Just finished DS9. It was pretty good but Dukat and Bashir turned to shit towards the end

Just finished DS9. It was pretty good but Dukat and Bashir turned to shit towards the end.

Do I watch Voyager now. Or skip it?

I hear ENT is pretty good.

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>I hear ENT is pretty good.

Watch the Voyager into.

Its pretty good

VOY niga. ENT is the only skip option in the franchise

>Or skip it?
What else is pressing on your time, faggot? Hatching a new boil on your ass? Watch everything.

Voyager is pretty bad, characters are pretty boring or you've seen them already in some other form. There are some nice episodes though.

If you're going to wat ENT do it after Voyager. season 3 and 4 have some nice episodes. But again the crew is really dull.

That section 31 episode with Bashir in the last season was good. Do you not like the way the character changed after everyone found out he was genetically enhanced?

At first glance VOY is better than ENT but that's because ENT doesn't get good until season 3 whereas VOY only gets worse.

So...just start watching season 3 of ENT instead.

Not OP but I think I've seen most of Star Trek, sometimes I just pick a good arch or episode and watch until I get bored and switch to another season or series, sometimes I'll get brave and start at season 1.

Watch both of them, people who call Voyager bad simply don't like Opera and need to get some taste.

>Do you not like the way the character changed after everyone found out he was genetically enhanced?
yeah. He went from suave arrogant doctor to apsergic teenager who couldnt even ask out Dax.

ENT second half of season 4 is EXCELLENT. Avoid that Xindi bullshit.

Both Voyager and Enterprise have their good moments but the low points are really, really low.
For Voyager though, it's as bad as you'll let it be. A lot of the problem are lack of internal continuity, inconsistance with established cannon, stuff like that so if you do not let it bother you then you'll be more or less fine (doesn't cancel the cringy humor sprinkled through, the boring characters and the insufferable ones, but still).
>Do you not like the way the character changed after the writers realized making an interesting human character was hard so they decided to retcon fucking everything about him so they could make a new and easy character arc

I'll try to keep an eye on this the next time I watch early DS9. But the episodes where he helps the genetically enhanced crazies are so good.

What I don't understand is, if Bashir was enhanced... why wasn't he a whole lot better at shit?

Like I get he was the top tier at space tennis, but he came second in his class. Shouldn't he be some kind of Khan fucker breaking Worf over his knee and figuring out shit like quantum theory and curing cancer in a split second?

Unless the writers didn't plan on making him enhanced until later in the series (keeping in mind I'm LITERALLY up to the episode where he gets called out as enhanced so I actually have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about except for everything leading up to that episode).

ENT is great if you like watching paint dry

he came in second because he got one question wrong on his final exam and he said he was generally holding back on his abilities like darts with O'Brien as not to stand out too much.

I guess it'll be explained when I watch the episode. I just watched the one before it when the Jem Hadar (or however it's spelt) are on their way to fuck up DS9 and Changling Bashir is causing shit on the station, with a disturbing lack of Odo in the past two episodes as he generally picks up on this shit. Honestly the plot here is a bit hamfisted because they are so vigilant with changeling checking that I'm doubtful even Bashir could get away with the shit he did, but I guess the plot demanded it.

Also fuck yeah when the Romulans rocked up to join the fight, shit like this never happened in TNG outside of a tiny fight where the Borg absolutely fucking buttraped a few Federation ships.

Also, would the Borg be able to assimilate the Jem Hadar/Vorta/Changelings? I know they get severely nerfed in Voyager (Borg) and have some kind of multidimensional race that pushes their shit in, but the Dominion seems only slightly technologically superior to the Alpha quadrant alliance.

>why wasn't he a whole lot better at shit?
because it wasn't intended, they added that bit of background once they realized the character would go stale because he wasn't involved in big shenanigans like Sisko and wasn't as down-to-earth and relatable as O'Brien

Vorta could be assimilated conceivably, Jem'Hadar could be assimilated but the drone would die when it ran out of white anyway and the Changlings perhaps not because I'm not sure the nano probes would know what to do when trying to convert their unusual cellular structure.


He did put it to good use as a doctor, he was so good in fact that they wanted EMH Mark II to be made in his image.

Nobody questioned his precision with surgical tools, his encyclopedic knowledge of medicine, and his knack for curing the incurable.

Bashir still seems super relevant, maybe even more so in the season I'm up to (5), he's even had a few episodes where he's the protagonist like when he was healing that colony of the Jem'Hadar space aids.

And I just noticed this recently but why the fuck is Ciroc Lofton/Jake Sisko higher billing (especially now as he's barely even in it) in the intro than people like Kira/Miles/Bashir. I think he was even higher billing than Dax before season 5, and only lower than Ben Sisko, Odo and Worf when they added him in last season.

