What the fuck was this?

What the fuck was this?

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Kate Mckinnon revealing her only good talent playing piany

the asshurt is so deep they won't even joke about it. shit's strange, yo.

Damn, when I found out moot was going on HRT I was skeptical but he actually looks really good.

>Leonard Cohen died for this

The question is, would they have done something similar for Trump? Or would they have made fun of him and his supporters?

Material for a cringe compilation.

vomit-tier pandering to booty bruised liberals who, like needy children, have to be told by a television show that everything is going to be okay

is this some nu-male crying over the hillary loss?

link it



there is no double standard how dare you imply that SNL wouldn't have handled his loss in the same way stop being so sexist and racist and xenophobic and transphobic and ableist and mightymorphinpowerrangerist

bump for video of Aggravated José crying

Looks like Angry Joe.

Don't know where that video is.

But here he is being booty blasted.


I guess we'll never know.

It's not that strange user, SNL is filmed in front of a live studio audience in this place called New York City, it's a giant media empire staffed by predominantly white women.

Kate knew that Hillary will become largely irrelevant in the post-election media and moving forward she will probably not continue to use the character. This was simply a tasteful farewell from the perspective of a comedian portraying a losing candidate.


not really, it would have been second hand embarrassment if i could feel sorry for someone like that

But didn't they have Trump host SNL earlier this year?

That makes sense why they wouldn't make fun of her a month from now, it doesn't make sense why they wouldn't have made fun of her that night. It doesn't have to be harsh. Obviously they're not going to criticise their candidate, but they could have done... you know... a joke?


>angry ho thinks he's an intellectual


A mockery of Leonard Cohen

No, it's Furious Fernandez who finds out he has to go back.

No they would have probably done another Hillary bit and then brought Trump back from time to time when he would become relevant.

Someone like what

That was him crying after ones of his friends killed himself.

Don't ask questions you know the answers to.

Riots would happen either way since the country was split. But they wouldn't be "worried citizens protesting" it would be "neo-nazis on the prowl".

If Hillary would've won they would've held you down and taken everything from you.

don't play dumb with me you fucking faggot, you know what

What joke would they make though? There's nothing funny about Clinton.

>If Hillary would've won they would've held you down and taken everything from you.
>implying they aren't already doing that at every opportunity, if they even suspect you voted for trump

No I don't know, are you talking about Kate or Clinton? I liked the skit and sure as shit didn't feel sorry for Clinton and have no reason to feel sorry for Kate.

She lost against Donald Trump.
How is that not the funniest thing?


the utter embarrassment of being compelled to do something like that for a cold open because your candidate didn't win is what i would have felt sorry for, if it were possible for me to feel empathy for a person like her

it isn't

Dave Chapelle did something even funnier, it's as if you didn't watch the episode. This wasn't the time to make fun of Hillary it was time to make fun of her supporters.


>nothing funny about clinton

Yeah I guess her fuck ups are criminal, and endangered lives, whereas Trump just said thing that hurt tender sjws feelings.


>when your friend would rather die than be around you


the only funny thing he did on the episode was recycle old characters for modern material and that was barely comedic

dude just did a fuckin magic special with david blaine on abc, he's a shell of himself

How would Kate McKinnon respond to Basedwoods?


break down and cry like a fucking child and then go back to her millionaire lifestyle and forget she has to pretend to give a shit about poorfags in public

I hope a lot of career politicians and would-be politician women who were preparing to throw their lives away learned an important fucking lesson.

You don't want to wind up like crusty old HRC, it's gonna be sad if she makes a go of it in 2020. She'll be so fucking dusty.

that image is dumb the votes are only counted after the polls close

>it's gonna be sad if she makes a go of it in 2020

you know she will, it's her lifelong dream user, she's going to limp into the office with a fucking walker if she has to


pick 1

Shes is dead. The party wont have her , even if she wanted to.

His life is dope and he does dope shit and that skit was more relevant than whatever else Kate could have come up with.

The part that always gets me is the brunette who seems to know a shitload of connected people in the media. If you are an affluent urbanite living in New York City you're probably friends or neighbors with those who write liberal news.

A nice tribute to Len

what pisses me off is that they want to make her go out like a herione from star wars or some shit. motherfucker, she couldn't even get to the podium to make a speech because she was in a blind rage. wow, what a model gal.

didn't say she'd get the nom, just that she'll probably never drop her bid, because it's probably all she has left to live for
i'm just saying his presence was weak, you don't have to hang off his dick user, i like dave just fine but his current work is a sad sight

>using the death of a known and liked musician to further your own political interests

I was just using an excuse to quote him, haha

>his current work is a sad sight
What his comedy tours and his role as a host on SNL? He hasn't done anything else since 2006.

