What are the arguments against the people who claim this is now "literally" reality?

What are the arguments against the people who claim this is now "literally" reality?

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you should be able to come up with your own arguments, unless you're an idiot :^)

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

we aren't using gatorade to irrigate our crops, unless you live in Commiefornia

the president of the united states is not black
(before I hit post I realize Obama is still technically president until Trump takes over but I think my point was made)

it has electrolytes!

So muricas were already in the Idiocracy universe for being stupid enough to elect a black man. Obama set the stage.

I can legitimately see the show 'ow my balls' being a financial success in the US if somebody made it.

It's been airing for a few decades as America's Funniest Home Videos.

Idiocracy was the result of globalism and multiculturalism. Trump is for a white and nationalist America!



>not a globalist puppet

and Jackass

Point out that we actually live in a society closer to Huxley's Brave New World and that comparisons to Idiocracy or 1984 should be relegated back to the first year film class or 10th grade literature class (respectfully) that they never should have come out of.

tbqh, he is businessman for christ sake

>suddenly people don't give a shit about globalism

I'd take this place a lot more seriously if people didn't fold on their beliefs faster than an origami enthusiast on speed.

>trump is against globalism
>except he isn't
>trump is anti-establishment
>except he isn't
>trump is against wall street
>except he isn't
>trump is going to build a wall
>eh, he might not
>trump is going to deport all illegal aliens
>eh, he might not, maybe only the criminals
>obama sucks, worst president ever
>trump relies on him for guidance
>trump will get rid of obamacare
>eh, not entirely


Ιts more of a mix between 1984 and BNW.

BUILD THE...fence, I guess.

oh also

>trump will indict hillary clinton
>eh, he might not, btw the clintons are great people

>trump is going to deport all illegal aliens
>eh, he might not, maybe only the criminals

>all illegal aliens
>maybe only the criminals

Every person in the U.S. illegally is a criminal.

really? because trump didn't seem to agree in his 60 minutes interview

he said there are 2-3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records (gang members, drug dealers, etc) that he will deport, and for the rest they're "terrific people" and he doesn't know what will happen to them

as an eeuropean, shillary clingon looks more like a puppet, with all the soros backup

I really want to know when this even happened that it's racist to want to deport illegal immigrants, and how even the most staunch proponents of border security are afraid to say they want them all gone.

I have been a registered democrat since i was 18, always leaned left. I'm only 30 so it's not like i'm some 70 year old that just came out of a cave. As far back as i can remember, everyone, EVERYONE, except maybe some hippy living on the street would tell you ya, deport anyone who isn't supposed to be here. A lot of my friends and family, and myself, who lean left have compassion for them of course. And lots of people are thankful for some of the jobs they do for cheap(though that is of course a double edged sword). But when the fuck did it become not OK to want to enforce our borders?

I seriously missed when this happened.

5 mil ? This has 15 mil!

children of men

Where I live there are farmers who actually house illegals and pay them in cash because they work for next to nothing. They are raided a few times a year, but they keep sending more over. Usually the only thing that gets ICE to do their fucking job is some illegal winds up getting caught drunk driving after crashing into and injuring or killing a random citizen.

The small town schools take in a bunch of illegals who barely speak English, if at all, because they get paid per student. They rarely get reported, but when they do no on here cries racism. It's just a never ending cycle of back and forth because both the farmers and the schools benefit from them being here, while the citizens suffer and struggle because of it.

>And lots of people are thankful for some of the jobs they do for cheap(though that is of course a double edged sword). But when the fuck did it become not OK to want to enforce our borders?

when peoples from the middle east went full gibsmedat and bleeding hearts decided a bombing once in awhile was a-okay as long as we brought in people who had no interest in assimilating to our cultural values by the boatload because they fucked up

The film suggests that we will be outnumbered by idiots - because intelligence is purely genetic - and the future will be full of idiots
In reality, uneducated people are screaming out for help because they have been fucked by neoliberalism and the supposedly intelligent educated city dwellers call them bigots for not voting for a female who has offered to do jack shit for them.
The only idiots are the ones supporting a candidate that has offered no solution, good or bad, to the plight of the working class and yet expect a landslide election in her favour.

Its not about border control its about what is economically possible. Remember Ronny Raygun was the last prez to give amnesty to huge amounts of illegals.

Its cheaper to do that then try to deport them, that is all. Unless you want to make ICE and the DHS so huge so they can literally go door to door and check every single persons papers we are stuck with them.

Walls don't work either, you want to stop immigration then punish the companies that hire illegals with huge fines.

No one, especially the GOP, will not do that because it will hurt business

Trump is a certified genius

Obongo was the product of a BLACKED white bitch who then SHOCKINGLY got ditched by the nigger father, you ask me which situation is degenerate

Boy do I hate niggers