>be Bashir
>chilling on DS9
>great holosession with Miles
>freshly rimmed out by Ezri
>quark didn't fuck you on your bill
>"Dr. Bashir to cargo bay 6."
>Ah, but what new adventure awaits the chief medical engineer of Deep Space 9?
>open door
>see this

What do you do?

he was the writer's self insertion character.
>writers are like totally suave and meet exotic women and cover wars you guys ..please like me.

gets worse in season 7 when this guy borderline becomes the main character

did the Quark's set get damaged or something? Why would he let them spend so much time in there instead of his IRL bar drinking and gambling etc.

Watch your fucking mouth, Vic is great.

Also Based Sisko is truly a patrician for refusing to go to Fontaine's because it wasn't historically accurate for a black man to be in a 1962 Vegas lounge.

got pretty pissed that the finale party was set at vics rather than quarks desu

How is Quark even allowed to run a business after getting all his assets removed by the Ferengi Commerce Authority, unless it's just a one time thing? It was my understanding that he wasn't allowed to earn profit anymore yet runs his bar like nothing ever happened after that episode.

he gets out of it when moogie starts fucking the negus

DS9 is objectively the worst star trek, so if you got through that, voyager is gonna be a breeze.

Sup Forums is not a designated "shitposting" board, please take that garbage to


fucking plebs, I bet you like westworld too

Tldr is basically get ready for some fucking GOAT episodes but also some really, really terrible ones.

This could be a synopsis for any Trek series.

Was it rape?

>Watch everything
Including the animated series and that fan made continuation?

>including the animated series
>skipping the series that introduces the Holodeck, reveals Kirk's middle name, and had a good chunk of TOS's writers and actors involved with the production

It's just as canon as TOS and should be watched.

April a underrated

Was it murder?

>I just watched the one before it when the Jem Hadar (or however it's spelt) are on their way to fuck up DS9 and Changling Bashir is causing shit on the station, with a disturbing lack of Odo in the past two episodes as he generally picks up on this shit. Honestly the plot here is a bit hamfisted because they are so vigilant with changeling checking that I'm doubtful even Bashir could get away with the shit he did, but I guess the plot demanded it.
He was probably the one administering the tests, and they could have worked out a way around it like forming a pouch in their hand, filling it with blood and letting it out when you get injected

Was it murder?

The FCA ban siezed his assets and banned Ferengi from trading with him, he could still run a bar but not serve or hire Ferengi, once they replaced his stuff. The ban was also lifted by Brunt later when he tricked Quark into breaking up his mother and The Nagus.


>tfw seeing how tolerable S1 Wesley Crusher could be; no more annoying or grating than a typical kid character and even proves himself useful more than once

That traveler episode was a real diamond in the rough just like Wesley. He could've been a great character.

>How dare they not ban me from entering, I'll ban myself!
He was an autist.

Was it murder?

Was it murder?

That's a stupid question

Yeah the whole Dukat and the Pah'Rathes was kinda dumb. He was great before he lost his shit. Bashir actually got better instead of just being the doctor after dax all the time.

Voyager is decent, starts getting better around season 3. Enterprise has its moments but it is all over the place. The Xindi angle is gay. They should have had the Klingons more involved.

360 and walk away.


Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.

They need a show that takes place on Ferenginar

Pawn Stars is already a show.


> tfw thought enterprise was good

It wasn't awful, I just wish they'd stop going back in the timeline though. Normies may think they NEED an Enterprise of some sort to carry a show but it's not true

I like it better than TOS. TOS is my least favorite but I haven't seen VOY yet.

Even the actor hated it and stopped giving a shit.
>Well, it was a bit cynical at the end of the day. But I just fluffed the lines; well I didn’t fluff them completely I literally pinned the lines on the back of someone’s shoulder once, reading them. I wasn’t bothered even to learn them. I just pinned them around the office as if they were lines needed for daily modification. And they got the message and dropped it kind of.

Bashir faggot here. I hate the genetic enhancement thing because I feel like it makes him too much like Data or Spock. I like Seadon 1 and 2 spergy awkward kinda moe Bashir who is annoying but still good hearted.

However at same time I like the fact that he and Garak have opposite character development. Garak slowly stops lying to people and the Obsidian Order dies and he has to move on with his life while Bashir has been lying the whole time and gets involved with a spy organization.

What powered Voyager's holodecks? They often talked about Voyager's hologrid as an "independent subsystem", but they never showed what generated the power, like an ore processor or whatever. And those episodes where main power is offline but the holoprojectors are still operational or vice versa show the power systems to be incompatible, as otherwise they could share and ration energy by using transformers to convert the differing voltages and the system wouldn't be, as stated, offline.

Alphabetical order.

Can someone explain to me why Generations is considered one of the worst movies ever? It was pretty bad but Innsurection was way worse.

What was the point of Generations? Did it have a point?