If you think his presence was weak I don't think you understand his motivations for performing at all.

>There's nothing funny about Clinton
That could be the name of her sitcom.

Spin off movie: Meet the Deplorables

>further her own political interests

I think you're reading way too much into it.

>what are exit polls

uhh i got the reference user, it's cool
>He hasn't done anything since 2006.
>If you think his presence was weak I don't think you understand his motivations for performing at all.

his presence was weak though, i've seen 99% of his shit and literally the only thing that was even remotely funny was the TWD skit, and again, that was because muh nostalgia, it was just a skit where he reintroduced old characters using a new show for the background material

he's a comedian user, the only motivation that should be playing into his performance is obtaining laughter, which he failed to do on the same scale as his former work, because he was too busy playing to SNL's crowd instead of just shitting on everyone

if i didn't know any better, i'd say he's just trying to take the easy route back into the limelight because he realized he had a good thing with his show and fucked it up out of paranoia, but who the fuck knows, maybe it's just a one off, either way, you don't have to defend him from scary internet strangers, i was just saying he showed up and could have done way, way better than he did but was limited, whether by choice or necessity, doesn't matter now

I didn't think dave was very good either, he just seemed worn out or nervous or something.

>Dave was 29-30 when he did chappelle's show
>he's 43 now going on 44
>not knowing that hes almost 60 in black people years

He's old now and he'll probably live another 10 or 15 yrs if he's lucky and he's playing into whatever mainstream bullshit will get him noticed now because he's gotta make enough money for his family before he's not around any more

>tfw you lived long enough to see Dave Chappelle finally sell out

A solid tribute to Leonard Cohen.

Also I had no idea Kate could play piano.

>trips of truth

>he's playing into whatever mainstream bullshit will get him noticed now because he's gotta make enough money for his family before he's not around any more

this is basically the gist of what i'm thinking, especially since he did that goofy ass "LOOK AT US NEGROS BEING SHOCKED BY WHITE PEOPLE TRICKERY" magic show shit on abc, but time will tell, he might lose his shit and run back to africa again for all we know

>tfw you lived long enough to see Dave Chappelle finally sell out

i feel kind sorry for all the newfags of the world who weren't familiar with him until SNL, holy fuck

nice trips by the way, you lucky dog
>solid tribute
>literally dressed it down in political makeup to give it coherence


I think you were right about the paranoia thing as well, if I had to guess I'd say he probably quit smoking weed constantly, and finally got to thinking that it's now or never for his chance to ever make a lot of money in the business again.

>A solid tribute to Leonard Cohen.

no it wasn't. i'm sad his name was dragged into something as hacky as SNL

TWD skit wasn't funny, the election night skit was very funny to me.

I think playing to the crowd was the right thing to do and was probably part of the reason why he even agreed to do this. I agree that he took the easy route, but it was also a very sensible one.

Thanks for the thoughtful replies because this is me:

>All these thinly veiled never ending salty right wing bait threads about comedians

Sup Forums was a mistake.

>thinly veiled

As was your conception.

>finally got to thinking that it's now or never for his chance to ever make a lot of money in the business again.

agree 100% the way he's just starting to show up in shit anymore screams "I fucked up! I want it all back!" and i guess i can't really talk shit on him, but he should know he doesn't really have to cop out to do it, then again like you said, time is on the table now and one way to get that money train back quick is to hop on the bandwagon, which seems to be exactly what he's doing, playing it safe and clean, which is sort of sad
>Thanks for the thoughtful replies because this is me

you're..welcome..? can't tell if serious

Better than the way the Oscars do it.
>Hey we made a power point presentation of everyone who died this year, see you in 5 minutes.

Plus a show in NY trying to appeal to liberals should surprise no one.

>right now

This is gloating.

[Manhattan apartment - interior]
*Hillary is searching the apartment, looking under cushions and under chairs*
HILLARY: Bill, have you seen my emails?
BILL: (from other room) Wh-wh-whaaat? oh. oh.
HILLARY: My emails. What are you doing in there?
*Hillary opens a door stage rear to reveal Bill receiving oral sex from a young woman*
HILLARY: Oh Bill! Not the maid!
BILL: (to camera) Ah did not have sex with that womaaaaaaahhhhhn!! (goes cross eyed)
LATINO MAID: (swallowing) Hello Mrs Hillary!
MAID: I sorry mrs hill- madam secretary. I finished now. I go?
HILLARY: Did you wipe down everything in the apartment like I said?
MAID: (Showing a cloth) Yes madam secretary. I wipe the counters, and the oven, and the windows and the servers, and the-
*Bill plays "wah, wahhh!" on a saxophone*

>Stu Pickles voice actor died and no one cared

>you lived long enough to see Dave Chappelle sell out

What do you call his movie career, artistic integrity?

