

Who here is ready for some Jap horror kino?

you just made my fucking night, OP, thanks

no problem buddy. gotta post all that highly anticipated yet never announced when pirated kino.

I've been enjoying quite a few korean and jap films lately. This better fill my before bedtime kino needs or i'll find you OP

Have you seen train to busan and I am a hero?

They are literally 2 of the last 3 I watched lol. Loved busan, liked i am a hero.

Cool. I posted those here, too. Waiting for The Similars to drop. It's like a Mexican version of a Twilight Zone episode that is supposed to be good.

>Cool. I posted those here, too. Waiting for The Similars to drop. It's like a Mexican version of a Twilight Zone episode that is supposed to be good.

Appreciated m8. I'll look forward to the mexican twilight kino :)

You were able to find Creepy, right?


thnkz but no thnkz

That's hardly a lot. The 720p is smaller.

any waifus?

fuck off, waifuist

Does it even have english subs?


check the usual places for those

>the usual places
I don't download from private trackers for movies, It's hard to maintain a ratio when your internet is shit and the only provider in your area. The only "private" site I have for movies is avistaz, and I rarely use it and I don't really think of it as private.

I meant subtitle sites you nimrod. They will be posted there. Why would you think a private tracker is the "usual place" for subtitles?

Is this the first time you pirate a movie?

What the fuck are you talking about, nigger?

Thanks but I'll wait for the ganool rip

literally google the text in the OP + "subs"

>train to busan
>rigor mortis
>the wailing

Is asia making a return on the horror genre?


you animal

>mfw it's going to happen this friday

Yes it's downloading now, cheers m8

there are literally no subs for this movie
fuck you, cucks

Then just wait for them. The movie came out just hours ago.

fuck off jojo meme shit. literally the worst of anime/manga


There were no subs with train for busan when it came out but eventually they came out.


I downloaded the 13gb version but I can't find subs for this anywhere :/

It just came out.

>Sadako vs Kayako 2016 720p


by "check the usual places" I assumed he was being a dick and talking about private sites because there are no subtitles for this movie anywhere. No need to be faggots about it

>there are no subtitles for this movie anywhere

It's a Japanese film that leaked out hours ago by a Chinese group, you fucking retard. There needs to be a hand-made translation done before you will see such a thing and that takes a day or two after a leak.

would be nice



Invitation Only

is also good. Best part was when the rich people invited a poor guy into their exclusive rich-only party, tricked him and tied him up on stage, then this rich guy mutilated the poor guy's penis while he begged and struggled, with all the rich girls in the audience smiling and clapping, enjoying the show.



Wait for them, goy


>tfw asian girlfriend who can translate it within a day for me
>tfw she's scared of horror

>jap flicks


>hating on noble Asians
>when western culture is degeneracy and garbage

Nah, japs are miles ahead of the west in terms of degeneracy.

stop worshiping asians

then fuck off to japan and never come back, cuck




I rolled my eyes at the title, this is before I knew this was a Kiyoshi Kurosawa joint.

Now I'm intrigued.



cheap hostel knock off

holy shit i didn't know he made horror movies



you tricked me, good sir

seriously though, Cure is amazing