Give me your honest, unadulterated opinion of this

Give me your honest, unadulterated opinion of this

10/10, not my favourite but it's up there

10/10. Sloop John B is great, anyone who doesn't like it is a pleb

it's ok

It's an A-minus to me, the songwriting is great, the whole thing sounds excellent in terms of the little things, and it has several amazing individual songs. But it's not like it doesn't have some pedestrian moments, Here Today for example, and Don't Talk/Caroline No aren't really my thing although they're not bad.

Great stuff, just not top-tier.

Greatest album of all time. Sometimes I honestly can't believe that music this good can exists. the harmonies are simply not of this earth. Brian was touched by a higher power.

I don't hold it up as the epitome of all music. Mostly because I don't want to listen to it when I'm not in that blissful mood it has. But on a road trip or a happy Saturday it's very hard to beat

Almost objectively perfect
Sloop John B is the only track that holds it back, and even then it's still pretty good, just incongruous


Once there was a girl I thought I loved, but she didn't like Pet Sounds, so I realized she wasn't the one.

Imagine thinking this is better than Disintegration

10/10, greatest album I have heard

It's boring pop music, are you people fucking trolling or what?

low quality bait

the only reason people don't like sloop john b is the lyrics, musically it's great

Tell me what is interesting about this album

the melodies, the harmonies, the arrangements, the vocals, the production. there you go

it's okay

>the meme
>the meme
>the meme
>the meme
>the meme

One of my favorite albums of all time, everything on it is good, even Trombone Dixie (which he Brian admitted to just fucking around with anyway, and even his fuck up ended well)
It's just too ahead of its time imo, and I also like how it can go from uplifting fun to sheer depression in just a few songs

I don't know I could ramble forever, I just love the album

i get the feeling you don't know what a meme is

Have you ever listened to it? If it doesn't move you, you may not have a soul.

>it can go from uplifting fun to sheer depression
"sometimes I feel very sad"
I'm welling up from the sheer depth and darkness of the poetry.

Sometimes it's refreshing to just be frank. Brian was being honest.

shitpost elsewhere

It used to be a 10 but after doing my listen of it, it still evokes strong moods and musical beauty that I always go back to. However some songs on it are ok

>giving a fuck about lyrics
i don't even know if you have the ethos to speak here

You can just listen to God Only Knows and get the same effect as listening to the whole album. I unironically believe this unless someone can prove me wrong.

C+, can't get past the song writing and the lyrics. Both are incredibly lackluster. The production is also horrendously overrated, there's a reason he had to agonize over it for so long and that's because he knew he didn't have it. It sounds oddly hollow, pieces of the wall are really missing. Still, there are a couple of passages that align just right and it'd be remiss of me to not say that they strike me in an incredible warm and fuzzy place. But this is limited to 20 second stretches of songs, usually immediately ruined by the parping of a clown horn or the repetition of a musical phrase that makes the song drag on for too long, ruining whatever charm the song had. I can definitely see what people get out of it but for my money people were doing much better versions of this at the time and more have improved on it since its release.

what are you talking about?

...the album? I think he's totally wrong on all counts but it seems rather obvious.

Well it isn't as long as the whole album.

What are some of these better versions from the same time?

I don't really like it, if I'm completely honest.
This is pretty much my opinion. It's amazing I guess but eh.

When an artist makes a really horrible album were they touched by the devil?

I went in wanting to hate it to be contrarian and just couldn't

Amazing album one of the best of all time but its not my personal favorite BB album.

No answer. Surprising.

Rubber Soul
Goes without saying but a lot of Phil Spectors stuff

10/10. Love it, just feel confused now because I don't know what other Brian Wilson albums to listen to after this and SMiLe

They were touched by your mom


No. Just Hollywood executives

What's the best version of this available? It seems like every couple of years they release another mega deluxe remastered ultra complete version

Today and Love You.

i mean pretty much all of them have the stereo and mono which are exactly the same on most versions in the past few years at least.

other than that idk i think there’s one called “pet sounds sessions” that has a bunch of bits and pieces that can be cool to listen to


it's a good album but anyone talking about its "neoclassical" elements or wall of sound whatever is full of shit. just say you like the harmonies like a normal person

It's excellent.

The whole album sounds like a posh person's yawn


Strong 7: godlike production / arrangements but only two well written songs

Just listen to the single of Wouldn't It Be Nice / God Only Knows and then go back to digesting Smile Sessions

>Anti intellectualism


>implying they're not the same thing

cant really listen to it. some things about it are cool i guess, and the influence on animal collective is evident, but i just aint feeling it personally.

DCC for the mono mix
SACD for the stereo mix

Pet Sound Sessions Box Set if you can't find both

great songwriting and arrangements, but I don't like the Wall of Sound production desu.