>forgetting half baked where he basically played himself

>forgetting undercover brother where he also played himself

sure he probably did some minstrel roles in hollywood, but almost every black actor does at one point or another, my whole point was he made it past all of that shit and got his TV show where he had the freedom to do and say almost anything he wanted, and he threw it all away and has to play it up for whitey and the jews again.

This is bullshit, he wasn't friends with JewWario. He talked to him once at a con, and decided to cry crocodile tears for views. He had ads enabled until people called him out on it.

>he barely ever met him
>I walked past him once and I work with people who worked with him
>watch me cry on camera on this ad enabled video

Fuck you for defending this bullshit.

38% of latino men voted for Trump. They seem to leave that one out.

Really? But has nobody informed them that people would call them racist?

All this butthurt going down this week.

Imagine that for atleast four more years, likely eight years.

Get yourself seated and comfy friends. We're in for a ride.

I still think Alex Jones is a crazy person but his smug happy face warms my heart somehow.

Didn't listen to the lyrics, what did she sing about?

Trump said people should revolt and assassinate Hillary if he didn't win. That is more than justva few mean things. What is worse is how the right pretends he didn't.

Aren't you worried things might get worse?

Alex Jones has made a career out of being against the establishment, what is he going to do now that he is the establishment? That smug grin is going to go real fast.

How? The liberal media ramps up their lies even more? They've already reached the point of exhaustion. People have grown numb to the boy who cried wolf. Let them mock and hate. This is their defeat. And the more they cling to their ways, the more they're going to lose and lose and lose.

2018 is going to be so much fun.
I think more than 20 of the seats up for midterm are democrats and they in incredibly red states
Fuck me that is going to be fun.

most likely he'll start attacking trump like he did bush. there's no president he's not attacked

The funny part is that the liberal media completely emptied their reserves during this campaign. They shot everything they had against Trump and it still didn't bite him. What are they going to say now? Are they going to find more obscure videos of him in the crazy 80's? It's not going to work. They went all-in against Trump and Trump called it and won.


Things can always get worse. There is no guarantee for good things.
Especially if the people have good intentions.
Bernie for example was probably the nicest person who had a chance to win this time.
But his policies would've destroyed america.
Socialism kills.

So I am just rooting for funny and interesting times. And Trump is definitely a win for me.

We're not done yet either. France and Germany are up next. They'll too swing massively to the right. And the liberal media will cry even harder about it. The results of a decade of awful politics that is far detached from the common working man is finally reigning down on them.

Current Year Man is going to have to buy another 2016 sign that he can blow up again.

It was a prank you idiot.

Tribute to leonard cohen

Well if they still think attacking is the right way then they haven't learned anything.

In a weird way this is a really uplifting story. Because Americans responded to hope. MAGA and Obama's Change are quintessentially the same campaign really. The great thing about Americans are that they are Optimists over all.
Which makes sense considering they are the descendants of people who decided to risk to live on a new continent.

So they need to stop thinking attacking is the right way to go. And go with another Obama. Present another option for hope and focus on the positive.

The fuck even was "I am with Her"? Virtue signaling for pussy? What does it mean?
France maybe. Germany no. Germans are too well off. You can shit on Merkel's refugee politics all day but it won't change that Germans under her for the last five years have got nothing but money back and are all doing really well.
East Germans aren't as rich as West Germans maybe but Germany overall is doing incredible.

Things need to get a lot worse.

And don't give me this "b-but they are dying out". Even if that is true as a prognosis for the next 50 years or so it won't mean shit to the average German.
The country is more than 90% white. I have been to Germany. Even Berlin which is probably the most diverse place you can find in Germany is whiter than the whitest place in America.

>The fuck even was "I am with Her"? Virtue signaling for pussy? What does it mean?
Nobody really knew what the Hillary campaign really meant. Because Hillary was very unclear on her policies. She was so scared of losing voters that she was for everything and against everything at the same. This is a woman that loves her career more than her country. Her being a Secretary of State was proof enough the bitch was mad and dumb.

He'll do a complete 180, right now he's writing up new conspiracies for the next 4 years. I sometimes can't tell if Alex Jones is a complete conman or nut job, but because kek willed it some of his conspiracies actually turned out to be true.

>citation needed

No, Alec Baldwin / Johnny Depp playing Trump doesn't count.


>Because Americans responded to hope

Taking into account the popular vote it was a pretty fucking piss-poor "response to hope".


criminally underrated