
Is she the biggest qt in music??

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kys you chracterless tumblrina no one cares about you or your shitty ass music
you have a nice ass tho I gotta admit

Damn I wish my dad worked in the music industry so my shitty bedroom pop could be forced down everyones throat and paraded solely through my good looks
Don't you wish you were a Jew?

Lad...shes one of us. She browses Sup Forums, listens to non-normie (at least for USA( music like jungle and other bleeps and bladee and her dad is loaded
She is our khaleesi

*hearteyed emoji*

whats her favorite track tho

More plz

Everybody on Sup Forums only likes her because she fits the qt art girl module. Not saying she's vapid but come on, you're all exposing yourselves as 18-21 year old insecure boys.

>tfw 28 year old insecure boy

Good question lad :V
Idk but I saw she "liked" that comp with Ecco and Thai
Omg imagine a bladee/clairo collaboration

idek which one ure talking about lol
and idk man clairos voice dont fit sg's music

All jokes aside she's our generations Joe Strummer.

The latest one lad dg



She looked so sexy in her Pretty Girl video. Everywhere else, meh

>swn BRAAAAP while sitting on your face

I need proof that this is clairo


Literally who the fuck is this and why is she different from 25942934232832349263984 other girls in the world who are like her?

It was on her tumblr like two weeks ago
She finds out people found it
She deletes her Tumblr
Simple as, really

thats really convenient for the trap itt posting his ass pretending to be her

Did you miss the part where it was on her Tumblr

lole they have internet archives you know

link it or stink it


the link to her tumblr was in the last thread before it was downed

How many times do i have to roll dubs on her death?

??? good question

after mac dies obviously and the cache clears

Wasn't archived by wayback, unfortunately Claire. Idg what the big deal is anyway if u got it flaunt it lass

nice ass btw

Would u fuck me ?



hee hee hee

*blocks ur path*

Playing a casio keyboad in 2017 with basic drum settings turned on. how is this impressive if she didnt have a face no one would care about her music. Dubs on her death.

wtf i love claire now



I would eat that ass

Who is she and why should I care? Looks like a solid 6.5/10 you'd meet at the college library. Nothing exclusive whatsoever.

There go bb. 4 dubs in a row already.

I want to fist Claire

she wrote this banger

Shes plain as fuck i dont get it she looks like every midwest white girl ever

I enjoy coming here every couple of months, just to see how far Sup Forums has fallen since the CLT days. Clearly it has took quite a drastic dive in quality to celebrate this absolute mediocrity in every way, shape, and form. From the music, to the aesthetic. Pure garbage, it is no wonder this board stopped being a taste making board. Enjoy your soulless drivel and vomit.

>since the CLT days

The Cooltop era was peak Sup Forums

Tips fedora

No i just want to fuck her then cum in her pussy she can tell whoever she wants its their baby

the losers on Sup Forums are so disgusting

she looks like my niece. that is, a 12 year old. still gives me chills that it's only a matter of time until the current gen is all dressing like this

I remember when I fucked a 16 year old girl that was just starting out his music career. I was 17 at that time. I was like ''yeah hump and dump that bitch'' , she's 19 now and she's on national TV. She's claiming to be a virgin that's had only 1 boyfriend. She forgot to mention that I almost shoved 5 fingers in her ass and she loved it.

How is this topic related? Claire reminds me of the chick I'm referring to.

my boys will always be blinded by the puss

Meme thot

Projecting this hard

nah it's just fun i don't really like her not one bit not at all

oh god the comments on that video are so fuckin creepy and how is this even worth listening to tf

That didnt happen lol

I'm not trying to prove anything. All I'm saying is that these young female singers are freaky as shit. The chick I was talking about bought herself whips, furry tails, cuffs and ropes so I could abuse her. I can give you pics but I know you idiots will link the pic to the artist and she'll know it's me, she already warned me to delete them or she'll have me arrested.

Even if this is true you're just roasting yourself. She turned out to be a famous artist who appears on television and here you are, on Sup Forums, talking shit about her anonymously because she *shocker* likes that kind of stuff just like literally every girl in the world. Lls I don't even believe you but kys either way

Literal physical perfection.

Get some standards senpai

Name (1) flaw.

but that would rule out your mom user ;___;

I love her

this but unironically

Is this her only ass pic?

>falling hook line and sinker for this dumb vapid bitch
>when her dad is literally a marketing expert
i hate you virgin losers so much


trips and clairo lives forever

only reason shes famous is cus shes an ultra qt

dubs and she SUPER dies

Who even cares lmao
It's not "falling for it" if you're aware of what's happening but accept it
Don't come to Sup Forums if you're hate virgin losers cause I got news for ya pal

only way she could be cuter is if she was underage

Literally who is this and why should I care?

she has not one ounce of talent beyond a slightly above average face





this is fucking epic yall wft

dude this is a terrible argument. like i still eat mcdonalds and wendys and burger king but i know it's bad for me. i'm not falling for it because i know what i'm doing is bad. just plain weakness of will

Damn, turns out im wrong for enjoying her

Except its not bad

still appeals to the same logic. the question would be whether buying into corporate schemes equates to the same thing irl

kek she triggers Sup Forums so hard

more like makes Sup Forums so hard

Would fuck her, but it wouldn't be the first time i fuck a trap.

browsing Sup Forums and listening to electronic music doesnt change the fact that her music is almost unbearably bad

who the fuck cares

so she's the one posting all these threads? Also she looks 16, not that I wouldn't smash, but if you see this qt lets make music together ;)

ive never really understood this meme but i can only assume its a meme
the lyrics, vocals, instrumentals on her music is literally as generic as you could hope for
the same goes for literally every aspect of her appearance
im all for people having their own taste in music and whatever but i refuse to believe that a single person posting about her on here isnt b8ing

I like her voice. Whispy ethereal voices are nice to listen to
Reminds me of Nina nordenstrom

>enjoying things you like is bad
Lol. Ok but surely some things are "badder" than others, no? To the point where enjoying McDonald's or Wendy's, if done once in a blue moon, might not be such a "bad" thing, correct?

that's not the claim you're appealing to. this has nothing to do with your valuation of the music. the question is whether buying into a corporate scheme, while knowing it per se, is a bad thing

It's not if you're getting what you want out of the exchange which was my original point.

>I can be your pretty girl, an industry plant from the jews
What the FUCK did she mean by that?

then would the product you're receiving be an actual thing you desire and not a ploy to receive your support? you'd assume that if it were a corporate scheme the product would be near-indistinguishable from something of actual merit. one would assume the only method by which one differentiates between something of actual merit and corporate manufactured product is the correct measure (not only to detect its source but also some intrinsic manner in which it was created). no real appeal to formal logic here, just something to think on. i think there is likely a difference but i've never listened to this girl's music. think probably, if it were something made from money in imitation of other works, it would fall to this problem. to know something like this and still consume the product seems to me a weakness of will


its meme but its good. most of my intellectual and sensible energies are currently being channeled towards reconciling those two facts

holy shit she's really cute

Hi Clairo, are you really a jew qt?

can someone post the leaked picture of s/t?

nigga how does your picture get leaked on an anonymous cartoon forum unles you willingly post it yourself lmao