Lil peep: *talked about homophobia, women abuse, how toxic hypermasculinity is in music industry...

lil peep: *talked about homophobia, women abuse, how toxic hypermasculinity is in music industry, pushed boundaries artistically and socially, was openly lgbt+ and talked about it, talked about mental health...*

y'all: he just glorified drugs lmao

RIP brother


Jesus Christ just stop. It's sad but he was obvi glorifying a rly self destructive and superficial lifestyle and kids eat that shit up. My little brother was crying hysterically and talking about suicide cuz my parents refused to buy him some jeans for a few hundred bucks and he's convinced himself he can't be cool without them. Some jeans a bunch of these rappers wear I don't even know what they are. And he wants Gucci everything. He smokes pot like its his lifestyle and whines about not having connections to other drugs. He's 14 btw and idolizes these guys. He already hates women and hasn't even had a gf yet. I'm sure him and his friends aren't listening to anything positive these guys had to say. Idk why anyone would think these guys are more of a positive than negative force for anyone

Beat the fuck oughta that little bitch.

stop reading after this

he should kill himself it wont get better and he's got little opportunity

im glad hes dead

goddamn librulmedia

Please consider beating your brother. He’ll thank you later.

>openly lgbt+
wtf i hate lil peep now

If you let music define the way you act to that extent, you're the one with the problem, not the artist.

you just a pussy christfag

seriously? it sounds like a "my sister is a sjw" reddit post


just one less marxist degenerate i need to kill when the shit pops off

No he's rly that bad desu
Doesn't anyone have younger siblings or nieces and nephews they r getting worse and worse with emulating their idols. I think it has a lot to do with ig and snapchat and shit. He spends so much time following famous ppl online and him and his friends r always texting about any celeb drama

no its a copypasta meme


another thread doing that


Hey man we gotta keep these hoes in check. Young blood puttin in some work