Now that he's dead, we can all agree that he was an absolutely terrible rapper right?

now that he's dead, we can all agree that he was an absolutely terrible rapper right?

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no idea but his dad was a nice and charming fellow, so even if he was a poor artist i find his death to be a saddening event.

is his fanbase mostly teen girls that like him because he's cute? I've never even heard of him outside of Sup Forums. his music is really awful.

That's honestly more depressing than any music we lost, although I'm sure his dad saw it coming
a lot of edgy high schoolers like them too

He had a handful of really good songs. Most of it was an interesting concept, but poorly executed. However, I was hoping that after a few projects, he would actually release a genuine quality album. You should be sad about this death because an artist never got to reach their peak.

His dad is a professor, did you have a class with him?

well i mean he wasn't exactly a rapper so sure i guess

Whatever you call mumbling about benzos, he was terrible at it

this whole "waaaaahh i'm sad" rap peaked with yung lean and should have stopped there

yes i did, several years ago.

in fact, his father once mentioned, with a detectable tone of concern in his voice, that one of his sons was going through some troubles. at the time we just thought it was standard teenage angst or rebellion, but retrospect obviously changes that.

That's the real tragedy here

If his dad was so nice, why did his son turn out the way he did?


21st century poetry

always sad for a parent to bury their child

i know very little about his son, but he could have also been a tremendously nice guy but with debilitating drug habits.

What drove him to drugs though?

You can't police your children 24/7. Children will forever be curious, and he just happened to be curious about some fucked up shit. I'm sure Mr. Ahr loved him, and gave him as much of a father as he could, and tried to convince him to stop doing what he was doing. Peep even said in a GQ video, that he grew up in a well off family, never once talked bad about his father or mother. He held his mother is high regards. He knew what he was doing did not sit well with his parents, and it's a shame that they have to go through what they are going through now. I feel more bad for them then I do for the troglodyte that od'ed.


trying to flex on instagram


You just answered your own question

fuck this shit i need to know whether a prof is good or not stop fucking inflating ratings just because his literally who son died

i'm really not in a position to answer that, but being from his general area i can say that many kids in that atmosphere, even from traditionally "good" upbringings, feel compelled to experiment with drugs. some of those kids, without understanding their limits or what they're truly doing to their minds and bodies, take things too far. perhaps his relative fame and success prevented him from receiving the wake-up call that many others in his position eventually arrive at, while also funding his habits, but this is just speculation.

you can just say he was a bad egg

Not the same user, but I also grew up near the same area. The kids are always easily persuaded by social media, and by popular culture. There is no culture besides drinking and doing drugs where I lived, and I believe it is actually notorious for having the majority of teens do that. Like the previous user said, they have "good" upbringings, but it was clearly visible in town who was doing what, and who. This glorification of Xanax and other opiod drugs is dangerous, and needs to stop. I blame (((them))) for allowing it, just fill there greedy pockets. My sibling tells me about classmates who pay videos of them taking Xanax and lean on their finstas (fake Instagrams). It's a sad time for the Ahr's, but I hope their sons death will done a light at this glorification of these type of drugs in the rap industry, let alone being rapped by such young artists.

who's his father?isn't he a professor at some university?

So it's almost like these "good" upbringings aren't good at all.

First Heath Ledger ODs and now we lose another Joker actor. Personally didn't know much about him, sorry for your loss, OP.

yung lean fathered this new wave of rappers but he's not of them, its wrong to lump them together imo

he was a bad rapper and he wrote none of his own music. literaly just a pretty face to sell the product

The best part was when he died and his fans all OD'd in tribute to him. Once this literal human garbage was purged from the gene pool, humanity truly began to surge forward.


i don't care if he made bad music, he seemed like a decent human being and he died way too young, imagine hearing your 20 year old son is dead.

It's a relief when junkies finally die.
Who wants to play the waiting game?

I don't know where I read it but I think he dropped out of HS and just wasn't able to focus on anything. Got depressed and became a NEET for a bit before finding his druggie crowd.

I wish I could remember the source but I feel I read it somewhere.

nvm I'm dumb, He did drop out tho and earned his HS Diploma through Internet Courses.

Probably got into drugs when he moved out to LA at the age of 17 (No Parents watching him there).

he was bad

He walked out on the family. I went to the school he teaches at and everybody in the department knew this. He chases female students a bit and I'd imagine there was a time where it was worse.

He's a nice guy but his inability to man up and the instability it caused no doubt played a role in his son's issues.

Awful rapper. His parents deserved better. Question is: What new meme will replace him?


and nothing of value was lost

based benzos doing what they do best, killing degenerates


lil peep wasnt a rapper. you guys are retarded.

it was early 2000~ punk/emo alt rock over chill-trap inspired beats.

honestly kind of its own thing. i started liking his music a lot more once i stopped considering it rap or hiphop, because its not.

His music branched out from the hip hop genre even if his singing style isn't always rapping

Lil Peep fucked up by putting "Lil" in his name, especially since him and Pump both started getting popular around the same time.

