being a retard.
Don't use the teenagers ironically shitposting as your case study for the average teen; losers with no friends who are overly active on the internet aren't the best example of kids who are outside fucking and doing drugs.

I think you underestimate how many loners use drugs

Big difference between a loner and some kid posting from his dad's iPad on Sup Forums

De La Rocha?

Lil Yachty of course.

Ugly god doesn’t even drink beer as far as I know but his lyrics aren’t exactly straight edge

No. There is literally nothing less cool than being straight edge.

>wah, I won't do something because old people told me to

Literal cuck.

>t. underaged

There's actually loads of straightedge rappers in the soundcloud scene but it's just not a big part of their music or identity

Two that come to mind are Pouya and Ghostemane

He'd be a good influence if he didn't hate cops.

If you lived in Long Beach you'd hate them too. The cops over there are assholes. He has been on record to say that he only hates corrupt cops that harass people, which is a perfectly reasonable stance.

There's literally nothing more corny than thinking that popping pills or smoking weed makes you hard.

>Not deciding to be straight edge because of life experiences and wanting to be a better person

what about innocent ass hippies that just wanna smoke weed & eat shrooms in peace? Infact, I want to go to a punk show on shrooms & just have a great time

The guy who produces chief keef is straight edge. The fat black dude, I forget his name.


Brother Ali

Nice utopia but people don’t work that way

Doesn’t Ghoste do psychedelics?

I just remember him saying he doesnt do anything on the Ham on Everything interview

Yung Chop

I wonder what the next popular genre is going to be. Maybe it will be rap forever from now on. Who knows

>Straight Edge
Conservatism is for dumb rednecks and bootlickers

Lil boat