Shatner needed a paycheck.

voyager and ent are fucking TRASH, tng and ds9 and top tier sci fi

watch babylon 5 instead, its basically the same show as ds9 but better

ENT was better than VOY for sure. Lots of enjoyable episodes and a few standout characters among the weak ones
I always say - if it had been allowed a full 7 seasons like the other post-TOS shows, it would be remembered fondly alongside them. They were going to add Shran to the main cast after all


my fav scene in ds9

go watch mike's plinkett review of it, he picks on everything that is bad about it


mirin that squat form

nice bait pasta faggot

Can you explain what's "bait" about that post?

Just re-watched the entire 9 seasons of Voyager.
Its ok. Season six started to suck badly at some places.
Laughed my ass off when they just got rid of the borg kids in one episode. LMAO.
The teenage boy who stayed on was actually pretty cool. I thought he would make a good star fleet officer.
Seven's tits were based.
Torres was my least favorite character. Imagine if a girl from the admin office was a Klingon.
Tuvok was passable. In another thread someone mentioned that he was not the best Vulkan ever, he managed on tenacity alone. I agree, Spock would kick his ass in any cerebral activity,
Neelix. Bleh.
I liked the borg queen, not the Alice Krige one.
I liked the hammy captain Proton shit.
I think I need to watch DS9 again to appreciate some really good trek.

It has been answered the first time you posted it but you saw the effect it had so you keep posting it anyway

Are you new or something? That's a variation of an ancient meme, and it has no answer because the show never answered it.

9 seasons. Sorry 7.

ENT was cancelled as it was actually getting good. They should've had overarching story from the beginning instead of episodic structure no one cared for at that point.

>dat feel when LITERALLY the only competent crew member
>barely gets any attention

That's why it's bait pasta you mongoloid

A forced meme isn't the same as bait. Do you call everything bait? Do you call Soren bait?

>A forced meme isn't the same as bait.
okay autismo

The hell it is.

Voyager had dialogue in that was so awkward and unrealistic that it was giving me stomach knots. There were times I would just have to stop watching an episode because of how the dialogue was making me cringe.

I thought the mute chick was pretty great once they finally got her acting normal from the therapy. Shame they never touched upon what happened to her after she left the station. Considering she turned out to be more brilliant than Bashir.

Like some kind of quantum ipecac syrup...

>hey we're young again this is great!
>eh fuck it let's be old again sweetie

Nobody would do this, nobody.

TOS > DS9 > ENT > VOY > NG


implying that the zero budget campy as fuck origional series still holds up against ds9 is about as contrarian as saying gta 4 is better than 5

Started it all.
Way before its time.
Introduced so much to so many.
The series in our past about our future.

only the Q and some borg episodes meant anything.
weasly crusher and his mom should have shared a photon torpedo.

It's Pah'Wraith. Pah is that soul energy that you can feel in someone's ear, and a wraith is a ghost.

Case in point: the flotter episode

Holy fuck was it bad. I'm not sure what the fuck it was written for at all.

Undiscovered Country > Voyage Home > Wrath of Khan > Master & Commander > Galaxy Quest > Motion Picture > Search for Spock > Final Frontier > dogshit > First Contact > Generations > Insurrection > Nemesis > catshit with brain parasites > Beyond > 2009 > Into Darkness

TOS = TNG = DS9 > Babylon 5 > Farscape > Stargate > ENT > VOY

>started it all

by that logic, season 1 of tng is the best season because it started it all, right? tos is godawful in comparison to tng and ds9, its a cultural icon sure but that does not make it a good tv show by todays standards

The trifecta.

That was bad.

How did weird homosexual lizard who lies a lot become the best character in the entire Star Trek franchise?

Hey trekfags, sorry Im late!

So first thing I want to ask is: how did you get into star trek? My mother used to watch TOS late when I was young, and she would let me stay up to watch it. I usually fell asleep half way through, but I think that helped kind of... mould that kind of show into my brain/dreams and to this day I get that same relaxed, happy, sleepy feeling when I watch any star trek.

I ask this because... like for me Im obsessed and I wouldnt want any star-trek to go unwatched. But for you? Why are you watching? It is getting fairly old now.

imo Voyager is better than DS9, but only because of the middle seasons. But there are still plenty of filler episodes. But I find it picked up where TNG left off, in a way that DS9 didnt.

Its also a cool scenario for random storylines, final frontier sort of stuff. DS9 did some cool stuff, and was cool with the war storylines, but I always imagine a way it could be better

The holodeck uses less power than the light in your room, think about it:

>Natural light contains every frequency of light
>A blue light has less energy than natural light
>Therefore, to turn a lit room into a blue room, you just remove most of the frequencies

The same is true for everything, you just remove all except blue here, all except green there, all except red there and before you know it they form a recognisable image for the user.

>it's a those darn kids are up to their usual mischief making at the shopping mall in outer space episode

Is this bait? That scene is so embarrassing, I have to skip it every time.