You're underaged or mentally stunted.
Either way go back to Facebook

Very much so
It's sad a 21 year old died but his music was garbage and I doubt it would have improved. Plus either way he would have been dead before 30 with all the drug culture memes

why is that? you think what he did was rap? he was in zero way shape or form, a rapper. his music was hiphop inspired, and thats about as far as it goes.

sorry user, but you are the retard.

Woah woah calm down there you grown up man, your comment truly showed us that you're a very high functioning adult man

Bones invented that, and he's a good rapper too.

Its a way of adding an extra syllabel to your name. No one wants to be known as a single syllable, especially in hip hop where syntax is extra keen

If you are part of hip hop culture you are going to be called a rapper.

After he died, I hoped that his music was at least good so that I could feel something about his passing. No dice.

Its unfortunate why people use so many anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds when perfectly good hallucinogens would probably cure them of whatever they're going through. Psilocybin cured me pretty well.

Its unfortunate that people think they have to like someone's music to feel something about the untimely death of someone so young.


Taking hallucinogens while depressed can leave you feeling significantly worse as well as make you have a terrible trip. Unless you're in a calm state of mind and in a good setting, I wouldn't recommend taking tripping.

However, good for you for beating your issues. Hope you feel better now.

I'm not "people." I'm a psychopath.

That's true, but there's a difference between depression and sadness. If you take shrooms while sad then you're going to have a bad trip. I saw shrooms as a solution to my suicidal depression before I took them, so I felt optimistic while tripping and it gave me a healthy mindset. My set & setting were optimal given my condition.


I'm not twisted, just a psychopath.

I'm very logical and consequentialist, so I don't usually partake in seriously immoral activities. I just have severely reduced empathy and little regard for moral conventions or laws, unless it's to my advantage to appear in good standing to others.

I wouldn't mind being a hitman, for instance, but I would need reasonable certainty that I wouldn't get caught and good compensation (very difficult to come by). If hurting others is good for my life, I wouldn't feel much of anything, but otherwise it's not worthwhile to be abusive, so I'm a pretty sensible person most of the time.

Any other response than this right now and you're a cunt.

A young man died a tragic pointless death.

Please. You would shit yourself on the spot and cry uncontrollably once confronted to death and the consequences of your own actions.

*tips fedora*

90's had the Beastie Boys
2000's had Eminem
2010's had some dead xanax druggie

what happened?

With the world getting worse and worse, mental illness and drug addiction got significantly higher.

>lofi shit
>"dark" trap beats
Mostly a producer looking for rappers to work with, reply here or hmu on soundcloud for beats

i mean he was not very good at all

fuck me wrong thread

I listened to more than 2 songs on Youtube after he died and I didn't hear any rap at all.
P Diddy was objectively a better rapper

Even Peep didn't consider himself a rapper.

Thousands die young every day. This one was a cunt, so he’s better off gone. He was wasting oxygen.

I did not know swallowing 6 pills of xanax could kill somebody. I took much more once

His music is hip hop where singers are typically known as rappers.

OMG his music is good

>I wouldn’t mind being a hitman
Thanks user, best laugh today. Trenchcoat/10.

It's incredibly hard to overdose from just Xanax, usually you'll black out before you can take more. Either Peep's bars were cut with Fentanyl or he was also on opiates.

Sure it was faggot, why didn't you delete the post if it was accident? I think Lil Peep was lame but this is stil really fucking gross. Go have some Xanax.

This guy and his crew are a bunch of nastys. I know young ass chick (15-17) that they would hit up to fuck and give drugs too. Hope the scene dies with him. Also his fans are fucking funny. No one gave a fuck about his problems. His friends used him to get pussy. People thought he was cool cus of it. Its all pathetic


>I wouldn't mind being a hitman


The whole point is not getting caught, so being confronted would be irrelevant (assuming things went according to plan).

I've committed some felonies without law enforcement tracking it back to me. I'm not really proud or ashamed of them. They deserved it.

Keep your buttery sausages off of my hat

>It's another posh, rich, upper middle class faggot thinks he can be like the disadvantaged common man who use drugs and pour everything left of their damaged soul into music and other creative outlets because they need to escape the banality of the working class life of mediocrity and ends up dead within 3 years episode

This lol. My senpaitachi been homeless. 2 druggy parents. But I guess its hard to be middle class. Too much stress getting into uni. Or parents fighting over what car to give you.


I think we all agreed on that statement way before he was dead

With a name like Lil Peep the nigga deserved to die, you can't be a fly nigga if your name makes you sound like you're looking for lost sheep

Dude was a good singer and had a sick aesthetic. Rip


someone who sings hooks on rap songs is part of hip hop culture but that doesn't make them a rapper either

the fact that this cunt died will only make people talk about him that much more and he'll become that much more infamous for it.
not famous cause his music was and continues to be trash even after he couldnt handle the drugs he glorified taking

With how quickly rappers fade to irrelevancy, Peep probably won't be remembered for long. He wasn't nearly popular enough for his death to leave a big legacy I think.

>even after he couldnt handle the drugs he glorified taking

No one can handle fentanyl.

>No one can handle fentanyl.
Except the millions of people who take it daily as prescribed by a doctor?
