Commit armed robbery or we'll show a video of you wanking to everyone xD

>commit armed robbery or we'll show a video of you wanking to everyone xD

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Worst episode of Black Mirror. Hands down.

I would because nobody must know about my micropenis

retard, it wasn't the wanking. It was the fact that he did it to cp.

Did you not finish the episode?

He was jerking it to pizza

Dont need to finish the episode to know he was a pedo.

The amount of people who seem to be unaware or oblivious to the fact that they captured him wanking to CP and got a screencapture of what he was wanking to honestly makes me think that Sup Forums is populated by absolute retard

desu it took me reading the interview with the actor to finally be convinced that it was supposed to be, in fact, kiddie porn. I thought that the villains had lied for extra trolling. I struggled to accept that I just had been trolled for nearly one hour.

this can be faked easily, there is no actual evidence to what he was fapping. He just was a retard

Its definitely one of them. This one, National Anthem, and the Waldo episode are my 3 least favorites

They emailed a damn video of him doing it and I'm guessing they ate l33t haxxors who got the material as well

Waldo is bad and the National anthem is kind of different tonaly I guess, but what didn't you like about shut up and dance? I thought it was great

Most of this episode I was sitting there thinking why the fuck would anyone care you were jerkin' the gerkin to pr0n? It's nothing.

For a while I thought maybe he's just so beta that it's a big autistic issue for him, then it clicked. That'd be the only thing any of them did that I personally wouldn't want out there.

Everything else they can recover from, eventually. Which is why only the pedos were made to fight to the death.

Its not that I hate the episode or anything, the story of it is pretty good, it just doesn't feel like a Black Mirror episode to me. Its so grounded in reality that it could have been an episode of any other TV show. Like some Law and Order episode or something. Just felt like a wasted episode. I felt the same way about The National Anthem. Maybe I'm just a pleb though


>Kenny! There's a video of you....(?) and her friends have seen it
>Kids, Kenny, kids?! How could you?!

also commit murder, and we will record it so we could use that against you too

crap episode.

what if he wouldnt have a smartphone

I agree that it's more "grounded in reality," but I still think the idea that some unknown entity is making you "shut up and dance" as both unnerving and absurd. I definitely prefer the crazy sci-fi feel of most of the episodes but something about this episode really spooked the shit out me. Like people will go through the craziest shit just to cover up their most embarrassing secrets, but once one person learns it, he can do whatever he wants. There's no way Kenny can stop him.

Also the dudes speech convincing Kenny to rob the bank is really disturbing when you think of the fact that Kenny was doing the same thing that the dude was describing that freaks would do to him.

but he looks like barely 18
wouldnt be even illegal

He would have been given one by another "player" just like he was given the cake. Just like they made sure they all had credit on their phones.

and they didn't even saw the other video when he murders the other pedo

I doubt anyone would have prosecuted him in reality. He'd just get a caution. He wasn't making or distributing it after all.

No, he was a kid and he didn't want "the world" to know he loved the loli's.

Yeah, and I though that the trolls had falsely accused him of the other pedo's misdeeds, as the other one was too dead to suffer any more consequences. I know, denial is a hell of a drug!

>implying all of my friends and family haven't seen that already

amateur hour, the lot of you

>got a screencapture of what he was wanking to
yeah, sorry

I ran that scenario in my head a couple of times with unfavourable porn, but a computer screen can be faked so easily that I would simply deny it

not with cp, but other porn

yeah, but being a pedo he would already know the kind of deep shit he was instead of thinking "I'll just say it was a fake LOL"
also, pedo accusations bring law enforcement and they can recover your shit thad mcmichael style
he knew he was fucked and he knew he was a pedo, unlike the retards here who claim that to catch a predator is entrapment

how would anyone know by watching the video of him masturbating what he was wanking to ?

dumb fucking episode

Not really, f they are recording both him and his screen at the same timez, you'll see that whenever he is not fapping, you'll see him typing and clicking around. And when pictures pop up on the screen, he is back to facing again

>be me
>fake pedo accusation
>fake rape accusation

Whelp. I'm fucked. I guess I'll be moving country.

Yes even the ACCUSATION is enough to completely ruin a guy's life.

That's also why you never stick your dick in crazy. She'll RUIN you once you've dumped her.

>the hackers got real time access to his computer while he was wanking it

no user, you are the dumb here

They can fake the screen recording anyway

well, since the porn he was fapping to was actually illegal I can see how he would be in deep shit just by being investigated

thankfully my porn is legal

doesn't matter, unless it's a recording of him and the screen at the same time it's way too easy to just insert any kind of video you want into a screencap

this is hands down the darkest episode of Black Mirror to be made yet, imo the ending is pretty devastating. My buddy and i watch the episode and sat in silence for like a good minute before one of us said something

Is this post a joke?

I love Black Mirror for being revelant and in touch with today's Internet culture. Makes everything seem that bit more believable

imagine they had the full 10 minute video of him waking plus the screencapture, then put the video picture-in-picture

Everything would line up perfectly with when he moved the mouse, typed something in, finished and closed the window etc.

they'd also get the vid of him logging into his e-mails and freaking out, before he put the blue-tak over his camera

Lad most people aren't going to notice a rare pepe or some shit, the troll face was easily recognisable

Plus this could've been set a few years ago when the troll face was popular

if they have the power to release the video, they also have the power to show what he was fapping with

how is that so hard to understand?

>most people aren't going to notice a rare pepe or some shit
This would have been true even a year ago, but Pepe is normie as fuck now.

>they send trollface
>they send a rare pepe

you need to go out a bit more and get in touch with real people, life is more than dank memes

Why have none of you dense motherfuckers blamed the sister yet?

IT WAS HER FAULT the laptop got fucking spyware all over it in the first place.

>tfw you realise this episode isn't about a guy looking at porn but what happens when women are allowed to use tech

How else would they show that they've been fucking with these people the whole time? I thought it was funny and endearing how they used the shitty troll face. It's an outdated Internet meme but it got the point across better than anything else imo. It's short and sweet and instantly recognizable

Was there something going on between them, they were awfully "close"

>life is more than dank memes
not after the 2016 election

it's all memes from here on out

Jesus, the fuck is wrong with you?

If anything they were incredibly cold and distant.

Did you really miss the fact that he was jacking off to cp. Did everyone miss this fact?

Initially I just thought he was the usual beta autist because he was picked on by other males and could barely speak to girls.

He breaks down in the car when the cheater said that "they got my whole hard drive too", it's safe to say that it wasn't a one-time thing. It also explains the padlock on his door and how he freaked out when his sister took his computer.

We have no reason to trust that he just looked at "some pictures" like he said and assume it was his first time. The whole point of the episode is that we're rooting for someone we don't know. Finding out about the cp and looking at his interaction with the little girl at the beginning changes him from an awkward, sweet guy to a creepy pervert.

I think the episode was one of the best.


is it the same people running the show? like same writers just different production company (and country)?
i only saw this one and the one with the virtual game gone wrong