Post your music player right now nerd

Post your music player right now nerd

for what reason is there a CD on top of the player unless you just want people to comment on it

also I'm wanting to buy a turntable, what is a good one to get for someone new to it? I'm looking at getting an LP60 but I'm not sure


Don't buy new ones if you can. A vintage turntable for $200 will be as a good $500 new one. Check your local craigslist. Vintage Pioneers are my fav

Dont feel for the Vinyl meme unless you do it because they look cool
also a LP60 its alright, but alot of anons here in Sup Forums will tell you to get a used techinics or something like , that its not bad if you can afford it
but i reecommend you to get the audiotechina if you are planing to just get some albums, but if your planing to do serius record collection go for the second one

I just want people to comment on it. Usually players show what you're listening to, since this is physical might as well show it.

Not much to say about it otherwise.

he has a cd on top cause the turntable is stacked on top of a cd player.
anyways, pretty much what said about getting a turntable.
if you wanna just get something new and not worry about having to spray deoxit on the potentiometers and getting new belts and shit, then whatever you do, dont get an LP60. Comes with a shit cartridge, has no counterweight, and personally, my friend has had his for less than a year and his spins at the wrong speed (theres no speed wheel) LP 120 is fine though

>Implying I only have one way of playing music


StreetPass is the patrician way to find new music.

Mostly use this for playing cassettes, it's kinda shitty but I got it for like $15 so w/e.




Playing on an ASrock board, so it's cash.

I think $15 for that is still pretty good

nice ps3


real bad considering i got a cassette deck for like 10

pc included, turntable + stereo on the left

also what a horrifically uncomfortable looking space

It's in the garage, so you're absolutely right about that

Nice sandwich

it was, thanks man

Nice shrek

mouse bungee*



get your food off the bed you degenerate

i just had to put it down for the photo!

t. Dumb phone poster


holy fuck what an entry-tier turntable :DD

real nigga shit
