Why is Sup Forums's taste on psych rock so absolutely shit? king jizz...

why is Sup Forums's taste on psych rock so absolutely shit? king jizz, ohsees and tame impala is the epitome for you fuckers, but there's much better shit out there like ash ra tempel, brainticket, pelt, bardo pond, high rise
no taste shits

get off my board normie

you should feel bad for listening to it in the first place

u the normie

at least i don't complain about other people's music taste like an autist

you're complaining about me complaining autist

that's a pretty shitty argument, my Asperger's is officially diagnosed boi

calling something shitty is not argument, verified autismo

If you listen to psychedelic rock at all you really don't have any position to be judging other people on their tastes, OP.

i am a verified autist though, that doesn't get rid of the fact that complaining about another person's music taste is stupid and looks petty




>complains Sup Forums has shit taste in psych rock
>proceeds to name entry level first-month-on-Sup Forums scaruffi garbage

worthless post

>"there's much better shit out there like ash ra tempel, brainticket, pelt, bardo pond, high rise"
>doesnt mention any 60s psych at all

come back to me in 8 years when you discover somnambulist sonorism you fucking pleb

>avant teen wankery

more for me. stick to the poor man's lester bangs

a fucking avant teen is trying to act superior
>lester bangs
hahahahhahhahah go to bed kid

Memes and counter-memes aside Screens for A Catch is actually amazing