Let's play Fuck, Marry, Kill

Let's play Fuck, Marry, Kill.

Also rank them.

Mean Girls edition.

Fuck Mc Adams
Marry Mc Adams
Kill Lohan to end her misery

The other two can watch me fuck Mc Adams and Kill Lohan.

If Rachel wants they can also come to the wedding.

Fuck Lindsay.
Marry the other 3
Kill Lindsay after fucking her so you will always be remembered as the man who fucked prime Lindsay and people will be forever jealous not knowing she would turn bad faster than a banana soon after.

Then or now?

Marry Lacey, fuck rachel, kill Amanda if it's with that time period, or logan if it's modern

Lacey >Rachel >lohan> Amanda
Lacey > rachel > Amanda > lohan

marry lohan
fuck mcadams
kill ayy lmao

>not wanting to save lohan from a life of misery

can't see their feet

can't rank them

Marry fetch because of my yellow fever

Fuck McAdams

Kill Lohan

I am saving her by killing her. There is no way to change her user. Some people are just self destruction waiting to happen.


Girl on the right!

how can you not marry rachel mcadams

>>not wanting to save lohan from a life of misery

You could've stopped it, user. You and you alone could've kept her like this forever but you were busy posting furry porn on Sup Forums.

Cause she only likes guys with big dicks.

fuck Linsay - she was in her prine back then

mary Siegmundfreud and that no name girl - they seem homely enough (2 wives cuz I'm a muslim lmao)

kill Mcadams - i like her but she's in her 40 and still isn't married, no kids. that's not a good sign

Fuck Lacey/Amanda
Marry Rachel
Kill Lindsay

Objective ranking then

Objective ranking now

All other answers are incorrect.

because I fail the handcuff test, she'd just cuck me

shit I was in elementary school. still would've tried though

Can anyone think of any other girls who went bad as fast as Lindsay did?

Figures, I occasionally forget how long I've been here. I was just projecting anway.


megan fox


Amanda bynes

She is still plenty fuckable even now. Her career went to shit but still hot.

>he hasn't seen her new face

marry seyfried
fuck mcadams
kill lohan

her right arm is deformed and there's man foot in the background

she wasn't that hot

>plenty fuckable even now
yeah, right
was hot enough

I choose Harem route

Marry: Lindsay in a universe where she didn't JUST herself.

I think the OP is suggesting that you'd be marrying prime Lohan, so you'd have a chance to keep her on the straight and narrow.

Or do what I'd do, which is marry her and spend my days getting smashed on drugs and alcohol with her while trying to keep her in reasonable condition for all the constant sex we'd be having for years.

And for that reason, I choose: Marry Lohan. The rest can go free, I have no need for them.