Matrix Energy Source?

Why didn't the machines just use chickens or some other animal for their energy source?

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because they wanted to give humans a shot at redemption

did you even watch the movie

poetic license

Because they had tons of corpses from the war to experiment on.

Because it had to be TERROR SWEAT!

Because the original idea was that our brains were being used as processors or some shit.

Do chickens and other animals even exist anymore

You know it doesn't make sense with a simple passing understanding of thermodynamics. Why then make this thread?

I'm going to presume Agent Smith didn't know the nature of the Matrix in the first movie, else he would know destroying Zion wouldn't mean a permanent vacation.

The real question is: Were normies too stupid to understand the original premise if Morpheus held up a calculator here instead of a battery?

The whole "humans can control the matrix" thing would have been easier to understand too.

The original script had them using humans for their brains to improve processing power. The Studio folks thought that would be too confusing for a 99/2000 crowd.

American audiences are most definitely too stupid to understand a metaphor more complicated than a battery.

The calculator angle wouldn't make sense either, but yeah, it would have been much much better than claiming that humans are the one thing in the universe that doesn't follow conservation of energy.

they have hovercraft technology, maybe even going above the black clouds and harvesting the sun's energy from orbit should be feasible... or how about nuclear energy?

This. Human's are not 'powering' the matrix in terms of electricity, they are 'powering' it in the same way that a CPU powers all the tasks in your computer.

They would have been able to understand it, but it would have taken more thought or explanation which the producers thought would detract from the general public's enjoyment of the flick.

because they were pissed at the humans

As humans used machines as slaves, machines wanted to return the favor.

user its not just a cloud. They're nano machines that fry any electronics that go above it. Remember when neo and trinity went above the clouds and the ship went dead?

>combined with a form of fusion

humans were just being harvested for ATP as an energy transport vehicle

to be fair, that would've also meant having morpheus say "humans only use ten percent of their brain."

The franchise would've been dead in the water after that.

Why would it have meant that?

I like to think the machines couldn't bring themselves to wipe humanity out after they were defeated, and so created the matrix. Since their machines they used the humans as batteries to recoup some energy from the bodies as a matter of efficiency.

Just because the son is gone doesn't mean chemical and nuclear energy stops working. Or even hydroelectric or tidal generators.

If you watch the animatrix, they seem surprisingly positively predisposed towards humans, even after slaughtering them in horrific ways. IIRC, the final machine, when demanding a human surrender, said something like "give us your flesh, and we will give you a new world". Plus we know that the original matrix was a paradise, so they obviously wanted to keep the humans happy.

The audience that thinks the Matrix is a good work of science fiction would be exactly the same audience that would accept "MUH TEN PURSE ANT!"

>we can supply all the energy the machines will ever need by banging this stick against this rock combined with this perpetual energy machine.

They also tried making the first matrix a paradise.

Jr. still loves us.

Yeah, I thought that was kind of interesting. Because the war was really brutal.

>humans nuking machines
>machines flattening human cities
>humans getting literally ripped to pieces by machines
>humans dying slowly and painfully by machine-engineered illnesses
>humans surrender
>immediately, you get a relatively happy simulation, a little kid playing in the snow, running to his parents

It's sad because they've been enslaved, but by human standards it was shockingly merciful. Shows that the AI are more emotional than they let on.

Have you not played Zelda? Do you know what happens when you screw with chickens?

No, the world has basically been wiped out of other creatures. Even after the devastating war seen in the animatrix, the movies take place a few centuries after that

Not to mention the humans fucking the world by creating a permanent storm cloud around the globe in an attempt to choke off the machines original solar power supply.

Not the greatest idea since humans are even more dependent on the sun.